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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

June 2021 – A Detour On The Roadmap

Updated: Jul 6, 2021

Tuesday 1 June Ah, June and sunshine at last. The Indian variant is still taunting us, but for the first time in eight months there were no deaths recorded from Covid. The age groups for vaccination are coming down into the early thirties and Ian has had his second jab. Fatty from The Bash Street Kids has been renamed Freddy! Oh dear, the world is so uptight. Colin was away, so Paul just pottered, and I had a lovely swim in the afternoon. Watched the last of The Pact on BBC1; there was something about it I really didn’t care for and yet it was a very good drama. Wednesday 2 June Another scorcher and the traffic was piled up on the A64 as far as the eye could see, I felt sorry for them because the cloud on the distant horizon usually means a sea fret. Some of them might possibly make Scarborough in time for Fish and Chips for tea. I cycled to the surgery for my annual check-up and then in a fit of energy changed the sheets, did two washes and spring cleaned the kitchen. Dad said it was raining in Southampton. Ian rang in the evening. Lovely. Thursday 3 June A slow dull start, but it wasn’t cold. We cycled off down to the river, and over on the new Railway bridge footpath, with its cheerful bank of Ox-eye daisies. Town was busy and there were lots of tourists round the Minster. We needed bread, so we jumped in the car and drove to Tadcaster, got a sandwich in Cooplands and sat by the River Wharfe. Plenty of Swifts or Swallows wheeling about, but they were a bit too high to identify. Back home, I did my ironing whilst watching a couple of episodes of Your Home Made Perfect. Authorities in China are bewildered as to why a herd of Elephants should wander through cities in South West China, destroying crops and houses. Probably getting their own back for taking all that Ivory. Spent time messaging with my cousin Paula, our aim is to reunite our dads who are elderly and frail. Friday 4 June I was in the wide-awake cub last night and didn’t want to get up this morning. But I set off early for my swim and was glad of it. Still no Audrey, but she can't swim until they know if her moles are cancerous. It was one of those beautiful, good to be alive mornings. The sun was high, and it was so peaceful. It was reasonably quiet at the supermarket too, so we were back in time to listen to the last episode of Alfie Moore’s ‘It’s A Fair Cop’. What a laugh. I was so comfortable that I dozed off and woke refreshed. BLTs for lunch, thank you Paul. Did quite a bit of gardening, especially weeding round the bird bath. The birds were not using it because it was getting too overgrown. It was quite rewarding to see them coming down later for a drink. I wonder how they knew what I'd done? Saturday 5 June Happy Birthday Jonathan, may the wind be at your back and justice your best friend. Summer at last and I've put on a dress and some nice sandals! I had breakfast in the garden, it was lovely soaking up the sun and listening to the songs of endless blackbirds. Very little traffic around! We parked on South Parade in Northallerton and were delighted to find a new place called South Side Coffee House which has opened up since we were last there. We enjoyed our refreshments and will definitely go again. Traffic has been banned from the main street during market day, which has reduced the crush of people and made things a bit more relaxed. We sat and read when we got home. My cousin Paula messaged to say that her dad has been admitted to hospital and it’s not looking good. I feel so sad for her, and just as we were hoping to get our two aged parents reunited.

Sunday 6 June Warm, but cloudy. We took our bike ride up past the University. It was very quiet and there was nothing doing at the Covid testing station. Walmgate Stray looked lovely in yellow with all the buttercups in flower. It wasn’t hugely busy down by the river, but we did come across Ann and Mick out for a walk. It wasn’t warm enough to sit out for lunch, so we sat in the back room and read and the next thing I knew I was asleep! Dad has agreed to let Fred take him to see his brother when he comes out of hospital. A big cruise ship has anchored in the Venice lagoon, how stupid is that? I thought they were stopping them because the wash they create is helping to destroy the ancient city. Message from Paula, my Uncle Stuart is in a very bad way now. Monday 7 June The message on my phone was from Paula, her dad passed away this morning. R.I.P. Uncle Stuart, no more pain. After that sad start I was glad of my swim, then I rang Joy and Auntie Olive to make sure they had the news and were ok. I seem to be getting worse for my lunchtime naps, but it is nice, and I can get through the day better. The thunder certainly didn’t disturb me. There was a dreadful accident in Pakistan when two trains collided. It is thought that one had derailed and smashed into the other. Old Donny Trump is back sounding his horn. Twitter have suspended his account again and he’s not happy. He will see that they pay for it when he gets back into the White House! Like that’s going to happen any time soon. Wonderful, bright summer sunset. Tuesday 8 June Another lovely sunny morning so I took my breakfast out into the garden and listened to the bird song. Makes a nice change from all the angry news we get. I cycled down to the shops at East Parade, it was so pleasant and there were so few people about. Had a chat with Steve Ackroyd, he’s ok but sad that he can’t play golf anymore. The exciting news was that Jenny is having another baby, I hope all goes well. Paul played snooker with Colin and came back sweating from his cycle ride. It was hot. I sat in the summer house and read; it was lovely being outside in a shady spot. Steak and chips for tea. Yum yum. I could just see the back and head of Mrs Deer as she wandered gently through the long grass on the field. Wednesday 9 June Some like it hot so they say, and I’m one of them. It’s a perfect day and I enjoyed my swim. Off to the hospital for a blood test, then a bit of shopping and home for breakfast. My breathing has really improved since I started the breathing exercises a year ago. I can breathe in and out through my nose much more easily; my asthma hardly bothers me and even my hay fever hasn’t been so bad. Paul cleaned the car, its first wash for three months! A girl saved her twin sister's life from a Crocodile by whacking it in the face. The trade wars with the EU are getting stupid. Why should Brussels stop us from selling our sausages and cheeses to Northern Ireland, just because they are frightened the republicans might want to buy them. Had a Mammogram this afternoon, an essential evil. Your breasts get squashed and nipped and put in strange positions then you put your clothes back on and say thank you! Paula is choosing music for her dad’s funeral.

Thursday 10 June A cloudy start, but the sun was up there. It would have been Prince Philip’s 100 birthday today had he lived a little longer. I was really interested in Andrew Neill’s opinion of the Woke brigade. Really, it’s an end to freedom of speech as we know it and we can’t let that happen. The Pheasant was wandering down the street as I slipped out for some bread. It looked very confused, ‘where did the field go?’ We haven’t been to Thornton le Dale to see Julia and Colin since early last year, so it was lovely visiting them again. We sat in their pretty garden with Swallows flying above us in a perfect sky. Plenty of news to catch up on and the scones with Raspberry jam and cream were a real treat. Maya Forstater lost her job in 2019 after tweeting that “male people are not women”, but today she has won her appeal citing freedom of speech. Friday 11 June John and Russell both celebrate their birthdays today. Happy birthday, I hope you each have a lovely day. It was dull but warm when I went for my swim, and even going to see Sue at the hairdressers, but by eleven o’clock it had turned cool and was trying to rain. I grabbed a chocolate Croissant from the Co-op I was so hungry, and oh, was it delicious. The queue at the chemist was awful, I suppose Friday is topping up day! Audrey is ok. Her skin moles turned out to be benign, so I shall take her swimming again next Friday. It brightened up after lunch so we cut the grass. The garden waste has still not been collected 2 days later. Monkey pox is the next thing. How on earth did that evolve? It looks horrible, and it is horrible.

Saturday 12 June

Nice morning, I wonder if they will collect the garden waste today. I heard so much about the Eclipse and the ring of fire that I really wanted to see it, but I’ve missed it; in fact I don’t even know when it was! The Mecca building in Fishergate is to be replaced by yet more b****y student accommodation. Howden is a peaceful little town, with a lovely, gentle atmosphere despite the hundreds of new homes springing up on its outskirts. After a bite to eat, we strolled round Ashes Park with its wonderful children’s playground, and the Minster and decided that it would be a good place to bring a picnic. The roads were surprisingly quiet, even the A64 had no tailbacks. Finn loves his Spinning Spaghetti Fork, and even had it with him to eat his breakfast cereal!

Sunday 13 June

We jumped on our bikes and rode out down Stockton Lane, onto the bike track and James Street, across Hull Road and over to the river. There were lots of people on the Millenium bridge and the river walk past Rowntrees Park, all enjoying the sunshine. We made our way over to Lendal bridge and it was even busier there, but York is used to the crowds. It was nice to get off the bike and sit on a comfortable seat. After lunch I sat in the summer house and read a book about Breathing. It was rather boring, but it all makes a lot of sense and I sat for quite a while, relaxing and just breathing through my nose. The health benefits are amazing.

Monday 14 June

Not a bad day, but very windy. I had my swim and was out in double quick time and went over to Morrisons for the dry-cleaners. Took my prescription in to the surgery to apologise for it being late and spoke to a lovely receptionist. Half an hour later the practice Pharmacist rang me, and the problems were sorted. The Practice Manager has not replied to my complaint, but the staff are much more helpful now. Lunch, Art and a fair amount of talking with Denise and Moira; what’s not to like? Another phone call from the surgery, blimey I’m getting 1st class service now. The breeze is much colder and stronger than of late, coming off the North West. Another call, this one from the Practice Manager of the Surgery to apologise for my poor treatment! At last. I watched as the Barn Owl flew over the field, hunting for its supper in the growing dusk.

Tuesday 15 June

Another bonnie morning, but no sign of any deer or foxes, they will be there but the grass is just too long to spot them easily. I sat in the garden to have my breakfast and watched as a Bumble Bee bumbled across the lawn. What an epic journey. It was lovely meeting up with Ann, Anita and Gill at Deans Garden Centre and we had a good catch-up. I bought quite a few plants for the tubs before I left and planted them up after I had eaten my lunch. The bins won’t be emptied until the next scheduled date, so I brought it back in and replaced it with the normal refuse bin. Apparently a lack of drivers for the wagons is the problem.

Wednesday 16 June

A fine sunny morning so I took my breakfast into the garden after my swim. I’ve finally persuaded Paul to make a GP appointment so fingers crossed. McKenzie Scott has given away another two billion pounds to a number of deserving charities. Good for her, I wish more of the world’s uber rich had her attitude to helping the poor and needy. My Virtual Hospital appointment was not as exciting as it sounded, but everything is ok. The nurse was very nice and we wished each other a Happy Birthday for Monday when we realised we shared the same date. Serena won the Great British Sewing Bee and it was well deserved. All of them have turned out some amazing outfits and I envy their skill.

Thursday 17 June

We had rain overnight and it was still a bit damp this morning, but nothing to worry about. Paul went to the hospital for a blood test whilst I cycled off to see Penny. It was so lovely to see her after all the Covid months of lockdown and a chance to sit in her beautiful garden. There was a Blackbird’s nest and we could just see the chicks poking their beaks out; what a thrill. I went through town on my way home so that I could buy one or two essentials and promised myself a proper shopping day one day soon. So much better than staring at a screen and ordering on-line. Audrey is not in the clear after all and will have more tests. Uncle Stuart’s funeral will be on 2 July.

Friday 18 June

Got back from my swim to find that there was nothing for breakfast. The milk had gone off and we had no bread left, so I had some Mackerel. I could just make out a pair of Deer’s ears above the long grass, before it took flight at some noise. We set off for Belper at 11.30am and hit the most awful traffic jam on the A1. Then came the low cloud and seriously heavy rain, so driving was really unpleasant. We finally got to Belper for 4pm, had fish and chips for tea with Ellie, then Phil arrived home after a day of caving with a party of Year 6 school children. It had been a tiring day so we all turned in early (us to the Pub in our favourite suite).

Saturday 19 June

Phil and Paul collected Ian and Maria from the station and we were all together, exploring the changes Phil and Ellie have made to the house and garden. The first treat was afternoon tea at Makeney Hall which we had in a splendid conservatory set in a beautiful country house garden, and I had my birthday cake and some of my presents early. Even though the Derbyshire Dales seemed to be heaving with tourists, it was so peaceful where we were, and we enjoyed a stroll round the gardens. The next stop was an Open Garden in what looked like a humble bungalow but forget that. The garden opened up in to a two acre plot with a bit here where the chickens all scratched, then a pen for the geese and goats. Further on was a raised vegetable garden with loads of good produce. We wandered down a path and came across a sheltered glade with a bench, which led on to a miniature signal box and train signals. Next came a miniature canal complete with lock gates, and then down to a river walk. There was even a Boule pitch, so we all had a go. It was lovely. In the evening we went to a super Italian restaurant. Sadly, Ian and Maria had to return home after the meal as the Dog Sitting arrangement for Grace fell through, but I was just so glad that they could come in the first place and it was such a wonderful day.

Sunday 20 June

June and Audrey both have birthdays today. Happy birthday ladies. We packed up our belongings from the pub and went off to Phil and Ellie’s house where Sasha joined us for a lovely catch-up. Then it was back in the car, up the M1 and home. This time the journey only took two hours, thankfully. We dumped our stuff, went and got some food for the week and then had a welcome cup of tea and bite to eat.

Monday 21 June

I don’t mind sharing my birthday with Prince William, I think he’s a charming young man. I had my swim and came home to a pile of cards, presents, phone calls, messages and a quick visit from Ann. I felt very special, but I was also late for Art! Moira brought some Prosecco and Mark made us a super lunch as usual. I love Mondays and it’s thanks to Denise for keeping our little Art group going. I got home to more flowers, from Judy, Paüla and my cousin Paula, and Auntie Olive rang to wish me happy birthday. Then Paul made tea. It was a very lovely birthday.

Tuesday 22 June

Back down to earth, there’s washing and cleaning to be done and thank you letters to write. Paul set off to see the doctor and got the all clear, and then into town to meet Colin. Some more birthday cards arrived, I’ve got thirty four! I sat in the garden to have my lunch and was serenaded by the birds. It was so peaceful and nice in the sunshine. It was too nice to be in, so I pottered in the garden for a while. A nice quiet day after all the excitement. There were very few Swallows around last year, and the only birds that I’ve seen this year were in Tadcaster and Thornton le Dale. I miss them screaming around the sky in the summer sun, they are part of the season. Where have they all gone?

Wednesday 23 June

Happy Birthday to my dear sister-in-law, Anne. I hope you have a super day. With the sun shining, it was a morning to have breakfast in the garden and it was so lovely that I didn’t want to move, so I did my breathing exercises and let the sun into my lungs. We set off for John and Anne’s and spent a very pleasant couple of hours in their peaceful, sunny garden. Lovely scones. We came home and cut the lawns back and front, then wonder of wonders, the refuse men came and took the garden rubbish away at last.

Thursday 24 June

A warm night followed by a dull start, but the clouds generously let the sun through and it was really quite hot. I booked my train ticket for Southampton, what a price, even with a Senior Rail Card. We had a nice ride down the cycle track, over to Dodsworth Avenue, Muncastergate, across Malton Road and back down Stockton Lane to home. It’s amazing the amount of building projects there has been over the last year and some are still ongoing. It was warm enough for lunch in the garden, so we ate and watched as the birds came down for a drink and a bathe in the birdbath. The knives are out for Matt Hancock. Much to my surprise, it rained in the evening and on into the night.

Friday 25 June

A wet start, but not cold. I didn’t really want to get up but I dutifully went for my swim and enjoyed it. The roads were quiet out, even going up to the supermarket later, so it was nice to be in and out. My train tickets have arrived, and I checked to see that my rail card was still valid. Bacon butties for lunch, yum yum. A building in Florida has collapsed, just like that, no warning. The authorities have no idea how many people are trapped in the rubble either. We've got a leak in the toilet, the plumber is away, and Paul can't turn the stop tap for the water. There's water pouring through the kitchen ceiling! Mark came recommended, he saw and he fixed with little fuss. I had to ring Yorkshire Water to get them to turn off the outside Stop Tap which had seized up. I was holding for 35 minutes before I spoke to someone; interestingly it only took their worker 10 minutes to attend. By that time Mark had found a work-around. It was a late tea, but at least the problem was solved.

Saturday 26 June

Beverley was its usual bustling self for a Saturday. We managed to get a table at The Angel and enjoyed our lunch before wandering back through the main street and the market collecting bits of shopping as we went. A huge box was on the doorstep when we got home; it was a beautiful David Austin rose from Jane. Pink and smelling divine. There was a protest march in London, and I think the main focus was Freedom and probably a release of pent up emotion brought on by the Covid restrictions. The Tour de France has started; I love the sound of speed as the peloton whooshes past you. The usual idiot spectator rushed into the road with a sign for their grandparents and caused a real pile up. The police are looking for him/her and the race organisers intend suing if they catch up with them. TV is all sport at the moment but we managed to find Casablanca to watch. They don’t make ‘em like that anymore do they Sam?

Sunday 27 June

We had a good bike ride today. Down to the river, over the Millenium bridge along by Rowntree Park, Skeldergate, North Street and up to the railway bridge. Up Marygate, through Bootham Park (hope they don’t ruin it by developing it) on to the cycle track and back home. It’s the furthest I’ve been for a long time and I feel ok. Ian found a terrific photo of a Kingfisher diving for a fish. Matt Hancock has resigned and Sajid Javid is now in the hot seat.

Monday 28 June

Another dull day, but at least it’s not wet or windy. I do like Mondays, a nice swim followed by Art with Denise and Moira, and Mark’s chips for lunch. What’s not to like? Ellie leant me a jumper when I was cold and to my horror, I found a hole when I was ironing it. I have no idea where it’s come from, but it wasn’t there before I washed the jumper. She was so kind about it bless her. The Germans and the French are determined to keep the Brits out of Europe this summer, whilst the Spanish, Portuguese and Greeks are doing everything they can to get us into their countries.

Tuesday 29 June

The sun in the sky, deer on the field and breakfast in the garden; that’s the way to start the day. Did some shopping, then pottered in the garden for a while. The Orange Blossom is just stunning, but my Honeysuckle is dying, I hope it’s not lack of water. I’m getting a bit fed up with next door’s football landing in my garden and knocking my plants around. The boy is almost 18 and the ball has already broken a little statue. Fortunately, when I spoke to his mum, she was very apologetic, and I’m pleased to say that she had talked to him only yesterday about it. England beat Germany at football 2 – nil. Well I never!

Wednesday 30 June

I can’t believe it’s the last day of June. Canada is having a heatwave to end all heatwaves. Even the Brown Bears have been seen plunging into swimming pools. Met Rod and Joyce in Helmsley, which was very busy despite the dull day. It was nice to enjoy some lunch and have a catch up. Joyce is another on the list waiting for an operation. Good luck with that sweetheart. Rod has been busy in his allotment and everything looks green and wholesome. Phil is home for a couple of days seeing old friends; it’s always lovely to have him around. A woman has been arrested for causing the dreadful accident at the start of the Tour de France

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Another busy month for you both. Looking forward to our next catch up. Rod&Joyce

Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin

Looking forward to it already. hope for a bit of sunshine next time 😎 xx



Lovely memories from a great weekend in Belper ☺️ So glad you had a happy birthday

Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin

Thank you Ellie, it was a weekend I shall always treasure.

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