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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

October 2022 - Be Brave, It’s a New World

Saturday 1 October Happy 2nd Wedding Anniversary to Phil and Ellie; where did the time go? I wish you both a lifetime of love and laughter. I hope you had a lovely day out walking in the Peak District. The meal at Alchemilla looked amazing. It was a lovely sunny morning and Daphne should have no problem getting her holiday washing done and dried. There are hopes that the remains of Keith Bennett have been found on Saddleworth Moor where the evil murderers Myra Hindley and Ian Brady buried him. Sadly, his poor mum has already died. A Bradford woman claims to have seen three crocodiles swimming in the sea at Filey. Um, really? Back to train strikes and York station was deserted today. Why is it ok for bankers to have huge bonuses, but workers to fight for every penny. Hurricane Ian is still wreaking havoc as it races across South Carolina. I’m really glad I don’t live anywhere near these hurricane zones. We drove up to Easingwold to have lunch in the Olive Branch. The town gets very busy on a Saturday, but we were lucky enough to get a seat. There is usually music in the market square and today was no different with quite a large band playing. We got back to the car just as the heavens opened, and it rained all the way home. But as we turned off Stockton Lane into our drive, we saw that the pavements were dry! No rain here. I read something about kids in care today not all being trouble. I’ll say. My brother and I were brought up in care and we have never been trouble. It’s the people who cause you to be there who are the problem.

Sunday 2 October What a gorgeous, sunny, autumn day. It makes you feel good to be alive. I hope it’s nice for the runners in the London Marathon, I wish them a good day but I’m happy to say that I was still in bed when they set off. A man has been charged with the murder of Olivia Pratt-Korbel and a second man with assisting him. Good. Give them stiff prison sentences and all the time in the world to think about what they have done. A Head Teacher says that he is losing staff all the time because teachers can’t afford to stay in their jobs. What mystifies me is where do they go? All jobs have their stresses and what do they do that is better paid and has such a good pension? We had a nice bike ride up to M&S at Vanguard Park, it was warm enough to be without a coat and the wind blew us home. I’m still in love with the spruced up back hedge and it inspired me to get busy and do some gardening. Then Paul cut the grass back and front which made it look even better. Daphne has an appointment for an MRI scan but has to go on her own. I find that really tough. It’s a time when you really need company. It was lovely talking to the family on our first internet chat since the wedding. Monday 3 October Happy birthday Ann, I hope you have a good day, and we will spoil you when we can. It was a good start to the day with a beautiful sunrise. A bit cooler than yesterday as autumn creeps in. The pool was quiet again for a Monday, but that’s ok, it’s nice to swim. I slipped to Home Bargains whilst it was quiet and then got ready for Moira to go to Art. Mark made lunch, but whilst I was out of the room Denise hid the chips and pretended that there was none left for me. Cheeky monkey. Maria sent the official wedding photos in a link, and they are just gorgeous. In his simplicity of style, the photographer has captured so much intimacy and love. In an amazing U-turn the government has dropped its plans to cut tax. Perfect Prefect Truss did not stand by her man though, and Kwasi Kwarteng was left to eat humble pie. There’s no loyalty in that relationship. Joyce’s hip operation has been a complete success. She has been for her first bike ride in two years and said it was a great feeling. Back to Mastermind, and I still think that Clive Myrie is the best presenter so far. Tuesday 4 October It was dull and mild, and the pool was quiet. Something about darker mornings, but they will get a whole lot darker in the coming weeks. A man walking along a beach in Wales happened across 30 black bags containing cocaine which had washed ashore after a storm. I’m glad it will never reach the open market, I hate recreational drugs with a passion, they just destroy lives. I met Gail and Helen at the Minster for a coffee. It was good to see Helen again and know that she is settled in her new job. I finished my ironing and then went to help Andrew sort out some paperwork. Colin beat Paul again at Pool, he really must try harder. I spoke to Jo about her forthcoming cataract operation. She just wanted some reassurance, and it was nice to be able to tell her how simple and straightforward it all is. MP and Chairman of the Conservative Party Jake Berry has suggested that if people can’t pay their bills, they should get a better paid job. I can’t understand why he is an MP at all because he clearly doesn’t know a thing about the lives of ordinary people. Philomena is back on tv with ‘Cunk on Earth’ it is so wonderfully silly and much better than the average programme that passes for comedy nowadays. Wednesday 5 October Mild and wet, the less liked of autumn days, but there are three deer on the field so I’m happy. Borders College in Galashiels has, amongst other things, a course on how to look after chickens. It seems that with the cost of living crisis more people are wanting to learn about growing their own food, foraging and gathering wild mushrooms. The Tory conference is turning into a real treat for the pundits as Perfect Prefect Truss struggles to keep control. I think the message here is to look after ourselves, and remember to vote wisely in each and every election. The leaves are turning the most splendid colours and even with the rain and dismal sky the trees made everything look much brighter as we drove up to see Anne and John. We missed Anne by minutes as she had a dental appointment, but John welcomed us and gave us a nice cup of tea. The sun came out briefly after lunch and suddenly the hedge was alive with Sparrows hopping and chirping. They were after the bird bath and at one point there must have been at least seven of them having a lovely splash about. It was almost like Saturday morning at the swimming pool the way they flew down, jostled for a space, had a bathe, then flew off again. There’s very little news of Hurricane Ian now, except that Alligators and Snakes have been stranded in the streets of some Florida towns. That’s pretty scary. The wonders of what is achieved on The Repair Shop continue to have me in tears on a Wednesday night. Thursday 6 October There was a cool wind blowing this morning, a reminder of what is to come in the next few months, and it is getting harder to get up and go, but the sooner I get in the pool the better. It was quiet once again, but I spend so much time talking before I get in that some days the swim is secondary. One thing I can’t do though is swim and talk. I nipped out for some bread and milk and called to make a hair appointment. Luckily someone had not turned up, so I happily filled the gap. I saw Lynne on the way home; I must make time to show her the wedding photos. The day got slowly better as the sun broke through and I spent a good hour gardening after lunch. Yes, me gardening, and I enjoyed it. A former policeman has killed 34 people in Na Klang, Thailand, 23 of which were children. I wonder what drives people to this dreadful rage that they can’t control. The sadness and grief they cause is almost too overwhelming to contemplate. Friday 7 October The air was fresh this morning, and I quite liked it. Daphne was already in the pool and having a swim before going to the Nuffield for an MRI scan. She will be fine and it’s such a lovely peaceful place, it puts you at your ease just being there. Ian says he will come up for a few days with Grace, woohoo, I’m looking forward to that already. It would be even nicer with Maria too, but you can’t have everything. What good are billionaires? I suppose it’s all about ego and power. Putin is strutting and waging war because he can, Elon Musk grinning inanely at what he can and can’t buy, Jeff Bezos who enslaves his workers and can’t be bothered to pay them a decent wage, and that’s just three of them. Ian told me that the Corner Store coffee house on Peckham Road, London will close after the billionaire owner raised the rent through the roof. It will be small change to him, but now the owners will lose their livelihoods, the staff are out of a job, and the area will lose what was a lovely, friendly café. I was expecting rain for most of the day, but after a very heavy shower at lunchtime (which we just managed to miss) it was quite a pleasant afternoon. We went to meet Helen and Paul C for coffee, but I had the wrong day! Congratulations are in order for Maria who has been made Onsite Marketing Lead for Papier. It’s good to know that her hard work, leadership and cheerful enthusiasm have been recognised. I hope that Social Services in Wakefield will recognise the talents of Rachel when she takes up her new role; they are getting the very best. I wish you good luck and much happiness Rachel. Three good programmes to watch tonight, Ghosts, Have I got News For You, and Bob and Paul Gone Fishing; followed up by some Friday Night Dinner. That will do nicely. Saturday 8 October Happy birthday Molly, I can’t believe you are 9 already! Have a super day sweetie pie. The sun is up and it’s a glorious autumnal day, in fact I’ve dressed so warmly I will have to change into something lighter. There was an explosion on the Kerch bridge that links Crimea to Ukraine, putting it out of action as a route for the Russian Army deploying armaments. It is seen as quite a setback for Putin. The Ukrainians are coming Vladimir. There are warnings that Covid is on the rise again, we still have some masks and test kits, so I think I’ll keep them handy. A devastating explosion at a petrol station in Creeslough, in Northwest Ireland has left ten people dead and others are feared trapped under the rubble. That’s a lot of heartache for a small community to bear. The sun shining on the autumn leaves is what makes this time of year special and the journey through to Beverley was beautiful. It was very busy in the market and main street and loads of people with dogs rather curiously, but it is good to see people out and enjoying life again. Covid has a lot to answer for. We’re back to Strictly Come Dancing again and there is a split already. The good, the mediocre and the, well let’s just call it entertaining. Having said that, I couldn’t do it, much as I’d love all the glamour, makeup and lovely dresses. Sunday 9 October I was cross with myself for sleeping in on such a beautiful morning. We won’t have this lovely weather for much longer and I hate to waste it. I don’t understand why Nicola Sturgeon is still chasing down the dream of Independence. Surely her job is to look after the Scots and their well being not spending millions of public money on political campaigns. Protesters in Iran in support of justice over the death of Mahsa Amini managed to hack a tv broadcast replacing the screen with a mask and an image of the Supreme Leader in a halo of flames. It’s good to see the Iranians fighting back, I only hope they are successful in their goal. More gardening and the bin is almost full. Paul brought a bacon buttie out and I sat on the garden bench to eat my lunch, and when I looked up it was the Sparrows’ bath time again. They were all over it. I love to see and hear the songbirds in the garden, but Sparrows are so wonderfully cheeky that it’s hard to resist them. We cut the lawns but when I went to fill my watering can for some of the pot plants, disaster struck. I couldn’t turn the tap off. Fortunately, Paul was in shouting distance, but even he had to use a wrench. We will have to get the plumber to sort the tap out as it drives us bananas. I just saw two deer scuts before they disappeared into the treeline. Monday 10 October The air was clean and fresh after the overnight rain, and the sky a dazzling ice blue in the rising sun. I was startled by the sight of the full moon which was setting as I drove out along Stockton Lane. It was so big and beautiful that I had to stop and admire it. We were all ready for the new front door to be installed, but 10am came and went and there was no sign of the fitter. I rang Minister windows, and the problem was soon sorted out. The new door looks super too. Moira is on holiday, and it was strange going off to art without her, and no Daisy watching out for the mouse and the squirrels; but we had ham, egg and chips for lunch which more than made up for it. Out on the back field, there were two sets of ears poking up from the grass; the deer will have to do better than that to hide. Putin is retaliating against the Ukraine for blowing up the bridge over the Kerch Strait to Crimea, even though there is conflicting evidence as to who is responsible. Was it a Ukrainian offensive or was it the FSB Russia’s Secret Service? I wouldn’t put it past them. A second Scottish Referendum will be held next October – best of three Nicola? We’ve put the summer duvet away and the winter one felt cosy and warm having spent the summer on the hot water tank.

Tuesday 11 October There was a definite nip in the air this morning and I quickly fished my gloves out before driving off to the pool. But once the sun had started to climb, it got warmer. Jan is off to Egypt on holiday tomorrow and my heart goes with her. It was nice to hear that Rachel’s first day in the new job at Wakefield went well. I know it’s only her induction, but it was a good start and she finished bang on time. I sorted out some paperwork, paid for the new front door and headed out into the sunshine. The last few days have been all about high clouds with Buzzards circling and having fun in the warm autumnal sun. But today, apart from a lone Heron, there were only hot air balloons drifting across the sky. Four deer have been on the field all day, I’ve seen them every time I passed a window. What joy. I nipped up to Monk’s Cross and bought a new swimming costume before my old one embarrassed me by falling to pieces and when I got home the Snake’s Head Fritillary bulbs had been delivered in a box on the doorstep. I’m looking forward to planting them. Somebody in the world of signwriting must be dyslexic. First there was the signpost for Thirsk spelled Thrisk, now it’s Brimingham, or as we know it Birmingham. It makes me chuckle to see things like that. Wednesday 12 October I woke with a thumping headache and have no idea why. Paul brought me two paracetamol and I snuggled down for another hour which did the trick, then I spent the morning filling the washing machine and cleaning. The little family of deer are still roaming the field. I looked out at one point to see a line of white scuts; I have no idea what had attracted their attention. The birds have noticed that Paul has put fat balls out and were having a good feed, but they all flew away in fright when a Sparrow Hawk landed on the bird bath. I put an advert in the Press to sell Paul’s motorbike. He’s loved it and looked after it well, but I think his motor-cycling days are over. The roads are so bad that he just doesn’t enjoy it anymore. That’s sad. Charles will be crowned King Charles III on Saturday 6 May 2023 in a very simple ceremony at Westminster Abbey, with Camilla being crowned Queen Consort at the same time. It is really obvious that Charles does not like Perfect Prefect Truss, and it will be interesting to see if she is still PM when the time comes. Marmalade makers might be quaking in their shoes at the news that Seville Oranges are under attack from Yellow Dragon Disease, a deadly virus spread by tiny insects. Once it spreads into the crop there is no known antidote.

Thursday 13 October You can’t go to the pool with a new swimming costume and have nobody comment, and somebody spotted mine in the first two minutes. It was very comfortable. After a damp start, the sun soon got cracking and it was the most glorious of autumn days. The ride over to Saltburn was just heavenly as the trees are all in green, gold, yellow, bronze and a deep, luxurious red. The sea was calm and flat, and the air was golden. What a lovely place to be. We walked along the Esplanade and took the Cliff Tramway down to the seafront. It’s such a masterpiece of engineering and so attractive to look at with its stained glass windows and wooden slatted seats. The operators were all smartly dressed which just added the finishing touch. Very Victorian. We had a nice walk across the beach and watched whilst a very brave man went down to the sea for a swim. Well, I think that was the idea, but after about five minutes of dithering on the edge and wading up to his waist, he changed his mind and came out. He’s no fool. Ian sent a photo of the Øresund bridge that links Denmark and Sweden, where he is filming for B1M. I am extremely envious; it is a landmark I would love to see and a bridge I should like to cross. RIP Angela Lansbury who has died at the age of 96, just five days short of her 97th birthday. She certainly packed a lot of living into her time on earth. Apparently, it is taboo to talk about a miscarriage in Southeast Asia. How sad; we need to express grief otherwise we become overwhelmed with sadness and that has a knock-on effect on our lives. Imtiaz Fazil has had 22 miscarriages and I admire her courage in trying to make people see how important it is to talk. We watched Robert Popper’s new comedy ‘I Hate You’ and I’m not sure that it has the charm of Friday Night Dinner, but we’ll see.

Friday 14 October Happy birthday Julia, the sun is shining, and I hope you have a fabulous day. The bathroom window was lit with the red of the rising sun, but by the time I had got downstairs the sky was icy blue and streaked with shocking pink. I love this time of year. Dramatic skies, and sunshine; the trees emblazoned in red, golds, bronze and all mixed together to make your jaw drop at the beauty created by nature. I spotted ‘swimming Julia’ at the supermarket, I haven’t seen her since the start of Covid, but she may come back. That would be lovely. We went over to Helen and Paul’s after lunch for a catch up, the time always passes quickly when we are there, they are such good company. It had rained whilst we were at their house, the result of which was a beautiful double arc rainbow. Hopefully there will be a beautiful sunset too, but if not tonight, there is always tomorrow. I had to giggle at the report of an ATM giving out free cash in Dundee. I wish I’d been there; I’d have taken the money and run! Andrew messaged to say that his cousin who visited for two days has tested positive for Covid, so we will keep our distance for the time being. Oh no, that wonderful man Robbie Coltrane has died, he was only 72 and three months older than me! What a talent and super man the world has lost. RIP Robbie. The political Panto hit a new low today when Kwasi Kwarteng riding the pantomime horse fell under a bus, or was he pushed. Anyway, a tight lipped Perfect Prefect Truss said it was his own fault and appointed Jeremy Hunt with the mad staring eyes, as Chancellor. Watch out, she’s behind you Jeremy. The episode of Ghosts was really touching, and Bob and Paul caught some excellent fish on some beautiful stretches of water. But Have I Got News for You was the best this series and even Paul Merton was on fire for a change.

Saturday 15 October The sun came out after a damp start, but the wind was brisk and chilly. I didn’t mind too much as it dried my white jacket very quickly. Paul didn’t want to go far as he was hoping somebody would ring wanting to buy the motorbike, so we drove through to have lunch at Leoni’s in Malton. There are a lot of visitors in the town these days, which is great. Once upon a time all of the traffic flowed through the main street on its way to the coast, with nobody stopping, but that was over 40 years ago, and the town is so much better without it. It was still sunny when we set off for home, but you could see the dark cloud heading for us from quite a long way off, then a squall hit us on the bridge as we drove over the A64. Within seconds the trees were being tossed around like rag dolls and the leaves were swirling and dancing down the road. Then as suddenly as it began, it passed over and all was calm again. Covid deaths are beginning to be reported again, let’s hope that it doesn’t get a hold like before. There are thousands of deaths every year from ordinary flu anyway, so it’s a case of keeping fit and healthy. The house is noticeably warmer with the new front door, and the hall is lighter too. A cold shiver went down my spine when I heard that General Sergei Surovikin has been appointed Commander in Chief of the Russian forces in Ukraine. It is not for nothing that he is known as General Armageddon, and he will be remembered for overseeing the destruction of Aleppo. He is so ruthless that man, woman, child and his own granny will not be spared. Fred sounded in good spirits when I rang. Fleur East and Vito Coppola did the most amazing Argentine Tango on Strictly. It was spell binding. Sunday 16 October What a gloriously sunny autumn day, although to my shame I got up quite late having slept wonderfully well. The runners on the Yorkshire Marathon will have been up and away hours ago, and it’s a nice day for it. I read that the only thing keeping Perfect Prefect Truss in power is that the Tories can’t work out what to do! That’s the feeling that comes across too. Apparently, the apple harvest this year will yield a bumper crop because it’s been the right kind of season. I can tell that by the sight of heavily laden fruit trees all along the motorways where passing motorists have lobbed apple cores out of their windows many years ago. One of my least favourite jobs is cleaning the deep fat fryer, but I followed a tip and put a dishwasher tablet in with some water and switched it on for ten minutes. The result was quite astonishing as the grime was all melted and made cleaning so much easier. I finished off tidying the garden borders ready for winter and I could see the Sparrows keeping a wary eye on me. There was one on top of the hedge keeping guard and when they realised I was no threat they came down on to the fat balls and had a good tuck in. I don’t think they were brave enough for the bird bath with me around, so I washed it out and put fresh water in, then went indoors for a sit down and well deserved rest. Monday 17 October

Here’s to a very happy 80th birthday Barry, have a super day. It’s getting noticeably darker on a morning, but it was quite mild after the overnight rain, with a promise of a nice day. The pool was really quiet, and I wondered if some of the swimmers had been in the Yorkshire Marathon yesterday and were taking it easy. A warm breeze and lots of sun made it a perfect washing day, and some of the items were dry within the hour. It was nice to see Moira, and it sounded as if she had a good holiday with her sister in beautiful Bamburgh. She went for a flu jab mid-morning, so we arrived a little later at Denise and Mark’s for our art session. Jeremy Hunt with the mad staring eyes, gave us a mini budget which basically reversed everything that Kwasi and Perfect Prefect Truss laid out in their budget last month. I’m sad to say that not only does Perfect Prefect Truss give women a bad name but she has managed to trash her own credibility too. The murmurs for her to go are now angry cries as she becomes the face that dashed a thousand hopes. Paul watched the motorcycling whilst I had a lovely long telephone chat with Phil.

Tuesday 18 October

Another quiet morning in the pool. It’s getting harder to get out of bed, so I go into auto-pilot mode and that helps a lot. The US government have released information on what to do in the event of a nuclear explosion. Apart from the fact that I wouldn’t want to survive such an event I found the advice of little use, especially the bit where you had to contact the emergency services if you were hurt. Really? Surely they would be looking after themselves. Good plumbers are hard to find, and we really appreciate ours. He came to service the boiler and he also fixed our horrible wobbly tap. What a relief. I set off into town for some shopping then went on to visit my lovely friend Penny. I said I would be there at 1.30 and I wasn’t far out. Penny is clearly a poorly lady which is hard to see, but her spirit is still obvious. It was nice to see Dave as well as he has been out the last few times that I called. We put the wedding photos on the laptop to enjoy looking at. It made me really happy when she called me Hed and gave me a huge grin as I left. I managed to get my shopping secured on my bike and set off for home, this time along the bike track as on my way to Penny’s I was nearly knocked off my bike by a female motorist who ignored my fully outstretched right arm and got too close for comfort. The cartoons are coming thick and fast for Perfect Prefect Truss and to say she is not popular is an understatement of huge proportions. Phil and Ellie are going to Bamburgh next weekend and Ellie rang to say that there was room at the accommodation for us if we wanted to go. We would love to, but it’s Colin’s party that weekend. Se la vie. I enjoyed our Tuesday tea out at Deans with Ann and Anita.

Wednesday 19 October

The sun didn’t put in much of an appearance today and the wind was quite chilly. Rod and Joyce came for coffee. It was lovely to see them, and Paul was dying to open the new front door and greet them. Happily, they were most impressed. I had promised them scones, but we ended up having egg, and ham sandwiches and lemon drizzle cake. I’m ashamed to say that I never ventured out all day, which is a rare occurrence for me. It is upsetting to read what the Europeans think of our political landscape, but sadly we deserve it. A few years ago we would have mocked the Greeks or the Italians for being hopeless, but the shoe is on the other foot now. The BBC is celebrating 100 years and I’ve lived through 72 of them. I have to say there is nothing to cheer about anymore. Most of the best tv programmes were done in the 70s and 80s, and even the radio is not as entertaining or informative as it once was. I used to tune into Radio 4 for most of the day, and now I rarely switch it on. I certainly don’t like the new-wave comedians and get tired of their continual use of foul language as if it’s the norm. Suella Braverman has resigned as Home Secretary; it strikes me that she can see the writing on the wall and is distancing herself for the sake of her career. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Thursday 20 October What a dismal day. The pool was still nice and quiet, and I got through my lengths fairly quickly. We hopped on the Coastliner over to Leeds and set of for the Royal Armouries. It’s not a long walk from the bus station but even so, we were very wet by the time we arrived. We managed to see two of the little re-enactments that they put on and they were quite impressive. Another walk over the bridge and we were dripping wet again by the time we got to the pub. On my first glance left I was disappointed to see our little snug was crowded, but on my second glance right I was overjoyed to see the headline on the tv that Perfect Prefect Truss has resigned. It is the best decision she has made in a long while. So, the lettuce won. I was happy until somebody mentioned the ‘B’ word. No, we do not want Baron Blunderbuss Boris back; don’t they know that the pantomime ends when the baddie is banished? I love the special council sign in the scruffy roadside grass that reads ‘Relaxed Mowing Area’. What a good idea for saving money and cutting down on looking after things. The American diplomat’s wife Anne Sacoolas has made a plea of guilty of causing the death of Harry Dunn by dangerous driving. It was the right thing to do as the guilt would have haunted her over the years. Also, for Harry’s family who can grieve for him properly and know that justice has been served. I had to chuckle when I read that a Russian lawyer maintains that Putin’s mental health is not good. No kidding. The rest of the world recognised that a long time ago. Friday 21 October A murky, misty start and there was little traffic about as I drove to the pool, but tons of white vans in the car park. It always seems to be like that on a Friday. The men are working on the conversion of the old Rowntree's Cocoa Works into apartments and Friday must be a big day. We got our supermarket shopping done early for a change. There are loads of birds on the fat balls and the deer are all laid down in the wet grass. I have this increasing feeling of well being that started after my father died. I think it’s possibly that I no longer carry his burden of guilt and do not have to prove myself anymore. I always wanted to hear him say that he was proud of me, but that was never going to happen, and now I couldn’t give a toss. The new number plate for the front door arrived so Paul got that fixed straight away; it is the finishing touch and looks great. A rather large hamper arrived from Phil and Ellie for our wedding anniversary which was really special and very thoughtful. The speculation over who will be Prime Minister has started all over again, but this time we will know by Monday and not the usual delay. Have I Got News For You was epic and Ian Heslop was brilliant, as we knew he would be. I think he should be our PM and Martin Lewis our Chancellor. Then we could get back to some sensible fiscal policies and good ethical government. Saturday 22 October A lovely autumnal day, and I took advantage by doing two loads of washing and getting it out on the line to dry. We drove up to Northallerton through avenues of beautiful trees with their leaves of gold, bronze, red and green all highlighted by the sun. Every turn of the road brought another vista of joy. The town was busy too and we wandered through the main street with its market to the Garthway café for lunch. It’s funny but when you are young you always have something you need to buy and never the money, then as you get older you have the money, but you don’t really need to buy anything. 23 year old Jasmine Harrison has swum the whole of the length of the country. Her 900 mile swim began in July at Land’s End and ended in John O’Groats. Quite a feat. I really admire the people finding ways of beating the mortgage system and creating their own homes. It seems that little houses are cropping up all over the country, and with a bit of ingenuity and solar panels the cost is kept to a minimum. I was saddened by the harrowing report into Child Abuse in this country. It is something I will always rail against that in this, the 21st century children are still abused, exploited and even abandoned by people who should be protecting them, whilst the authorities turn a blind eye. Shame on us as a (worldwide) society that children cannot be kept safe and allowed to have a proper childhood. Strictly sagged a bit tonight, and I am beginning to get fed up with the lazy ones whose personality keeps them in the race rather than the performance.

Sunday 23 October Happy birthday Daphne, have a super day and a great year. Congratulations to me and my beloved husband too as we celebrate 49 years of happy marriage. It was a poor start with plenty of rain about, but then it depends how you look at it. We desperately need the rain, and we don’t have to go out and get wet. The leadership race for the Conservatives is on again, and this time Rishi Sunak is hot favourite. I know he’s loaded and went to Oxford, but so have the last god knows how many other Prime Ministers, so what’s new? There was a march in central London yesterday in favour of re-joining the EU. Whoever gets in to power has got a huge mess to sort out. The Russians are back attacking the Ukraine for all they are worth. It seems like savage desperation now to get the country to surrender or obliterate it. There is a sad truth here, that people will judge Russian people by Putin’s actions, but of the Russians I know or know of, that couldn’t be further than the truth. Like Germany in World War II, they are being led by a mad man who is out of control. Boris has stepped down as a candidate for the Tory leadership (phew) and immediately the pound went up in value. He said that he had enough backers, but once again he was lying as he only had 60 and he needed 100. Oh, Baron Blunderbuss, you will never change. Monday 24 October It was dark and wet when I set off for the pool, but not cold and the sun made a welcome appearance mid-morning. Moira came at 11.30 on the dot and we went off to Denise and Mark’s for our Art session and a jolly good natter. The news came in at 2.00pm that Rishi Sunak will be the next Prime Minister. It should have been him from the beginning, but better late than never and we can’t afford the time it takes for a general election. Over in Italy Giorgia Meloni has been sworn in as their new Prime Minister; I hope it works for them. The tablets that I take on a Monday make me feel queasy, and this week is no different, with the exception that it continued despite the paracetamol, and I was aware of it all night. Yuk. Tuesday 25 October A lovely start to the day and then the sun came out and it got even better. Manuela was at the pool this morning and it was lovely to see her, I will take the wedding photos in next Tuesday for her to see. There are howls of derision over Rishi Sunak’s wealth, but I’m trying to remember a PM who wasn’t loaded, as are most of the MPs. That’s probably why they don’t really understand the lot of the common man. I made a long shopping list ready to make the Christmas cakes, then nipped out to Sainsbury’s before the prices go any higher. I managed to persuade Andrew Y to go to KIT and get his laptop fixed, and he felt so much better for it. A woman was swallowed whole by a 16ft long Python whilst out at work tapping rubber on a plantation in Indonesia. Poor woman, what a horrible way to go. Gemma joined us for tea at Deans and it was really great to see her and hear all about her life in France and the new home that she and Jez are renovating. I hope we don’t have to wait another three years to see her again.

Wednesday 26 October It was a bright and breezy day, and very mild. We popped out to get a photo enlarged and spent some time trying to find the place as I forgot to take my phone and had also forgotten the directions. But job done and it was worth it. I can’t say that we did a great deal, and I began to feel guilty, so I put my boots and jacket on after lunch and went into the garden to plant some Daffodil and Snake’s Head Fritillary bulbs. They will look cheerful come the spring. Gill and John have come to the end of their mammoth walk along the coastlines of Wales and Anglesey. I am full of admiration for their achievement, and they will have so many memories. The updates and photographs on Facebook have been superb. I was torn between watching Portrait Artist of the Year and The Repair Shop and finally the Beeb won, mainly because King Charles was on. He came across as warm and sincere and I was so pleased to learn about his great support for the teaching of traditional skills. University is not the answer for every school leaver, and to send them into an academic scenario is setting them up to fail. We need a happy medium where people who are practical get the chance to succeed at their work. Watching Salvage Hunters is getting a bit tedious now, and T is such a scruffy so-and-so, it's quite insulting to see. Thursday 27 October Rain. What more can I say? But I’m not complaining as we do need it, but I hope that it stops at lunchtime and fares up for Andrew P and Shaz’s wedding. It is at 3.30 today in the Hospitium in the grounds of the Museum Gardens. I wish them so much love and happiness. I went to Morrison’s on the way home from swimming, it’s a great time to shop. More news from Russia and I’m beginning to feel sorry for the Russian soldiers. They are just cannon fodder in Putin’s mad war. There are lots of closures on local roads, but the good news is that they are being repaired; properly, and not with a patch here and a plug there. Nicola Sturgeon has demanded that Rishi Sunak tackle the cost of living crisis as a priority, which is a bit rich from someone whose priority is to spend millions of taxpayers’ money on another referendum. The Pride of Britain award ceremony took place honouring ordinary people for their acts of bravery, kindness and generosity of spirit. Why can’t we hear more about people like this instead of the constant doom and gloom that the media force feed us. No wonder everybody is feeling overwhelmed with all the sadness in the world. Ellie and Phil arrived in time for tea and an overnight stay on their way up to Bamburgh for the weekend. It is always lovely to see them.

Friday 28 October

It was dark and damp when I set off for my swim, and the roads were so quiet. I think that many people must be either taking the Friday as leave or working at home because of the school holidays. It was sad saying goodbye to Phil and Ellie, but they will be back in a couple of weeks for a longer stay, and the sun came out for them as they left. A study in France of cat/human relationships has come up with the conclusion that cats can tell when their owners are talking to them. Why did they need a research study for that when most of us cat owners could had told them any day. The weather picked up mid-morning and it turned into a rather lovely day. It always tickles me when I look out on the field one minute and there are no deer, and if I look away then turn back, they appear as if by magic. They have usually been laid down, so that all you can see is the tips of their ears until they stand up. I fell asleep after lunch and was cross with myself for wasting the day, so I got the step ladders out and washed the guttering and soffits at the side of the house. I felt quite virtuous after that. I also remembered to refill the bird bath as they seem to be taking more baths than ever. Ellie sent some wonderful photos from Cragside, which they visited before booking into their accommodation. I hope the weather keeps up for them. It was the last episode of Ghost, sadly. I love the series; it is funny and original and very well acted.

Saturday 29 October

Another wet start, but with a bit of luck it will blow over. I changed the sheets and put a new duvet cover on. The cover is beautiful, but I’ve never seen anything like it; there was a funnel at the end for the duvet to go through and it was a real pain. I have decided I shall cut the funnel off and make a proper pocket opening. Three cheers to the crew of the Benarkle II for rescuing a Long-eared Owl 100 miles off the coast of Scotland. They took it on board, fed it some steak and it stayed happily in the wheelhouse until the fishing trip was over. The bird was then handed over to an Owl sanctuary. Jerry Lee Lewis, the wild man of the music business has died at the grand age of 87. RIP Jerry, you shocked my teenage years, and I loved it. Daphne’s scan results show no change which means thankfully that she can relax and forget it. Viewers are angry with the BBC presenters blithely discussing the cost of living crisis, whilst their own take home pay is £187,000. It’s the same as the MPs, what do they know about it, they are well and truly cushioned from any hardship. A drug smuggler's boat carrying a cocaine cargo worth £24 million has been destroyed by the Royal Navy. Hurray. Julia and Colin S arrived in good time for the taxi to take us to Colin’s 75th birthday bash. It was a good evening, and Colin was at his wittiest with his speech. It sounds daft I know, but when I looked around, everyone was old; well, they would be, but we can still enjoy ourselves. Sunday 30 October I’m pleased to say that Julia and Colin spent a comfortable night with us, and we had a good long natter before they headed off to M&S then home to Thornton-le-Dale. The Yorkshire Coastliner bus has been voted to have the most scenic bus ride in Britain for second time, over the Yorkshire Moors to Whitby. It is certainly a nice journey. It seems that everywhere you go is decorated with stuff for Halloween, talk about overkill. What is it with the ghosts, ghouls, witches and zombies? I’ve never wanted to be scared and I’m too old to start now. It wasn’t much of a drying day and just as the washing was almost satisfactory, it rained! Such is life. The roads were quite busy when I whizzed up to M&S, that extra hour makes all the difference, and yet it changes the day somehow. We caught up with last night’s Strictly before the Results show, and I thought Craig looked better as a woman than Shirley did as a man, but Anton made me laugh every time I looked at him. Nothing else to watch except good old Open All Hours. Monday 31 October Happy birthday Susanna, 50 years and you still look like a youngster. The sun was up when I went for my swim, it makes such a difference. I’m not looking forward to the endless dark days. I nipped to the hospital for my blood test thinking I wouldn’t be long, except the queue said different so it was gone 9.30 before I got my breakfast. The delay meant that I was just ready for Moira when she came, and off we went for another lovely Art session. The sun was out, and the wind blew, but again, it was not a good drying day and I’m trying so hard not to use the tumble dryer. Congratulations to Ben and Emma who have just become engaged. I wish you both much happiness. As this will be my last blog, I got to wondering what I would do with my time, and then I remembered all the jobs I want to do including gardening, learning Spanish, sewing and lots of creative art. And hopefully one day soon, a trip to Colombia to see Maria’s parents and her home town of Medellín.

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Nov 01, 2022

I'll miss your stories and reflections Hedy, what a journey it's been x Here's to your next chapter 😉

Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
Nov 01, 2022
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Thank you Ellie


Nov 01, 2022

I agree your son Hedy, will very much miss your monthly stories, but equally understand.

Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
Nov 01, 2022
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Thank you Daphne, I've enjoyed writing the blog, and hopefully it will become part of the Great Diary Project. Take care


Nov 01, 2022

So sorry to see this come to an end mum! I’ll really miss reading these x

Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
Nov 01, 2022
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Oh, thank you Ian, but it's run its course. I'm just really pleased that you enjoyed it all

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