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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

January 2021 – Janus, Roman god of beginnings and endings

Friday 1 January 2021 When I first started this daily diary of the flu outbreak in March of last year, I expected it to be over by the summer. Nine months later and the Government is still firefighting, although we do at least have a vaccine. It is not just the UK either, but the nations of the world who live in hope. But nothing lasts forever and even the Bubonic plague died out eventually. The frosts of recent days were absent this morning and after a showery start the sky cleared and a bit of blue emerged from behind the clouds. We had a good walk before lunch and met very few people. The Minster bells did not ring out for the handful of people who went to see in the New Year. York’s numbers are on the rise and there is a real fear of us going into tier 4. The Serpent on BBC1 Looks promising.

Saturday 2 January A bleak sunshine set the day off and then it snowed. Just a bit, then a bit more, then a real snow storm. But, as is often the case it had all gone by early afternoon and the clouds cleared to show some pale blue sky. Then it rained. We did the supermarket and the library whilst we could. A Heron flew over, flapping it’s great wings and came to land on the field where it stood sentinel for over an hour. Ellie organised her 'work space' ready for the new week then she and Phil went to the allotment and began preparing the ground for planting. Ian and Maria took down the tree and decorations and gave the flat a spruce up for the new week. Once again the Republicans are planning to challenge the American Election results! Probably goaded on by Trump. What an insult to the people of America.

Sunday 3 January It was such a nice sunny start that I thought I would go for a walk, but sadly it was short lived. One step on the road and whoa, black ice. I saw Kathy set off in her car and waved her to go slowly and she soon realised why. I walked on round the corner and bumped into another neighbour walking her dog and she warned me not to go any further. Then I also realised why, the footpath was just as treacherous as the road. I’ve never seen it like that before in all the years we've lived here. I had left Paul taking down the Christmas tree, so I joined him taking down the cards and decorations and we soon had everything cleaned, tidy and back to normal. There has been a landslide in the village of Gjerdrum 15 miles from Oslo and homes have disappeared into a crater. Ten people were injured and at least ten more still missing. What a sad start to the New Year. The birds are back and all over the feeders today, so they got some more fat balls and fresh water. Joanne spent ages gritting the road and path outside – then it poured with rain. Monday 4 January Let’s hear one last round of Ferry Cross The Mersey for Gerry Marsden who has died at the age of 78. RIP Gerry. It’s not a bad morning, I heard a Buzzard keening as I stepped out and the deer are gently grazing on the field. It was lovely to see Carol in the pool today, I haven’t seen her for months. She has been in hospital with Covid and lost two friends to it too. I've noticed that I get quite light-headed after I've taken my tablets; thankfully it soon passes. It is Veganuary, which is just another push to persuade us all into being Vegans. Sorry, but it’s not for me. I will accommodate Vegetarians but humans are Omnivores and I love my Bacon butties too much. Boris made his announcement and we are back into a nationwide lockdown to fight the virus and protect the NHS. I knew it was coming and can see the wisdom of it, but for some reason it really depressed me. I’m normally so positive and I’ve lived through far worse, but my energy is beginning to sag. Let’s hope it works.

Tuesday 5 January Happy Birthday Howard, hope you and Sasha enjoyed your bike ride out to Calke Park. Upset by last night’s lockdown news, it took a long time to get to sleep so I was happy to see the sun shining through the crack in the curtains. It’s all very wet out and the fields have big patches of water on them. We set off for a good walk in the sunshine and arrived home in a shower of sleet that stopped as soon as we walked down the drive. My phone appointment with the clinic today. I’m doing well but my blood results are still showing some inflammation. I love The Great, the new Channel 4 series about Catherine the Great of Russia. I’m reading Night Music by JoJo Moyes. She creates wonderful characters and scenarios with such atmosphere and great detail. I think her best work is the Me Before You’ trilogy.

Wednesday 6 January Happy Birthday Ruth, have a good one. The sun is up and it’s beautiful. Hot even until you get in the shade. The road is treacherous again and as much as I’d like to walk, it’s not safe. 40 people attended A&E the other day with injuries and breakages. Posted the Christmas presents today as it’s obviously going to be many weeks before this thing eases. So disappointing. But we have a vaccine and people will be inoculated, unlike France where many are refusing. People criticise our government but the Netherlands is in an even worse position. They haven’t even started vaccinating yet and South Korea have just counted more deaths than births. Ruth says few people in their corner of the South East of England wear face masks, yet their rate is very high. How daft is that? A text went out warning people against bogus medics calling at the house and offering vaccinations for money. An elderly lady was taken in and parted with £160 for probably what was water. There are some truly horrible people out there. Fortunately she is ok.

Thursday 7 January Cold, cold day but beautiful bright sunshine. Chipped the ice out of the bird bath and put some fresh water in. Donald Trump has really gone too far this time in whipping up a storm. Four people died as the Capitol building was stormed when the formal confirmation of Joe Bidens win as President was taking place. Trump has been temporarily blocked from Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for misleading information. What a sad and shocking time for America. It was Jane this time who did the gritting and I was able to enjoy a lovely walk in the sunshine before lunch. I even got the washing dry. I’m not sure why I love Death In Paradise, but I do. However, DI Neville Parker’s allergies are overplayed and beginning to grate. Rod has taken advantage of the nice weather and spent the day at his allotment.

Friday 8 January

Snow showers and a cold January day. At last there are to be restrictions put on people coming into the country, they must show a negative test less than 72 hours before boarding.I’m amazed we’re still letting people in! There has been a really interesting series of programmes on BBC Radio 4 this week called Rethink Fairness, which has explored issues around Wealth, Religion, Education, Health and Generations. I think this pandemic has shown us that we really do need to rethink the way we live and our values in every aspect of society, especially if the next generations are to have the chance of living fulfilling lives. There were two pheasants on the field this morning, well done for surviving Christmas, but we didn’t see the deer until we got back from the supermarket. I could only see two, but the view from the kitchen window is a bit limited. I’m still busy sorting out the family photos, it’s a long slow job but it’s evoking some lovely memories.

Saturday 9 January

It’s really cold today, but the sun is just beautiful. The state of the nation over the C-virus is getting worse instead of better and figures are now higher than in the spring. But we have to keep hoping that the vaccination will work and the virus will die out soon. Donald Trump says that there is a conspiracy to silence him after Twitter permanently suspended his account. It’s for your own good mush. Vaccines are needed for the poorer nations of the world. Here’s a thought, why not ask all the billionaires to fund a programme instead of building rockets to go to the moon? After all you can’t populate the moon if the virus has wiped everyone out. It was a do nothing kind of day. We had a walk after lunch but otherwise we both read a lot.In the light of no further instruction, Fred took Dad for his second vaccination which he got. Developers are trying to get planning permission to build two more storeys on to a block of flats that were finished and have been occupied for the last eight years!

Sunday 10 January

A nothing kind of a day really. We had a bike ride, but I split halfway so that Paul could have a long ride and I could preserve my knees. A covey of six Pheasants landed on the field, wonder where they’ve been hiding? I made some scones after lunch, yum yum; it was nice and warm in the kitchen. Rowntree Park is to be closed for the foreseeable future as people were gathering and not observing social distancing. What a shame. I made a draft excluder out of some rolled up bubble wrap and an old piece of material. Dad sounded chipper when I rang. Daph and Malc have moved out for essential works to their new bungalow. The Great Pottery Throwdown is back, yippee. Watched The Serpent, it’s very well done and very sinister. But then so is the real story of Charles Sobhraj.

Monday 11 January It was quite windy so I put some washing in quick. Went to the hospital for my blood test, the roads were quiet, as was the hospital, but waiting for my turn was an age. There are plans afoot to impeach Trump. It’s a bit late now, he’s only got nine days left. (If he goes.) In the equine world, as a herd horses will turn their backs on a miscreant. The creature will not be allowed back in to the community until it has learnt its lesson. Monty Roberts, The Horse Whisperer uses this technique on badly behaved horses. Four grazing deer on the field this morning. One report says the C-virus numbers are going down in York and the next says they are rising. Confused? Only if you listen. Deprived of Mark's wonderful chips, I'm having to make my own. Harrogate and the Dales have had more than their share of snow, but then so has Madrid. It’s the highest capital city in Europe so I suppose that’s inevitable. Boris has been seen out on his bike 7 miles from Downing Street. Did you get lost Boris?Really?

Harrogate Madrid Yorkshire Dales

Tuesday 12 January It was one of those rare days in winter when the sun shines, the sky is blue and you feel that everything will be alright. My left knee and hand are suddenly bad again. My knee is painful and my hand like sausages and holly. So disappointing after all my progress. Watched The Pembrokeshire Murders last night, a chilling story but a very well produced drama. In a second impeachment bid, the Democrats have charged Trump with inciting insurrection. People travelling into the Netherlands have had sandwiches and other foodstuffs confiscated at the border as they do not meet EEC guidelines and could cause foot and mouth disease. I suppose we are to be treated to more of this sort of thing now we are outside the EEC. Rowntree Park has been re-opened but is being patrolled by wardens to stop people from gathering into groups. We had a wonderful on-line family catch-up and opening of Christmas presents. What a lovely family we’ve got. Wednesday 13 January Just one lonely deer on the field this morning. I’ve noticed that before at this time of year, although a second one joined it later in the day. YouTube have suspended Donald Trump’s Channel and the Republicans seem to have turned against him now, joining in with the move for his Impeachment. Both Moira and Denise agree that Richard Osman’s book The Thursday Club, is not worth the effort. Thank you, it has saved me from reading it. I popped into East Parade for some veg etc., it was very quiet. I can’t help but notice how dirty the streets are. I don’t mean litter (that's always there) so much as mashed up leaf mould on the footpaths and clogging up the gutters. Watched the last of the Pembrokeshire Murders, thank goodness for Police Officers like Steve Wilkins whose tenacity and thoroughness got the right result and before there were any more murders. Thursday 14 January Up early for a trip to the surgery for my blood pressure which turned out to be low, and a standard flu jab. It was snowing steadily, but very slushy and quite dangerous underfoot. Everywhere was very quiet, so I was able to pop in to Home Bargains and grabbed a few things whilst nobody was about. Three deer grazing in the middle of the field as if it were a sunny day. Donald Trump’s legacy is that he is the only President to have been impeached twice and the PGA championship has been removed from his golf course in Bedminster. The C-virus is still raging and now there are wardens on the streets reminding people of the need for social distancing. My arm aches from the flu jab.

Friday 15 January A misty start and although the sun tried to get out, it just brought the mist down lower and it stayed all day turning into a cold damp fog. The Cumbria Constabulary have reported a computer error which has led to 150,000 records being wiped involving Fingerprints, DNA and Arrest Histories. Following Covid restrictions a young couple limited their wedding guests to 15 inviting the grandmothers as Bridesmaids. What a lovely touch. People at the supermarket were a lot more wary today, which is a good thing. I miss my bike and the rides we had in the spring lockdown. There was a freedom about it, whereas now with the winter weather and my poor knees and left hand it feels much more of a trial. I read for most of the afternoon, then washed my hair, had a face mask and made tea. Peter next door has had his C-virus vaccination and got a badge to prove it. As workers in a care home for the elderly, my cousin Kevin and his partner Loli have also had their vaccinations. The birds are investigating the nesting box already!

Saturday 16 January It rained heavily last night and the garden is flooded, but the sun is out which wasn’t forecast and it’s a nice day so that’s a bonus. York has been chosen as one of the National Vaccination hubs and the centre, which will be set up on the Askham Bar Park and Ride site will operate from Monday. I don’t know if that means we will get our vaccination earlier, we shall have to wait and see. Salisbury Cathedral is another hub, it's a place I love and I wouldn’t mind going there and listening to the organ playing whilst being vaccinated. Paul went for a bike ride, but I had a walk. I do miss the ride, but I want my knee to get better. It’s good to see the hours of daylight getting longer. I’m fed up with all these Celebrity programmes and Celebrity Mastermind was just plain agony tonight. It would be more interesting if Celebrities knew something but their general knowledge is awful. Sunday 17 January Another beautiful sunny day. Got my washing on the line to take advantage of the sun and free drying. The river is up and will get higher as the melt waters come down. Armin Laschet has succeeded Angela Merkel as leader of the German Christian Democratic Union. I can’t help but notice that the newspaper reports are always in the negative. ‘Only so many people vaccinated so far’, instead of ‘we’re well ahead of other European countries’. Antiques Road Show is back with a new series and a socially distanced format. Watched the Serpent again. To say it is based on real life is a horrible thought. So sinister and evil.

Monday 18 January A fox trotted across the field this morning to his to his den in the far corner. We know there is a family of them because we have seen the cubs playing, but you have to be there just at the right moment to see any of them. And then what a thrill. Another dose of Methotrexate this morning and an hour later I felt really dizzy, which lasted on and off all day. The forecast for the week is appalling, so we were determined to get out today. We cycled to the Post Office,

then over to the cycle track. The hens were very quiet today, all huddled in one corner. Got what we wanted at Home Bargains and came home again. The big house in Stockton Lane is partially tiled, with one of the twin roofs almost finished. Daph and Malc are back home, hopefully they can get warm again.

Tuesday 19 January The weatherman said it would be wet and he wasn’t joking, but at least it’s milder. Jeremy Corbyn is waiting for a decision on his High Court Application to have his suspension from the Labour Party overturned. It’s Donald Trump’s last day as President. There must be something in the air. Ian’s friend Liam lives and works in China. He says that if one case of Covid is found in a city then it is instant lockdown. It sounds drastic, but surely very effective. There was an hour’s gap in the rain after lunch so we had a walk to get some fresh air and stretch our legs. After a three month wait, Denise has had her results back and she has cancer in one of her kidneys. She may have to wait another three months for an operation. It’s an awful time to be ill with anything other than the C-virus. Dad sounded very cheerful tonight when I rang him, the alcohol rub for his hands seems to have got rid of a wart on his thumb. Paul got the very sad news that his older sister has died. RIP Ann.

Wednesday 20 January

It hasn’t stopped raining all night and the Ouse has broken its banks creating an inland sea in the centre of York. Storm Christoph is causing havoc across the country. In County Durham a delivery driver had to be rescued from the top of his van when flood waters swept it away. We didn’t go out all day, which is most unusual but there was no let-up in the weather. Talked to Anne on the phone as she scrubbed the stairs where Rusty had paddled mud through the house on his paws. Joe Biden will be inaugurated today as the 46th President of the United States of America. Judy is in a lot of pain with her back but the morphine patches make her ill. In a telephone appointment the doctor told her to come off them and called her a lightweight! How can a doctor help a patient over the phone? Part of his assessment must surely be visual. Covid has an awful lot to answer for.

Thursday 21 January

It rained most of the night but we woke to sunshine and strong winds. Our garden and the back fields are flooded and we can see the silver trail of the beck which is normally hidden in the ditch. John P has had his Covid Vaccination. Phil and Ellie sent us videos of the Derwent in flood as it rushes through Belper. The torrent of water and the noise is quite frightening. There are reports and pictures of flooded homes up and down the country. As if it weren’t bad enough with the C-virus, now the sky is sharing more misery. The sun won through in the end. Paul’s back is playing him up again so he made an appointment pronto with a Chiropractor for next Tuesday. I enjoyed my walk today, it was nice and fresh and warm in the sun and I’m walking better. Bee went home smelling of Dettol which she was soaked in. Goodness knows how it came about but Ellie and Phil had to shower her twice in an attempt to get it out of her fur. The vet said it was the only thing they could do.

Clifton Ings with the floodwater

Friday 22 January

It's a beautiful morning and the breeze is drying up some of the surface water, otherwise it’s water, water everywhere. It was very quiet when I went to the surgery to have a Pneumococcal injection, so I carried on and did a bit of shopping locally. Then we did the supermarket which also seemed to be quiet. Paul is a bit better today and enjoyed a nice bike ride in the sunshine. I had a lovely walk after lunch and called to see Audrey for a doorstep chat. She’s ok but mentally weary of all this. Spent ages on the phone sorting out the Broadband contract, it’s so tedious but necessary. The Knavesmire has flooded as usual and is one vast lake, but in the North of the city the sluice gates have been opened on Clifton Ings creating a lake to alleviate the floodwater from the Ouse. I love this photo of the flooded Ings taken by Nikki Bowling.

Saturday 23 January

Good to see the sun but there’s been a keen frost here and it’s snowing in Belper. The Pneumococcal injection has left me feeling really groggy and my knees are stiff and swollen. York is ahead of the game with its C-virus vaccination, but some places are way behind and the brakes are being applied for them to catch up. That’s just plain daft, this is a race against time not a competition of who does it fastest. Just get on with it. Paul’s back is bad again this morning; he cycled up to the Chiropractor to see where it is ready for Tuesday. Tony and Sue, Sue A and Anne all have appointments for their C-virus vaccination, but be prepared as Daphne said it took two hours to get through when she took Malc. The government are talking about quarantine for arrivals to this country. Really? It should have been done months ago. Snow is coming from the West. Hayam in Wales, Phil in Derby and Carole in Nottingham have all sent snowy pics. Brrr, they can keep it. I do love our on-line family chats, at least we get to see the family that way.

Belper Nottingham Derbyshire Sunday 24 January Another frosty start, only a week and we’ll be in February! More news of friends getting the vaccine and Fred has had his done. Feeling much better today, not so sickly and Paul seems to be moving ok. I hate the new jazzed up version of the Archers theme tune, it jangles in the brain. It snowed in London, Ian had Gracie out for a walk, but although we did not have snow, it stayed very cold all day and I didn’t go out at all. However, I did do my deep breathing exercises on the doorstep. Ellie sent a video of Bee chasing snow and Chrissie posted one on Instagram of her dogs having a wonderful time chasing round and round. They seemed to love the snow. Then we received photo after photo of snow and some pretty weird snowmen. What fantastic drama The Serpent is, the atmosphere is so menacing I was having palpitations just watching it. Monday 25 January Burns night and what a beautiful day. I managed to get my washing on the line before going to the hospital for a blood test. I was armed with a book but surprise, surprise there was nobody waiting so I was quickly in and out. Everywhere was very quiet though, even down at Sainsbury’s where I called on my way home. Paul had a bike ride, his back is still a problem for him but cycling gives him good exercise. I’m amazed at some of the flowers in the garden. I want to say, ‘Thank you for cheering me up, but what are you doing there?’

Tuesday 26 January Not a bad start. Old vulpes vulpes is back, it’s a very big fox, no wonder the deer are on the other field. They were discussing gambling on Woman’s Hour. I know we are all responsible for our own actions, but the way gambling is promoted my sympathy is with the people who get addicted. Once they’ve been spotted they are targeted. I try not to count the amount of gambling adverts on the tv each night as it really winds me up, especially the advice to stop when it stops being fun. Grrrrr. It's not fun in the first place, it's an addiction. The Chiropractor at Active Care has got Paul’s back problem sussed, let’s hope he gets it sorted quickly. The weather has turned again and it is sleet. Went to Sainsburys just to move around really and managed to get a new hairdryer at last. We’ve been watching The Bidding Room and I can’t say I’m fussed. I like Nigel Havers but he just doesn’t appeal as a show host. The experts seem pretty dateless and most of the sellers are just greedy.

Wednesday 27 January After a misty start it was a lovely mild, spring like day. It is Holocaust Memorial Day when we remember the millions of people murdered in the Holocaust under Nazi Persecution, and other appalling genocides around the world. The UK Covid death toll is now over 100,000, such sad times. Rode down to East Parade, it was really nice to be on my bike, but we split up and Paul went a bit further. Got a toothbrush and some Cif and cleaned some mould out of the window corners. The Farmers from northern India took a tractor rally to Delhi to demand the repeal of the new Farm Laws. More power to the people. Ellie has received a scam e-mail from the ‘NHS’ to be vaccinated and asking for bank details. How stupid and outrageous are these thieves and all we can do is warn people against them. The birds are happily feasting on the fat balls. Quite a few cheery Bluetits around. Congratulations to Maria for her promotion, you always make us proud sweetheart. Another foggy evening. Thursday 28 January The fog cleared and turned to rain which it did all night, as a result the back lawn has a large pond in it. Two deer gently grazing on the field. Respect to Rhod Gilbert for speaking out about male infertility. Elderly pensioners are refusing to pay the tv licence fee in protest at Gary Lineker's earnings of £1.5 million paid by the BBC. Nobody is worth that kind of salary and even the PM only gets £150,000 (approx.) but the BBC make a habit of paying outrageous salaries and then moans that there is not enough to run the service. The SNP are sabre rattling again for independence. I made an Apricot and Orange loaf, yum and had a good clean through downstairs. The rain turned to fog again but at least it was warmer. Friday 29 January The sun made an unexpected but welcome appearance for an hour and it was milder too. Still two deer on the field this morning. The supermarket was quiet thankfully. A Pharmacist rang at lunch time saying he could not fulfill my prescription because I have not been discharged from the hospital and it is they who should issue it. But not only am I not getting anything from the hospital, I can’t even contact them because of Covid. Dr Murray came to the rescue with an emergency prescription. It’s still only a temporary fix and I will need to let the clinic know. Talk about self-help patient! I’ve needed my wits about me all the way through. Work on the upgraded Foss Floodgate is underway a year late. Amazing timing! The plan to upgrade central York is finally going ahead which is great, but elsewhere our roads are in a real state. Main roads full of potholes, minor roads like patchwork quilts. Something needs to be done and soon.

Saturday 30 January A cool start, but at least it’s dry. Three deer this morning, lovely. Paul was up early and off to the Chiropractor. I like the sound of Tristan and Paul is definitely benefitting from his expertise. The EU have got themselves in a real mess over Covid vaccines. They’ve tried to be too clever in their negotiations and it has backfired. If that's how they negotiate it makes you wonder about the Brexit negotiations. Signs are that the vaccinations in the UK are proving effective for those who have had them, but the new variants are keeping cases high. I’m feeling much better at last and my knees are a lot less swollen. We had a walk in the University grounds, then nipped into East Parade to post Faye’s birthday card where I saw Lynne and Steve with the dog. Her grand daughter has been hit hard because of lockdown and no school, she actually sounds depressed poor mite. She is missing her friends, her challenges and basic routine of daily of life. The chip shop was still open so I got fish and chips for lunch. Angela was serving, I haven’t seen her for years so we had a quick catch up. Dad had a bad night and was in pain, so Fred went down to Southampton to sort him out. Sunday 31 January Janet B’s birthday, have a lovely day sweetheart. Well that’s it, last day of January and just a glimmer of hope but it’s there. The deer are laid out on a frosty field whilst I watch them from the comfort of my bedroom, heated by the sun. We had a bike ride before lunch, down Stockton Lane and on the cycle track at Heworth Green. It was cold, but there was little wind so it was quite pleasant. Lots of people out walking and getting fresh air. I e-mailed Rheumatology to explain my dilemma at not being able to get prescriptions. Fortunately I have enough leeway to wait for a reply. Quiet day otherwise. Did the ironing and listened to a good play on Radio 4 Extra with Peter Sallis. I’ve got hamster chops as a result of taking the steroids, but hopefully my cheeks will go down when I stop taking them.

Bee in the snow Gracie in the warm Deer in the field

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Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
Feb 03, 2021

Glad you enjoyed it Gill. It will be even better when we can just meet up and have coffee. Take care. x


Feb 03, 2021

Hedy - great to have this to read with morning coffee! We, too, love ‘Death in Paradise’ & the sinister, ‘The Serpent’. Hoping you sort your medication, soon, steroid issues & Paul‘s back resolve. Still no snow here but we have flooded garden. Looking forward to even longer daylight hours & reading your February blog in the garden!? Stay safe - it must be your turn soon.

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