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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

December 2020 - Let there be Christmas

Updated: Jan 4, 2021

Tuesday 1 December Oh what a beautiful morning. Cold, with a touch of frost first thing, but the sun was out and the sky was blue. I got some washing done which Paul put out before he went to meet Colin for their walk. I was very organised with stuff to post before the Christmas deadline and meant to cycle to the shops, but it was too cold for me, so I took the car. Just as bad, changing gear was so painful I was glad to be home. Timed the Post Office just right as the queue was out the door by the time I headed home. So Arcadia has crashed, what a surprise. Dad and I discussed Sir Philip Green who must be the most despised man in the country at the moment. His millions are in his wife’s name and probably off-shore somewhere whilst thousands of innocent people will lose their livelihoods and have a very subdued Christmas. Grrr, hate these mean multi-millionaires. Take it all and give nothing back. Didn’t see the deer until late afternoon when I went into the kitchen to prepare tea. Listened to Louise Halling on Radio 4 at 4pm, Walks Like A Duck. She said she wasn’t sure why anyone would be interested in her disability, but I am Louise. You are not only interesting, but positive and inspirational.

Wednesday 2 December We were both up and about early. Just saw the deer disappearing over the side of the field. John called and we invited him in but he reminded us that although lockdown has ended, we are still in tier 2 so Paul and he had a cup of tea in the garden. Anne was at the hairdresser. I spent the morning shopping on-line and getting myself organised. Rod rang, it was lovely to talk. Then Phil rang. He has had a bad cough, but both he and Ellie have been tested and given the all clear thank goodness. I walked to the box in Galtres Road and posted most of my Christmas cards, it was far enough. I seem to be getting worse. Ironing was a painful job, but at least it’s done and away. Repair shop and Harlots tonight, good stuff. Love this shot of the Minster at night by my lovely photographer friend Nikki Bowling. Thursday 3 December A painful low sleep night and an early start for the clinic didn’t help. Spurred on by the thought of getting help at last I got ready and Paul took me to the hospital. I was half an hour early, but I had my book …. except I forgot my glasses! Sue, the clinic nurse was kindness itself. Nothing was any bother and she was so reassuring. I also liked Dr Green immediately, he put me at my ease, assessed and examined me and then told me his treatment plan to get me better. He kept saying how bad it was and wondering how I had coped for so long with the pain. Now I know how dad felt when they told him that he had a crack in his spine. He had told people for years about the pain, but what a relief when a professional says yes and confirms the reason why. I’m on a short course of steroids to reduce the inflammation, then will go onto meds that will fight the disease. It’s a wet miserable day, but I’ve got sunshine in my heart. DIY SOS had me in tears again. Kindness, that’s the word. Buried under all the crap and misery of the world today there is a wealth of kindness. Friday 4 December We slept. Both of us slept and slept and woke refreshed. I was comparing Sir Philip Green the entrepreneur with Dr Green the Rheumatologist. One spreading misery with his self-aggrandisement and greed, the other spreading happiness with his professionalism and kindness. I know which I prefer any day. My impatience was highlighted when I realised that just one steroid boost has not cured my discomfort, but I’m still excited at the prospect of getting back to normal. It’s still raining even after all the rain yesterday! Colin is having even more problems with his sight. The Optician had spotted something and referred him to Bridlington hospital who have referred him to Scarborough. I hope it’s all and nothing Colin. Went to see my lovely hairdresser Sue, for a trim then came home for a shower. After which I felt fabulous. Monty Don was talking today on the radio about watching the birds. I know how he feels, there is something uplifting about their comings and goings, the different species, the colours and behaviours. I often look up and see the birds in flight and wonder where they are going and what they will do when they get there. Rang Paula. Nice to report that her mum is ok and she was pleased to hear my news too. Saturday 5 December Another good night’s sleep, but I’m still stiff first thing and it takes me a while to get going. Daphne is getting upset about the mess in the bungalow, but they have only been there a week and already made great strides. We are like two newly planted bulbs, in the spring we will be magnificent. There was a sudden sharp hailstorm which startled the deer who instantly took flight down the field. Ten minutes later they were lying down as if nothing had happened. The sun came out after that and it was a beautiful day. Paul went up to Tesco for his flu jab. It was a drive through station, but he said it was very well organised. I did some cleaning, but my hands protested in the end. I’ll get there. Malton was busy with Christmas shoppers, but we managed to get parked, a bite to eat and a few essentials. The sun was behind the clouds on the way back, piping each one with an outline of gold. It was dazzlingly beautiful. Arrived home to find Gill had left us our Christmas present. She and John are off to Keswick in the caravan for a week. It’s wonderful how much pleasure it’s given them this year. All the dancers on Strictly are good, but HRVY stood out, he looked like Fred Astaire.

Sunday 6 December Getting used to this sleep lark, hope it continues. Not a bad day for early December, two deer on the field and the sun trying to get out. Ian and Maria have their first Christmas tree up in their new home and Gracie is in the spirit too. Donald Trump gave a speech for two hours! I couldn’t listen to him for five minutes let alone two hours. Carole has had to have Marmalade put to sleep as he had a brain tumour. It is so sad, he was such a lovely cat and so dear to her. It was a dreary day and we did little more than sit about and read. I nodded off countless times, I’m still catching up. Well that’s my excuse. JJ has left Strictly and yet I loved his dance. I suppose it was time for him to go, but he was special because he wasn’t a natural and really worked at it and you could see him develop over the weeks under Amy’s careful tuition. Monday 7 December I went for a swim, my usual 8am in the pool. It was lovely to be back. Yearsley is a very special pool with its friendly atmosphere and wonderful staff who have worked hard to make sure we are safe. It wasn’t straight forward, in fact it was surprisingly painful, especially on my hands, but I didn’t go mad and just did 8 lengths. Joyce has been referred to the Orthopaedic clinic at last. I hope she doesn’t have to wait too long to be seen. So many people are having their true ailments missed by GPs because of this dratted virus, as if it’s the only thing of importance. A phone call is no substitute for a face to face consultation. It was a cold damp start, but the sun put in an appearance by lunchtime, the deer were roaming the field and the birds were swarming the feeders. The pheasant is still there. Keep your head down mush, there’s only 17 days to go. Bob Dylan has sold his entire back catalogue to the Universal Publishing Group for a reported ‘nine figure deal’. Phew, I wonder if he will set up a Foundation to help struggling musicians?

Tuesday 8 December The rosy fingers of sunshine slipped through the slit in the curtains, what a lovely morning. A 90 year old lady in hospital was the first to receive her Covid jab at 6.30 this morning. I’d sooner have had breakfast first but she said it was a privilege. It’s official, Mount Everest is two feet taller according to both the Chinese and Nepalese. ‘Breaking’ is to be added as an Olympic Sport! Went up to the Range but didn’t find what I wanted, except real Customer Service. That’s nice. Quick shop at Sainsburys and home. Driving is not fun, it hurts my knees changing gear. Had a telephone appointment with Julie from Rheumatology after lunch. She set out a plan for me and I am to start taking Methotrexate from next Monday. Paul was out with Colin; they had a walk round the walls and ended up at the Merchant Adventurers Hall which is free to members of the public until Christmas. Dad wanted to talk and talk, but I’m happy to listen. He has a very lonely existence and sadly, just wants to be gone. My knee hurt and I slept badly. Wednesday 9 December I was more comfortable in the pool today especially once my knee snapped in to place. Nice to see Helen, she’s not been there since we restarted in September. Paul went out with Rod and I tried to sort out the renewal contract for the internet etc. These bloody web chatlines are so tedious I nearly lost the will to live. It’s all getting too complex what with NOW TV and Box sets. We just want to watch TV. I managed to do some cleaning and cooking and it was a bit like old times with radio 4 in the kitchen keeping me company. When did I stop listening, oh yes, with the onset of Brexit, Brexit, Brexit. Then Covid, Covid, Covid. I even stopped listening to the Archers which I’ve heard since I was a child. Harlots has finished in a raft of happy ever after scenes. It was ok, but the whole drama was wishy-washy and generally lacked atmosphere. Faye's cat loves Christmas, especially hiding in the tree, and even Rusty the dog is joining in.

Thursday 10 December

Slept soundly, what a nice phrase. Down to four steroid tablets today. A new tunnel and roundabout has been opened under the sea to connect two of the Faroe Islands and another is under construction. It’s a fantastic feat of engineering and I should love to drive through it. Dull grey sky and cold wind. The birds are fluttering all over the feeders, don’t blame them. We drove to Malton after lunch for a few things, it’s so much easier to get around than York. The Covid figures for York are still falling, we are either very healthy here or god fearing. I’d like to have said law abiding but there have been to many reports in the York Press of some horrible crimes just lately. Dad seemed to be a bit brighter today, not in so much pain.

Friday 11 December

Another damp, winter's day. I enjoyed my swim and observed the new rules of no backstroke or overtaking, not that I can overtake at the moment. Lovely to see Caro Diggle back in the pool. Barbara Windsor has died at the age of 83, she had Alzheimer’s, and her loved ones want to use her name to champion the cause for research. I think she would have liked that. Old Donald is still not giving up the White House without a fight. What do you call a duck when it has died Donald? A dead duck. Leave it alone, you’re an embarrassment to the whole nation. My prescription form arrived five minutes after Paul had set out for a bike ride; still we can get the meds tomorrow. I am still in disbelief at how much the inflammation has reduced and with it the intense pain. I’m basically a happy person and I feel a bit more like me every day. We had a lovely, long on-line family chat. It’s so good to catch up and see everyone happy and well and getting on with their lives. I’m reading Year of Wonders, a novel based on the plague village of Eyam in Derbyshire (1665- 66) by Geraldine Brooks. An extraordinary book, so well written and very apt for today.

Saturday 12 December

Up early, first to get my prescription and then over to Acomb. I broke my small denture last night and want it repaired a.s.a.p. Three deer hoved in to view by the fence as I opened the curtains, then three more. Lovely. The Pharmacist seemed really pleased too see me looking so well, what a lovely lady she is. She talked me through the medication and dispelled a few fears. Andy Dunlop, the Dental technician was brilliant and had my denture fixed in the hour. Such a nice, cheerful man. We were about to drive off to Knaresborough when we were pipped by a passing motorist. Paul stopped the car and on inspection found we had Another Flat Tyre! He pulled over, put the spare on and we drove back towards home, ending up at Dean’s Garden Centre for lunch instead. Good move, the Steak Pie was deeelicious. Had a walk to Audrey’s to deliver her card and a catch up. I do miss her company when I go swimming. Bumped in to Tony and the dog on the way home. His throat biopsy was fine; he's one of our favourite neighbours and we're so pleased to know he is ok.

Sunday 13 December

I thought I’d get up and have a walk, but one look out of the window changed my mind for me. Wet and windy. I’m feeling so well. The steroids have worked their magic, the inflammation is ebbing fast and with it the pain. Paul was going to go in the garage, but it was too cold so he went for a nice hot bath instead. It was definitely a reading day. The Brexit talks are stalling, as we knew they would, but Boris and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen are still trying to work it out. Good luck to all of us. Dad sounded well, he’s been busy. He’s very proud of how clean he keeps the flat and that makes him happy. Ranvir was the next to leave Strictly. Such a lovely lady but limited to ballroom dances rather than an all-rounder. Apparently Michael McIntyre’s new show The Wheel was a bit of a disaster. Nobody seems to have woken up to the fact that ‘celebrities’ have very low general knowledge and sports personalities even less.

Monday 14 December Mild and damp when I stepped out for my swim. Went straight to the hospital for a Blood Test afterwards so that I could finish with the car and Paul could sort out the tyre. The river Foss is very high, thank goodness for the barrier. I remember the constant flooding before it was built. The queue at the Post Office was down the street, good job it’s a lovely day. But I don’t care, I’m all done with that and I’m off to the Co-op for a Chocolate twist as a breakfast treat. David John Moore Cornwell aka John le Carré has died at the age of 89. Now there was a great novelist. James Wong says that English gardening is racist. Would you like to respond Captain Mainwairing? I’m reading Tales from the One Thousand And One Nights. Not what I expected at all. The message on every page so far is that women are cunning whores and men are complete fools led only by their greed and desires. Why it should be thought of in romantic terms I shall never know because it is wholly misogynistic and introverted. I must get to the library, even their limited supply of books is in the real world. Phil and Ellie are ready for Christmas, even Bee has captured the spirit.

Tuesday 15 December

What an utterly glorious day, sunshine and soft breezes play. It’s the first time I’ve been down Bad Bargain Lane since they resurfaced it and what a marvellous job. No more potholes! The library stank of food from the café, so I was in and out. Yuk. I got some toiletries and other things and took them down to Dogobees salon in Bootham for Christmas gifts at the Food Bank in Poppleton, did a bit of essential shopping, then wrapped a few gifts. Paul had his usual walk with Colin. I took my first dose of Methotrexate yesterday and thought I would feel sick today, but I feel so well, and the sunny day helped. Phil says they are stopping and fining motorists coming into our Tier 2 by doing ANPR checks on the motorway. Dad has been offered a Covid vaccination on Friday and doesn’t want it, but after a bit of careful persuasion and emotional blackmail has agreed. Watched Yes Prime Minister last night, oh it still endures.

Wednesday 16 December

The dark morning sky was lit by a beautiful rosy glow from the rising sun, but it soon went downhill. Had a fabulous swim, vroom, I’m so full of steroids. Met up with Ann, Anita and Gill at Dean’s for coffee and a catch-up outside. That was special, it’s such a long time since we’ve done it. It was virtual hugs all round for a happy Christmas. Paul was doing his exercises when I got home. A Pheasant hen was merrily walking down the street this morning; it’s safer on the field mush, especially at this time of year! And then it rained, what a miserable afternoon. Poor dad had an episode today and lost quite a bit of blood. The Doctor and Paramedics attended and fortunately Fred wasn’t far away so he got sorted out. I really feel that he needs a thorough medical, but that’s not going to happen the way things are. Rod and Joyce are on their way to Edinburgh for his daughter’s wedding. What a beautiful bride, I wish the happy couple lots of love and laughter in their lives together.

Thursday 17 December

What a wonderful night’s sleep; woke refreshed to a beautiful day with the deer on the field. We put Joan’s cards and presents in a bag and set off for Scarborough. We still can’t visit at Scarborough Hall, but at least she will have a present from Paüla and us on Christmas day. Someone had thoughtfully taken a photo of Joan with a card and posted it to Paüla and she loves it. The sun was high, the tide was out, the toilets were shut, but we enjoyed our walk and found a nice place for fish and chips. I can’t remember the last time I walked so far, but it felt good. I shall be glad when Christmas is over sadly. The powers that be are all getting wound up about what effect everyone getting together is going have so it’s mixed messages and headless chickens. But I think they are right in giving us the freedom to choose how we do Christmas. We need that bit of trust and control of our own lives, not to mention the joy. I’m pleased to say that Dad sounded much better after his ordeal yesterday.

Friday 18 December

Another dull, grey day, thank goodness for my swim. Yearsley has such a friendly atmosphere and it is really noticeable when regulars are missing. We’ve not seen Ann, Marcia, Alan or Glynis since March, I hope they return when we go back to open access. I have received my next hospital appointment which will be a phone call and will leave me without medication for over three weeks. I’m having no joy contacting anybody either. It’s going to be an anxious few days till the next clinic. We popped up to Vanguard Park after lunch to get Paul’s Christmas present and judging by the cars it was very busy. It never really got light today and the deer looked so miserable. A big box arrived in the afternoon, it was a bottle of Dubonnet and some bitter lemon splits that Phil treated me to. Woohoo! What a lovely surprise, thank you very much Phil, I shall enjoy that. Saturday 19 December Not a bad day and the deer looked content in the warm sunshine. MacKenzie Scott billionairess ex of Jeff Bezos has donated more than 4 billion dollars to people suffering as a result of the pandemic. She said on her blog, “This pandemic has been a wrecking ball in the lives of Americans already struggling. Economic losses and health outcomes alike have been worse for women, for people of colour and for people living in poverty. Meanwhile it has substantially increased the wealth of billionaires.” Her donations were focused on those “operating in communities facing high projected food insecurity, high measures of racial inequality, high local poverty rates, and low access to philanthropic capital.” It takes a woman! Now who will follow her lead? We drove through to Malton and had lunch in Café 46 in the Market Place. Lovely place to eat and the Salmon Tagliatelle was beautifully cooked and very filling. Rosalind Knight has died, she was a great actress and wonderful as 'Horrible Grandma' in Friday Night Dinner. The washing was dry enough to iron, I love the smell especially when it has just come off the line. Fred rang to say that Dad has had his vaccination, the only problem being the traffic jam as people drove to the surgery and the elderly pottering across the road from the car park. In what was a fabulous end to the series, Bill Bailey and Oti won the Strictly Glitter Ball. Sunday 20 December New tier 4 arrangements have come into force due to a new variant of Covid that is raising cases fast. London and the South East are the worst affected. I’m disappointed for Ian and Maria who are good at entertaining and can no longer have guests for Christmas Day. It would have been a great occasion too. Everybody has an opinion about what Boris should do, but how sure are they that they can do any better? It must have been similar during the two World Wars which went on for years, but people came through, life was rebuilt and the country prospered. Spitting on Police Officers! Some people are truly revolting. I’ve not put any weight on and I can feel my legs getting stronger with my daily exercises. Dad seems to have had no immediate reaction to his Covid vaccination.

Monday 21 December The Midwinter Solstice and Ian’s birthday. Happy Birthday son, we hope you have a wonderful day despite tier 4. The shortest day, which is no bad thing as it is a wet one and the four deer in the field today look distinctly bedraggled. Did 12 lengths in the pool today. Paul went for a haircut whilst I tried to locate some ground white pepper. I’ve rung the surgery and left the problem of my prescription with the doctor. I’d rather not as my faith is limited, but it’s the right thing to do. Airports are being closed all over and Julia and Colin will not get to Madeira and they were so looking forward to it. Watched Dr Zhivago yet again whilst I ironed. Multi Billionaire Jeff Bezos is complaining that his wife is making him look bad by with her philanthropic donations. Well, you know what to do about it don't you sunbeam? You could start by giving all your workers a bonus: you wouldn't even feel it but your workers would appreciate it. Audrey rang, it was lovely to hear her voice.

Tuesday 22 December The doctor rang first thing and restored my faith. He organised a repeat prescription of everything I need so nothing to worry about. Went to town on my bike which is the first time I’ve done both things for weeks. The footballer Marcus Rashford deserves the accolades he is receiving for his campaign against child poverty and hunger. What a great role model for young boys especially. Dame Fanny Waterman has died peacefully at the age of 100. RIP. The Leeds International Piano Competition is a wonderful legacy to leave. Called on Daphne and had a quick tour of their new bungalow. I love it, it’s so light and sunny. Popped round to Janet’s to put her card through the door and was amazed to see Snowdrops in the garden! Wednesday 23 December Lovely swim, and that’s it now until next Wednesday. Nice to see Maureen G in the pool. Went straight to the supermarket after, got all we need including a turkey crown, and we were back home by 10.15am. Trump still thinks he can stay in the White House and in power. Dummkopf. A couple renovating a house in America have found 66 bottles of Bootleg Whiskey from the days of prohibition packed into the fabric of the house. Wow. I’ve got my prescription, also an e-mail from the hospital to bring my next appointment forward, then a call from the hospital to make sure I’m ok. I am now and appreciate their care. Wrapped the presents, even though they won’t be exchanged until after Christmas. It feels better somehow. Dark, dark day, gloomy and wet. Listening to Jessye Norman on my iPod her voice gives me goosebumps. Repair Workshop, Ghosts, Motherland and an old episode of Friday Night Dinner made a good night's viewing.

Thursday 24 December

It looked white over up on the Wolds and five minutes later the first flakes of snow floated past our window. Brrr. The weather forecasters got it wrong. Fortunately it soon cleared and gave way to a bright, but very cold day. I tied my own shoelaces today, now that's progress. We cycled in to town to collect a present and enjoyed the ride. More places have gone into tier 4 including Southampton. Paul had another bike ride after lunch with perfect timing as a gift I had ordered for him on line from Finisterre arrived and I was able to wrap it up before he got home. I was impressed as I only ordered it on Monday night! Rang Auntie Olive for a lovely chat and to wish her Happy Christmas. She was going to Brian’s for Christmas Day, but because of tier 4 he can only deliver her dinner on a plate. Dad is still tired but touched by the Christmas gift from his neighbour Debz and her daughter Hope. Friday 25 December Happy Christmas and joy to the world. We had an on-line family Christmas chat and then down to the serious business of opening presents and making lunch. It was a beautifully sunny, cold and crisp day so we made sure we had a walk before lunch, it was too nice a day to waste. Quiet it may have been, peaceful it certainly was and we enjoyed our Christmas despite Covid. I feel enormously sad for the lorry drivers trying to get home to their families in mainland Europe for Christmas, but Macron said Non! And then oui just a bit too late. No food, drink or bathroom facilities. Not a happy Christmas for them but cases are on the rise because of the new strain of Covid and they had to be tested before they could cross the channel. Saturday 26 December Boxing Day, not a bad morning and with threats of Storm Bella on the way we wrapped up warm and went for a walk round the University. We had only gone a hundred yards when we bumped into John and Anne walking Rusty. What a lovely surprise. Somehow on Boxing Day we often bump into them either on Sutton Bank or The Marine Drive in Scarborough, so it was amazing that we had chosen the same destination again, foiled as we were by the restrictions. The open spaces and the lake make it a nice place to walk out of term time. Fresh air, that's what need, fresh air and deep, deep breaths of it. Rang Paula and then Fred and all is well. The deer were lively as they charged past our window, they were in very high spirits.

Sunday 27 December

The stormy night never really came to anything here. Lots of rain, but the wind was not so strong and the sunshine is glorious this morning. The deer are staying close to the field and I could see their ears sticking up at the top end where they lay. The Archers is 70 and getting more like Eastenders, just a bit more polished. They have started the vaccination programme in Europe at last. It’s always hard to remember what day it is round weeks like this. We had a good ride down the bike track, my first in weeks and I so enjoyed it. Loads of people out walking and Tang Hall Beck was very high. Wonderful hearing the birds. My hands are getting better but I still can’t pull a crisp packet open. Floods now on top of everything else. Storm Bella has created havoc mainly in Wales and the Isle of Wight where the wind gusted at 100mph.

Monday 28 December

Bank Holiday for Boxing Day and everything was white over with frost that slowly melted in the warm sun. I was very dizzy during the night and still a bit waffy today, maybe it’s the medication but I don’t like it. The Ouse has been swelled by the run off from the Dales and is in flood. We didn’t put much sun tan lotion into the sea this year, but I do wonder how much we are polluting the rivers with the amount of alcohol we are rubbing on our hands. Lovely big yellow moon in a cold, black sky.

Tuesday 29 December

Happy Birthday Jane and John H.Hope you both enjoyed your day. There was a layer of snow this morning and promise of more to come. The fashion designer Pierre Cardin has died at the age of 98. I set off for the hospital for a blood test with my book and glasses but forgot the Blood Request form! What a twit. It was a nice fresh day in the end, with plenty of sun and none of the threatened sleet showers. York is likely to go into tier 3 as the cases are rising with this blessed Covid variant. Dad sounds a lot better, but then he’s had a lot of rest. Tony Blair must have done something awful to offend the Queen as she will not give him the Order of the Garter which is normally given to former Prime Ministers, and she has dealt with some dreadful people during her reign.

Wednesday 30 December

A crispy, frosty morning and the pool was very busy, we all want to swim whilst we can. The Oxford vaccine has been given the go ahead at last; better because it does not have to be stored at such low temperatures. It has to be said that I like my creature comforts and I definitely don’t like the cold, or snow, so where does Phil get it from? He and Ellie have been out on healthy, wintry walks in the Peak District looking for snow, and they found it. Daphne didn’t go swimming, she feels ‘flu’ like. I hope it’s not the C-virus. It stayed on freezing all day, brrr. The sheets were like cardboard when they came off the line. York has been put into tier 3, but we are luckier than most. Phil and Ellie are now in tier 4 in Belper. The moon is bright and fat and full. We are gaining minutes of daylight each day.

Thursday 31 December

New Year’s Eve, deep crackly frost on the ground and glorious sun in the heavens. Jack Frost on the window! We are officially out of the EU as from today. I saw three hot air balloons go sailing by, rather them than me it must be bitter up there today. My lovely cousin Paula has contacted me, what a thrill, we have not been in touch for years. I cannot believe that it is only four weeks ago I was exhausted and in so much pain. Thank you Dr Green and the Rheumatology department at York Hospital. My legs work now and my hands will too, soon enough. Paul has put fresh water in the bird bath but I think they are eating at a more exotic bird table than ours, or maybe there’s a cat prowling somewhere. Went to East Parade for some bread and milk, then Paul dropped me off at Heworth crossroads and I walked back. It’s good to be alive. A Red Admiral butterfly landed on a wall as I passed, goodness knows where it came from but I took it as a sign of good things to come. The Dove to the Ark.

It has been a tedious year of shocks and heartaches, but there have been so many good things too and I am so glad that Ellie and Phil went ahead with their wedding, it brought us much needed joy and was extra special because of all the privations we have endured. Life moves forwards whether we join in or not and I am sure that 2021 will bring back the joy in our hearts and the sunshine to our lives.

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Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
Jan 02, 2021

Thank you Gill, I get great pleasure from knowing you've enjoyed it.


Jan 02, 2021

Oh Hedy, you have the knack of making everything from your own health‘s ups and downs and the state of the world, from Trump and COVID to ‘Strictly’ and ‘Harlots’, so very inspiring and interesting and not necessarily in that order! (I too, was so pleased Bill B won!) So lovely to see you for that catch up and now learn of your amazing progress. Well done and thank you Dr Green for bringing you back to enjoying life. Loved the members of the family photos this month, too! Last bit is motivational. Looking forward to the next instalment! Happy 2021.


Jan 01, 2021

I always feel I’m walking this amazing time with you ... so pleased the medication is finally working it’s magic xx thank you Hedy it’s a real treat to share all your memories xx


Jan 01, 2021

Enjoyed reviewing Dec 2020 with you Hedy. We are so pleased you are receiving treatment which you have been denied for too long. Lots to look forward to in '21 and we hope we can share some of it with you both. Stay safe Rod&Joyce x

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