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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

Coronavirus - The Next 35 days

Monday 27 April We must have had a short sharp shower during the early hours, but the sun soon chases the clouds away. It’s cooler though. Bought a new D-lock on-line and it came pretty fast, but it has to go back. It’s a sturdy well made item, but much too heavy for my bike. It’s a long day. Week six of lockdown and Boris is back at the helm. He says we can’t let up yet and as much as I hate it, I have to agree with him. Still waiting for my sunflowers to arrive from 4 April, I know we’ve had Easter and C.v, but it still seems a long time when 10 working days was promised. Order Sharley’s birthday flowers and some for Pen to cheer her up. I am so grateful that I am fit and healthy. We get a Charity Bag through the door. What! I had hoped that they would be suspended during the lockdown, or even forever. We pay 5p for a bag to curtail the mountainous waste of plastic yet these things are shoved through your door every week regardless. We have two bike rides today, a long and a short one, because somehow it’s wrong to be inside when the sky is blue and you’ve nothing much else to do. Caught up with Race Across the World. Sad that Jo and Sam didn’t finish, but they had a wonderful experience, one which I think Sam in particular benefited from. Emon and Jamiul were worthy winners and donating half their winnings to Street Children was really special of them. Take note you Billionaires and multi-millionaires.

Tuesday 28 April Definite drop in temperature. I seem to be getting up later, which I don’t like. I’m normally very well motivated but I’m sagging at the moment. Rang Paula, she’s ok. As soon as we get the green light I shall be on the train to see her. Saw a buzzard circling as I put the washing out. Went to Morrisons where, much to my surprise I did not have to queue so I was in and out as quick as someone who doesn’t know the layout of the supermarket can be. Still no flour. Paul had a call from Shield asking how he was coping and reminding him to stay at home for 12 weeks. I told the caller that he was as fit as a lop and we cycled two to four miles every day for exercise and fresh air. I thought the caller was going to object, but instead she sounded impressed. Too right. Penny got her flowers, and even Sharley’s birthday flowers have arrived in Australia. Dawn sent a photo of Phil at 11 months with Auntie Jean, so I put it on WhatsApp and really started something. So much so that I had to find a similar one of Ian to balance things up. Richard Branson is getting some stick for being another tight fisted billionaire. Good, I wish the same on Victoria Beckham and the rest. Why can’t they be like Ed Sheeran who seems to value his staff. Our bike ride was noticeably quieter which I suspect is down to the cooler weather. Got a refund from City of York for my Art course fees which is a shame as I’d rather do the course. I should be swimming tomorrow, and why not; we swim in chlorinated water and the smell is always on my skin.

Wednesday 29 April

There was a fox on the field this morning, we don’t often see them unlike in London where they seem to have acclimatised nicely. A chilly day but I still put some washing out and was rewarded by hearing a skylark singing, then the croak of a Heron which must have been down by the beck. Rain forecast so we went for an early bike ride. We chose a different route, crossing over south and down to the river where the normally busy path was very quiet. Up past the barracks and over Walmgate Stray, then up through the University to the top of the hill. With so many students normally on campus, plus all the other activities the whole area is usually like a busy town centre and in all the years I have lived here, I have never seen it so quiet. Just a few parked cars and some speeding drivers belting down the hill. After lunch I ironed and listened to the next episode of The Corrupted. Toby Jones plays the main character.I can listen to some peoples voices all day long and he and Anton Lesser are top of the list.The Repair Shop and the Great British Sewing Bee tonight. No April showers so far this month, but the end has arrived and it’s pouring down. We needed it too.  I love the the American Impressionist artist Christine Debrosky There is a real magical quality of light in her work.  She has sent me some exhibition art cards; I’m thrilled to bits, they are lovely. (The opening picture is a a piece by Christine entitled Merrily Down The Stream) Carrie and Boris have a son, congratulations. The new death toll figures are out and at over 26,000 are both sad and shocking. They now include numbers from people in care. Dark, dark night with lots of low lying mist.

Thursday 30 April After the damp and mist of last night I thought it would be a dull day, but the sun is out and the breeze has dried everything up. Captain Tom Moore is 100 today. Happy Birthday, you deserve the promotion to honorary Colonel, the praise, the honours and the RAF flypast not just for raising 30 million but showing us all what courage and determination means in the face of adversity. Rain is forecast so we ride down to the shops this morning and get some veg and the lottery. Paul got chilled waiting outside so he came straight back on the bike track whilst I did a bit of a detour and a longer ride. He had lunch ready when I got home. Long afternoon, listened to The Corrupted; the tension is mounting. The modern house we call ‘The Bunker’ has had a huge black container delivered, it is nestling in the front garden and I suppose must be a garage. Not sure which is the ugliest, the house or the lump of steel. No rain so we go for another ride and come home with an apple pie for tea, yummy. When it finally did rain there was a real downpour. Friday 1 May Nice fresh morning after the rain and the sun is out. It is now May and the last time we went out in company it was the middle of March. I’ve trimmed my fringe which has tidied my hair a bit. To Aldi where the queue is quite short so shopping didn’t take long at all. We cycled after lunch so that I could get back in time to listen to the last episode of The Corrupted. G F Newman knows how to write a cliff hanger, I can’t believe I shall have to wait now for the final series. No motivation once it had finished so I got my book out. Heather says it’s raining in Scarborough but it’s still hanging heavy here. Boris says we are over the worse and we will have more information about how we ease up next week. Posted my monthly blog and was thrilled to get a score of complimentary e-mails and texts. Col says he also befriended an Alsatian as a youngster; he lived round the corner and would come when Col shouted. All was well until one Sunday when the dog smelled the neighbours roast. He popped into the kitchen and ran off with their leg of lamb! Phil has decorated the bedroom and the finish is beautiful. Ellie and I talk curtains and how to measure. They will order the material this weekend and have it sent straight to me. Excellent news, Helen C Has promised to help me royal ice the wedding cake. Ellie thinks they may have to move the date, but I think it’s far too early to worry. Oh no, last episode of Friday Night Dinner tonight. I don’t know where Robert Popper gets his ideas but he writes a brilliant script and the casting is first class. We’ve been Bambinos since the start and we’re ready for the next series as soon as the last one ends.

Saturday 2 May I open the window on a bonnie morning. Fresh and sunny and our resident Blackbird is singing his heart out. You can tell it’s him, he has a special refrain that he repeats every so often. Put the radio on but it’s Richard Cole, he is so pompous I can’t bear to listen to him. Read Nikki Bowling's heartfelt blog on her ‘shit day’ and it was. But her photos are beautiful, so much talent. She should do an illustrated blog/book of York or even Yorkshire. This is one of her photo's of Bridlington Bay. James Corden is going to pay the wages of the production staff on his CBS programme The Late, Late Show. Good on you James, that’s how you impress ordinary folk like me. Two beautiful Buzzards circling in the thermals over the field, quite low too. Ann says she has some Self Raising flour that I can have; she’ll drop it off on Wednesday. Wonderful, I can make more scones. Not only is Corinne looking after Paula by getting her shopping but she thinks P is a lovely lady and is looking forward to spending more time with her once this is all over. Wow, that has made me really happy. It’s a lonely life and she needs good, kind company and intelligent conversation. Ian rang, he is not taking this threat of redundancy lying down and Paul and I are very impressed at his hard work and determination to either keep his job or find a better one. Maria’s grow bags didn’t arrive so she bought some more locally. Just as she finished a difficult job of potting everything up, the originals arrived! Paul did poached eggs on toast for lunch, yum. Our cycle ride took us over the bypass which was, once again deserted even for a normal weekend. Sadly saw a dead fox, maybe the one that crossed the field the other day. Fly tipping all over the place, bags of rubbish, a duvet, a door. It was a daft idea not to have some plan for excess rubbish. Flashes of bright colour from Azaleas in gardens as we pass. I love them. This is the time of year when the Temple Newsam parkland is at its very best and we can’t go and see it. Fred is well and still managing to see to dad. He has noticed how people are much nicer when he is out walking, ready to pass a cheerful greeting or a nod or a smile. Thought he had done a good job of trimming his hair until he bumped into his barber whilst out exercising! Watched two celebrity quizzes on TV. These shows make me squirm as the so called celebrities seem to know very little, especially the athletes. Enjoyed watching The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society on BBC2

Sunday 3 May Cool start, but the sun is up there somewhere. Three deer on the field. You can’t always see them when they sit down then you realise that the funny shape sticking up is a pair of ears. Paul turned the radio down and just as I was about to turn it up Will Self started his ‘Point of View’. Dreary man, I left it turned down. Buy Ian some yeast on-line. Read a funny story about a cat in Belper who collects Gardening Gloves from the neighbours. Watch out Phil and Ellie if yours go missing you know Elmo must live nearby! Our bike ride turned out to be 11.9 miles. Down Stockton Lane, over a deserted A64 and through Stockton on Forest. Past the Snowball Plantation, up to Warthill then round by Badger Hall on to Holtby Lane. We could have headed for home at that point but we were enjoying the ride. It was so peaceful. Three buzzards circling in the thermals, fresh clean air and so much birdsong. Had to remember to keep my mouth shut as there were a lot of May flies around. Turned off for Murton and Osbaldwick and back home via Meadlands. Saw the smallest Dachshund ever, any smaller and it would have been a stick! It was nice to sit in a comfortable chair. Rain this afternoon, good job we got our cycle ride this morning. Dad is frustrated that he can’t go out, all he wants is to be able to go straight to the Post Office or shop, get what he wants and go home again. He is 92 and responsible enough not to endanger himself or anyone else whereas mentally it would do him a power of good. Monday 4 May Where are we, week 7? I’m beginning to lose track. It’s not a Bank Holiday as it has been moved to Friday this year to celebrate 75 years of VE day. People keep saying we have to pray, but if you have to pray then you don’t trust God. It’s a typical ‘after the rain’ day, cloudy and cool but hopefully it will pick up. Five deer strung out across the field, they look so gentle and peaceful, that’s what this world really needs. The Pheasants are back, they always seem to disappear around Christmas time, I wonder why? There will be a string of chicks soon enough. Time to get out the duster and hoover whilst Paul is busy in the garage.  Italy, France and Spain are all recording much lower death rates thankfully, but I can’t make head nor tail of what’s happening here. I usually get more impartial news from the foreign agencies who aren’t trying to heckle the government so that they can say ‘I told you so’ when this is all over. The Clematis Montana that I rescued is in flower, the heads are like huge white plates. Gorgeous. Made scones after lunch, ooh they look delish, (and they were). By the time we finish we decide not to bother with a bike ride today what with the showers and all. Decision made, then the sun came out. Too late! Paul put on Ian’s face mask that he bought in Venice, it is a doctor’s mask apparently. I took a photo and he sent it off saying, ‘I’m wearing this to go shopping in.’ It’s brilliant and scary all in one go. Rang the Scarborough Hall care home and learn that Joan is fine, her normal cheerful self.

Tuesday 5 May Sunshine! Hooray! But too chilly for the shorts and t-shirt. Gracie's Professional Dog Walking has started again.  She loves the company of other dogs, racing and chasing in an organised way. Man on the radio said how he was in a coma for 5 weeks but one day the staff wheeled his bed out into a secret garden. He thinks the sunshine and fresh air played a big part in his recovery and every hospital should have a secret garden. We used to have Fever hospitals like Yearsley Bridge in York and Cross Lane in Scarborough. The wards had big French windows and patients with Polio and Tuberculosis were pushed out onto the verandas in their beds to aid recovery. Mind you the air wasn’t as polluted in those days. Sad news, Dave Greenfield of Stranglers fame has died from the C. virus. Washing out in the fresh air, deer in the field, life is good. Rang Paula and she’s ok. The Carers have only just got PPE and are now wearing face masks. She was relieved to hear that I had contacted Scarborough Hall and her mum is ok. So many people are stepping in to the road to avoid each other, but without looking for traffic. Nearly got knocked off my bike by a jogger this morning and it’s not the first time. Timed the shopping just right, in and out and left to see queues forming at each door. Bacon butties for lunch, mmm. Paul has finished working on his Honda so it is ready for testing and also ready for action when he can legitimately use it again. Good bike ride, I’ve clocked it and we do six miles, fast and nonstop which isn’t bad for two old timers. Lovely fresh air. Tony’s dog is looking sad. She’s getting old and misses her partner who died a few weeks ago. She has difficulty climbing the kerbs and Tony lovingly bends down and gently lifts her back end on to the pavement. Phil rings for gardening advice. I’m no Percy Thrower, but with the aid of a video chat I manage to talk him through it. He seems to soak up knowledge as he gets older. Our back room is always so warm and cosy with the sun on it most of the day, it’s lovely to settle down to read in there for a while. It’s my favourite room in the house. Ian needs short videos of us ‘mooing’ Belper style, so we did some and sent them off. We also asked some friends who thought it was a wind up until I explained.

Wednesday 6 May

Lovely morning and not as cold as yesterday. Two deer settled down on the field in front of me, until all I could see were ears. Paul's phone had a wobbly, but I managed to restore it even though I was inwardly panicking. Printed off the quiz Julia sent; I like a good quiz but I hope she remembers to send the answers at some point. Ellie has managed to find some ready made curtains in the material she wanted, that’s a bonus. Ann brought some SR flour round which I exchange for some knicker elastic. A number of people have videoed a ‘moo’ for us and they are brilliant. We were all self-conscious doing it, but what a laugh; I’ve passed them all on. Cycle to Morrisons and surprised that I’m having difficulty breathing, but I’m in and out and on my way home in next to on time. Had a funny turn, flushed and palpitations which calmed down with the cold water and paracetamol Paul brought me. Rang Judy C.She’s on the doorstep having a (sd) chat with her neighbour and daughter. Sunny in Scarborough, but a bitter wind blowing. Paul and I have our bike ride via the Post Office so that we can send Ian some yeast. Sit on the bench in the sun doing the quiz, it’s excellent. Feeling much better from whatever it was. I wonder why motorists insist on cutting the corner when turning right. What if something is coming the other way? Have a lovely family Houseparty chat. Phil is starting to get some electrical work and Ian is putting up an incredible fight for his job. Go to bed still not feeling right and it takes me ages to get to sleep. Real asthma symptoms but I’ve not had such a severe attack for years.

Thursday 7 May

Another beautiful spring day. Three deer on the field and the Bluetit is hopping in and out of the bird box. Can’t make my mind up if it’s serious or if it’s using the box as a second home. Slept well and started off ok, had some good deep breaths of fresh air, but my chest is tightening up again. Ellie’s curtains have arrived already, wow that was fast! They look gorgeous too and will be far better made than if I had done them. The quiz Julia gave us is great, not cheated and nearly finished. Wrote to Agneta and Google cleverly translated it in to Swedish, so she can read in her native tongue. Tried contacting LNER, 4 April I applied for train tickets refund, 14 days they said but not heard a dickie. They don’t know who they’re dealing with. Cycled after lunch via the Post Office to post Agneta’s birthday card and letter. It is the most glorious day and I’m feeling better by the minute, I think the anti-histamine did it. What a twit I am, it’s the Hawthorn pollen that’s had me gasping. We sat on the bench for a while but soon deferred to the summer house for a nice comfy seat. Trying to keep well hydrated. Nikki has posted more gorgeous pics of York and the river. She has such a good eye, which is what her dad always used to say. Steak, chips and mushrooms for tea, yum. The Flower moon was a huge golden yellow globe shining in a clear deep velvety sky.

Friday 8 May

Two Goldfinches on the lawn feasting on dandelion seed heads, I hardly dared open the window, I didn’t want to scare them off but they were still there when I came out of the shower. No deer, but Mr Fox was slinking down the field. It is 75th anniversary of VE day. It should remind us to move away from war and destruction but there’s always someone out there who wants to pick a fight. The Bank of England are predicting that times are going to be tough. Really? Have we not already thought of that? Well you gloom merchants, if we can survive all the wars and Thatcher and Blair’s governments we can get through anything. I’m twitching at every cough or sniffle then I got boiling hot but I had a wool jumper on! Idiot. Supermarket shop getting easier, the queues shorter, the trolleys emptier. Dropped my sunglasses, fortunately Paul mended them. My hero. Stockton Lane like a velodrome there are so many cyclists cruising up and down. Ellie’s curtains are up, they look great, that’s the bedroom finished. Posted Hayam’s letter then we went the other way round to Murton on our bike ride. No jumpers either it was so warm. I am trying to savour the peace because once we are back to normal it will slowly drift away. Cyclists v motorists has got cracking again and I’ve patience with neither side. Motorists are jealous, cyclists are self-righteous. Cyclists go through red lights; motorists go through red lights. Cyclists ride on the pavements, motorists park on the pavements, and so on, and so on. Listen to yourselves; talk about water pistols at dawn. Finish my ironing at last, it’s not like me to leave it. Sit on the summer house steps and read. This books a marathon, but just 200 pages to go! Close all the windows, the barbecues have been lit. Another beautiful moon. Fireworks in the direction of Elvington Air Museum. The Free French flew from RAF Elvington during the Second World War. Saturday 9 May Dawn’s birthday, happy birthday sweetheart. Warm, gentle day with no breeze. I see a pheasant, a scut over the other side of the field and two ears close by when I open the window. The clouds are drifting away. Maria’s courgette has a huge yellow flower, she’s got real green fingers. LNER e-mail says I’ve done my reclaim wrong, but I followed their advice to the letter! Sent off photo of unused tickets; fingers crossed. More cheery Chaffinches having breakfast on the lawn. Post letter to Howard and Sasha, minutes later get a text. Both been poorly, tested, void, tested again but they are all clear. That must have been a horrible week. Phil took them a couple of meals. Tried Heather, no answer, probably in the garden. Just a simple ride down the bike track and back today. It’s amazing how many people are walking in the middle of the road or crossing without looking. Lunch in the summer house until it got suddenly cooler, so back in the house. Finished the thriller at last. It was a book. I’ve read better. Finished the mammoth quiz, wow that was brilliant and the way it was done wasn’t the sort of thing you could Google. The Bluetits are very busy in and out today, I wonder if they’ve got hatchlings. Time somebody produced a Beetroot jar that you can open easily. Spoke to Fred, he’s ok. Been out on his bike quite a bit this week. Little Richard has died!

Sunday 10 May Didn’t want to get up but when I did open the curtains a Heron flew passed, very close. Cool and windy but we didn’t have the storm in the night that Scarborough had. Put some washing in. It’s too unpleasant for a bike ride so I walk round the garden. In less than 24 hours we’ve gone from shorts and salad to shivers and soup. No enthusiasm for anything. Turn out some old paperwork and sort a couple of drawers. Iron the washing. Wait for the latest from Boris. Ring dad, he wants to go out bless him. Taken to climbing the 42 stairs to the flat for some exercise and a different view outside. Boris surprised me by giving a solid performance. He will be widely criticised, but then everybody knows better. Monday 11 May Another cold and blustery day, but at least there is some sun. Russell text, he is in King’s having another transplant. Oh dear, he’s been through the mill and I had no idea he was ill again poor lamb. It brings me up short. Make a cake then we walk round the block. Not as cold as we thought, thank fully. A Sparrow visits the bird box and the Bluetits go bananas. They chase it off, it comes back and they chase it off again. Quite a stand-off but eventually the Sparrow flies away. Sprained my right wrist somehow, I think I’ve slept awkwardly on it. Go for a bike ride after lunch and it’s not as bad once we’re out as the wind is at our backs. Very few people about and even fewer cyclists.  Butter ice the cake. Ian has made Focaccia; wish we could swap half and half it looked delicious. Sun is finally coming out. Everybody is having a pop at Boris, but I wouldn’t be PM in this situation. You can’t do right for doing wrong. We’ll just have to see how it pans out because nobody knows. Can’t sleep for the pain in my hand. It got hot and numb so slept with my arm out to keep it cool.

Tuesday 12 May Another cold blustery day, but at least the sun is shining. Hand still very painful and weak even though I blasted it with everything. Put some washing in. Paul is going up to Transit Motorcycles to get his Honda tested. Phil helps me with Google Hangups so that I know what to do on my laptop when we have a virtual birthday party for Paul on Saturday.  A present arrives whilst Paul is out so I hide it. Go to Morrisons for balloons etc, but it’s a poor selection. Bike ride after lunch, and although it’s not bad going my heart isn’t in it. I want to dress up and wear perfume and makeup and go somewhere. I keep eyeing the empty Coastliner bus and wondering if I dare put my mask on and jump on one day just for the ride. Ironed. Heather rang. Spoke to Ian, he’s ordering a birthday cake online. A real squall around 9pm but I don’t think it brought the rain we need. Wednesday 13 May The sun is shining but it’s still chilly. My hand is returning to normal thank goodness. The Goldfinches are back for breakfast on the lawn. Nesting box battles still ongoing. One deer on the field. It’s an effort to get going today. The situation is bad enough, but the media storm, the derision at the way things are being handled, that’s what’s getting to me. That and the relentless diatribe. It’s taken over our lives just like bloody Brexit. Life has become dull. I don’t want to be in a bubble but there has to be some joy somewhere. No hairdressers or swimming until July and I need both. Now! Rang Paula, she’s had a call from the Care home, her mum’s been tested negative; what a relief. Told her about Paul’s party, she suggested a virtual stripper! She could always make me laugh. There is a shower, it looked promising but it hardly wet the ground. Quiet at the Greengrocer and Post Office. No party hats but liked Gillian suggestion of making them. Bought enough paper to wrap parcels and make hats. Washing dry, get it in before our bike ride. Listen to old episode of I’m sorry I Haven’t A Clue. It had to be one of the funniest. Sadly Tim Brooke-Taylor, Humphrey Lyttleton and Jeremy Hardy are no longer with us. Tesco delivered the cake and the driver was excellent, I don’t think Paul even knew it happened.

Thursday 14 May Blue sky, warm sun, no breeze. Bluetits in and out of the box, two deer on the field what more could you ask for. Freedom. Freedom from opinions and angry voices who are never satisfied. A bird has left its opinion on our window. Coastliner bus only goes to Malton now. Clever. You would have to change for Scarborough. Put on a different jumper and feel much better for trying. Paul cleaning windows so I get the polish and hoover out. I received a gorgeous video from Moira showing some very playful elephants. It lifts my mood and changes my day. Shower and change. Who says I can’t cut the grass wearing nice clothes, perfume and makeup? The sunflowers have arrived at last! It only takes ten minutes to get potted up. Cycle on my own to the Co-op for bread, come back on the bike track. It’s very quiet and very pleasant. The blackbird is singing his little heart out on the end of Peter’s garage. Ian’s Belper moo video is really good. He’s got it on Facebook. Fingers crossed it does well.

Friday 15 May 4.00 am and the Blackbird is up already. Even the worm is still asleep. Didn’t sleep well and awake late to a lovely spring morning. Ian’s Belper Moo has already had 64,000 views. I rally round for more support. He would like 100,000 by the end of the day if possible. No queue at the supermarket. Things seem to be calming down. Bacon butties for lunch. Sit on the bench in the sun after our bike ride, it’s still cool when the sun goes in. I wrap Paul’s present whilst he is busy but can’t find the card! Where did I hide the balloons and swags? Sasha is stuck on one of the quiz questions, but not for long and she’s almost finished it. The Goldfinches are back for afternoon tea. Soak my feet and cut my nails, but I’ve no Epsom salts! Peter Kaye’s Car Share is back, excellent. Watch people on Millionaire lose lots of money by answering instead of taking the cash. Why would you do that? Saturday 16 May Happy Birthday my wonderful husband. Just my card? Well, the postman might bring the others later (haha). Lovely morning with dire warnings not to travel to the coast or other beauty spots. Paul would like a small saddle bag for his bike.  Ride down to Bob Trotter but they have none.  Cycle Works have one and it’s minuscule. Home for lunch. Watch a Sparrow pottering across the lawn with a second Sparrow in dogged pursuit. It turns round every now and then and tells it to clear off. And on it goes. So funny. Put all the party stuff under the dining table for later. Hope Paul doesn’t stretch out and kick it. Cycle down to Cycle Street, but they don’t have what Paul wants. Round to Halfords but they have a crazy system there. The store is as big as any supermarket but no one is allowed in, they have a crazy queuing system instead. The Goldfinches are back. Talk to Fred, he’s given dad a haircut! Try to blow balloons up whilst talking but it’s hopeless. Late making tea, panicking a bit for time. John rings to wish Paul happy birthday. Help, no washing up done and it’s nearly time. Get Paul to do me a job and set everything up in the nick of time. He comes in to the room to be greeted by the family singing happy birthday. Ian has a great big birthday card on screen. It’s great and it’s obvious that Paul loves the whole thing. Phil has made a cake and gets Paul to blow out the candles through the computer. The cards and presents are waiting to be opened with the cake, chocolates and bubbly which are also on the table with the glasses and balloons. It was a very happy virtual birthday party. Sunday 17 May Cloudy, sunny, breezy, it’s the usual neither nowt nor summat. What shall we do today I wonder!! Fed up of hearing about the country/world’s rich. Is that just for you to feel good or will you do something special for the benefit of mankind. I cheer for Ricky Gervaise who says ‘give New Year’s Honours to NHS heroes and ban celebrity awards. I couldn’t agree more. Do no more than read most of the day and don’t really want to go for a bike ride but glad that we did eventually get out. Watered the garden, it is very dry. The Sparrows keep going to the nesting box and the Bluetits keep chasing them off. I can’t hear any noise in there even though the birds seem to have stuff in their beaks now. Ring dad, he’s ok. Got a surprise when Paul came to talk to him. Wanted to thank him for his card and present. First time ever. TV is getting poorer and the Antiques Roadshow has been pulled for some tedious programme with Chris Packham droning on. At least we can laugh at Allo Allo and Dinner Ladies. Monday 18 May I miss the richness of life and I’m getting up later. Rain during the night which means that it will have chance to do some good and not just evaporate. We needed it. I dress for warm and it’s cold. I do wish they would stop going on about this blessed heatwave, where is it, South of France? It was the same all winter, we were going to be feet deep in snow and we had one flurry at 9 o’clock that melted by lunchtime. Lovely e-mail from Howard, his hair is growing woolly. Polly is having another baby. Congratulations, wouldn’t mind a grandchild myself. Take some magazines and go to John and Anne’s. Oh how lovely to be in the car going somewhere, doing something different. Dotted ourselves strategically round the garden, it was good to see them and Rusty the dog loved the extra hands stroking him. Home to lunch and read, but we know we ought to have a ride and the fresh air does us good. Rang Audrey and advised her to put the phone down if anybody rings and says they’re from the Building Society. Make spag bol for tea. Read Alice Thompson's latest blog. Lovely. Heather insists that the R rate has gone up in Scarborough but the Press indicated otherwise. Tuesday 19 May Bluetit activity has suddenly died down and I’m fearful that the takeover by the Sparrows has been won. Trump is taking anti-malarial drugs to stave off the C – virus. The experts say that there is no evidence that this will help and they could have a harmful effect. What, like normalise him? Have a rant at the man on the radio saying ‘myself’ instead of ‘me’. Don’t they teach grammar these days? Ring Paula who’s doing just fine, but it’s very warm in Sheffield. Still cool here. Ride in to town, I need the Skipton Building Society and Paul the Bank. The Building Society won’t let me in, won’t even listen to me. I’m given a number to phone, but that’s just what I didn’t want, to give out sensitive information over the phone. It’s for the safety of the staff, but they are letting people in to deposit and withdraw. How daft is that? A simple system of no more than two customers at once would do it, there’s enough room. I sometimes think academic education removes the ‘common’ in common sense. Paul has no problem at the bank and I can’t see the difference. Ring the BS and the answer is even dafter, they’ve stopped a standing order and not told me. The man on the phone admits it’s poor administration, good job I spotted it. It’s a bit busier in town than we thought it would be. The chippie is open and people are sat on benches relaxing. Suddenly the sun comes out and up goes the temperature. Sit in the summer house and read all afternoon.

Wednesday 20 May

It’s a glorious morning. No deer, then suddenly a head pops up and I realise the grass is

long enough to make hay. The farmer usually waits a wee bit too long and then we get rain. No Bluetits, they’ve definitely been seen off by the Sparrows, but it was two against too many. Lockdown must surely be the most tedious word after Brexit. It’s a day for a good long bike ride. Passed fields full of Buttercups, golden in the sun and brown cows lazily munching.  A Dragonfly, a Buzzard, Hawthorn blossom and birdsong. Passed by boy racers in their open tops, and on their bikes, but who cares. We do the speed that we want and 12 miles was far enough in the heat. James at Little Big Door has chosen my bit of story to link to the next and put it on Instagram. Chuffed to bits. Paul does a lovely lunch. Ian rings, consultation re redundancy tomorrow. Good luck son. Have a lovely shower and finally relax. Repair Workshop and Sewing Bee.

Thursday 21 May Open the window gingerly, don’t want to disturb the Goldfinches. I can smell rain and five minutes later there’s a teaspoonful. Steve Coogan has furloughed his staff, poor man. The king was in his counting house, counting out his money….. Get the ironing out of the way. Do a different route for our bike ride. To Thomas’ for a sausage roll en route but the queue is too long. Up to Windmill Lane which is closed off for a mammoth building development and we have to trek through a woodland path. Ok if you have a mountain bike. Through the University, down the hill, wheeee and across Walmgate Stray. Passed the Barracks (not much left of York’s huge military base) and down to the river. Not allowed to sit on the Millennium Bridge for social distancing and of course, as individuals we can’t be trusted! Rowntree Park is open though and there are lots of people walking, sitting, playing, being responsible for their own welfare. We come out at Lendal Bridge and cycle past the Minster, (hardly a soul about in that last stretch which is eerie) then home with the wind behind us. Next door’s football goes in to the field and they after it, quite noisily. But to my great astonishment Mrs Deer doesn’t bat an eyelid. I think the wind is in the other direction.

Friday 22 May

The much needed rain came through the night and has brought a cool blustery day.  Goldfinches here for breakfast.  Do a video audition, hmm, not sure about that.  Supermarket day and really, there’s hardly any difference, we all just want to get our shopping and go.  The wind is so strong we don’t want to go out, so there’s a lot of reading done.  Hope my Peonies stay in bud a bit longer or they will be ripped to shreds, but the rambling rose is looking gorgeous.  Talked to Ian, he is sounding very upbeat. Phil will come and do the electrics on Thursday. Lovely. Something to look forward to. The days are getting longer as we draw towards the middle of the year.

Saturday 23 May Didn’t really want to get up.  It’s bright but still blowing a hooley out there.  Disturbed the Goldfinches without realising they were there.  Want desperately to go swimming but I can’t so have a shower, put on loads of perfume and a summer dress.  It was too unpleasant to go out so I got the duster and hoover out and had a spruce up.  Fred is getting bored too.  Too cold for my dress after all so back in to comfy clothes, but at least I found a posh jumper.  Plan was to walk after tea, but it was so unpleasant we didn’t go out at all.  Go to bed and fall wide awake.  Read downstairs until 3.30am.

Sunday 24 May Not as windy as yesterday, but not brilliant.  I’d rather it rained, just a bit. We cut the grass, strim the edges and water. The bird bath is bone dry and full of Pigeon poo. Listen to I’m Sorry I Haven’t A Clue, fabulous. After lunch we have a drive to the Pocklington Canal. Such a lovely peaceful spot for a walk. It will be great if it ever gets properly restored. No birds, no deer, just so much wind. Rang Dad, a bit tired but ok. The trouble is he starts a job and doesn’t know when to stop. He also forgets he’s 92. Judy rang with sad news; she’s lost a great niece. At last the wind has died and it is a perfect, still, late spring night. Beautiful new Crescent Moon.

Monday 25 May A beautiful day, sun shining in a perfect sky of azure blue, deer on the field and birds a twittering. If this had been a normal Bank Holiday it would have been perfect. Ellie and Phil slept in their tent last night in the garden. Bee (their kitten/cat) loves it. It is her new playhouse. Gemma’s birthday card arrived in France bang on time. Happy birthday sweetie. Dominic Cummings has kicked up a storm by driving up to Durham to organise child care. Boris has kicked up an even bigger storm by defending him. He must see that we all think it’s one rule for us and one rule for them? Start a new blog site that Alice uses. I love her Indoor Gardening blogs and I prefer the clean lines and presentation. Our bike ride takes us over to Lawrence Street, across Heslington Road and down to Blue Bridge. Across the river at the Millennium Bridge, straight through town and on to Clifton, over the bridge and back down the other bank of the river. Loads of people about enjoying the fresh, clean air. Walking, cycling, lazing on the grass, having picnics, cruising down the river. It’s really pleasant. We go round by the Minster and head for home. It was about 10 miles all told. Too hot for lunch in the garden, so we go indoors. Seems criminal, but we’ve done well today. The Press Conference Dominic Cummings gave in his defence was most unconvincing. The return of the Archers is a tedious format. You would have thought with today's technology they could have delivered something better. Have a wonderful virtual family get together. Poor night for sleep.

Tuesday 26 May Mrs Deer on the field, I’m convinced she’s in fawn, it’s the way she walks. I love the peacefulness of this new world, but I hate the social inactivity and loneliness. Forgot it was Tuesday until Colin rang for the weekly catch up with Paul which reminded me to ring Paula too. She is far too warm, but there isn’t a great deal she can do about it except for turn on the fan. Had to go to B&Q for a door handle. Oh the childish delight of a ride out in the car. Luckily we did a Click & Collect as there was quite a queue. Then to leave Rod and Joyce some magazines and had a nice sd chat in the front garden. To the Post Office to return some shoes, then the Co-op and the Love’s greengrocer. Had to queue for all three. Collecting Rose petals for confetti for Ellie. The sun is finally out and it is very warm now. The usual bike ride, it was later than we thought. The main observation of the day was that there was a lot more people out and about. TV is dreary. The Channels promote Streaming, but it’s really repeats but under your control.

Wednesday 27 May

Mrs Deer pops her head up right near the hedge, I think the pheasant startled her. Beautiful morning. I put the washing in but forget to switch it on? I’m losing the plot. Every government for at least the last 50 years has had a rogue element somewhere and the daft thing is, the PM of the day always seem to go into defence mode. Mistaken loyalty, it’s the public you’re supposed to defend. Now it’s the turn of Dominic and Boris. The eighteenth century cartoonists were brilliant at lampooning people in this situation, and the modern day satirists are doing a similar job. Had lunch alfresco, it was so lovely. Bike ride on a slightly different route that took us round Huntington and we caught the wind every which way. Two loads of dry washing means two loads of ironing! 

Thursday 28 May Cool start to the morning, but the sun was breaking through by 9.  Mrs Deer has two companions, all in their own space.  I wonder if we will see more than one fawn this year?  Deaths in America have exceeded 100,000.  The elderly are dying in Russian state care homes, but no p.m.’s are done so they can’t be quantified.  Rory Kinnear gave an obituary on the Today programme for his sister who has just died of the C – virus.  It was particularly sad hearing this wonderful, funny actor speaking so seriously.  You could hear his pain.  Ian has his interview on Monday.  Good luck son, you’ve worked hard for this.  Phil came to do the electrical work that he was going to do before lockdown.  He also fixed my phone and helped me finish off setting up my website.  We all had a walk by Pocklington Canal before he headed back in to the sunshine and home.  We always see Swifts up there, not a common sight anymore sadly.  No queue at the Co-op but someone in the greengrocers was buying the shop.  The lady in front of me also took her turn so that when I came out there was at least 10 people waiting.  Thank goodness it wasn’t raining.  My new Peony is amazing and the Ceanothus is covered in happy bees.  My phone is taking an age to restore itself.

Friday 29 June Another beautiful day.  This lockdown could have been worse, it could have been wet and windy then we would have all felt really trapped.  Mrs Deer on the field quietly grazing.  So peaceful.  Got my phone going at last.  I hadn’t realised how  much I use it!  Ellie, Maria and Alice have all signed up to my new website already, what a thrill.  Supermarket day with a difference, Paul did the shopping whilst I stayed in the car.  Had a daft idea and did some gardening when we got home, talk about mad dogs and English men!  But I’m pleased with what I did.  We cycled down to Go Outdoors after lunch to get Paul a Tail Bag for his bike and success!  It was for his birthday so I’m glad we got that sorted.  Peter was in his garden getting some sun, it was lovely to see him.  I don’t think he’s far off 90.  There’s something fluttering in the drainpipe at the end of the garage, could be a leaf.  I hope it’s not a trapped bird.  Great news, we can do a bit more from Monday.  Groups of up to six can meet outdoors, in a garden as long as we sd. and we can travel to the seaside.  Oh, to see the sea.  Woohoo.  Have I Got News For You was nearly all about the Dominic Cummings debacle, it was hilarious.

Saturday 30 May Blue sky and sunshine, it’s become the norm.  A policeman in Minneapolis knelt on a man’s windpipe for nine minutes and he died.  Three other officers stood around and did nothing to stop him.  The man who died was black. The act is being seen for what it was, murder.  Now there are riots.  If they don’t handle it properly it will be a black day for white people. Trump has taken America out of WHO. I really don’t understand this man. Wonder if he’s got a white cat? We are living in such strange times it’s almost biblical. The plague/virus, deaths, job losses. We’ll be looking round for Grasshoppers next. Put on a posh frock, some news shoes and we went to Malton. It seemed busier than York. Plenty of shops open, although The Shambles was all shut. Got everything I needed in Superdrug then we walked through to the old market square and there was a market. Bought some Strawberries, they smelt divine. Did some gardening after lunch then we went for our usual bike ride. Rang Fred as usual, he’s been out on his bike too. The Post Office has reopened so he took Dad, but the times have changed and when they got there it was shut! They went into Southampton and found a bank open. We won’t apologise for Paul not following Shield. We are getting loads of exercise and fresh air, and we don’t come into contact with anybody. We are simply using our common sense. Paul’s hair is getting very long, he’s beginning to look like a benign professor.

Sunday 31 May

This has been the hottest, driest May since records began.  Mrs Deer is out there gently grazing, and a pheasant shouts.  Loads of Starlings about for the last few days.  I’m cross with myself, I’ve got sunburn on my back from gardening and cycling and not thinking.  Not looked at the news yet, but then everyone’s gone into panic mode because lockdown is easing up too soon.  It’s a balancing act whatever we do and whenever we do it so we shall just have to see and learn.  Nobody has even considered that his thing may just fade away the same as winter ‘flu epidemics.  Just take longer.  People under Shield can go out from tomorrow and Sue can’t wait.  The first time out since March, bless her.  Thank goodness for her little back garden which she has filled with love and flowers.  My hair is getting out of control now.  Better will give us 10 days’ notice of when Yearsley pool will reopen and we will have double swim lanes.  Yippee.   Talked to Dad, he’s the same but at least he’s been out.  He says he’s 93 soon and he’s seen nothing like this pandemic so how do all of the experts know what is the right course of action?  Ian rang, we wish him luck for tomorrow.  The Barn Owl is flying up and down the field but Mrs Deer doesn’t notice. 

Primary schools go back tomorrow. Or do they? The arguments rage as usual.  

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