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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

C – Virus continues – July 2020

Wednesday 1 July They say that Prostitution is the oldest profession, but in my opinion it is the Slave Trade which goes back to time immemorial with all of the ancient civilisations having their fair share of slave labour. It continues today with very little mention. Surely the evidence of the past means the emphasis should be on eliminating this wretched trade now, once and for all, and freeing thousands of people of all races, men, women and children from its misery. Not much to inspire anyone today but at least it’s not raining. The washing is out, so fingers crossed. The day just got better; Paul is no longer on the Shield list; I’ve got a hair appointment and Denise has invited Moira and I over on her birthday, it should be nice enough to sit in the garden. I’m currently listening to The Boy with Two Hearts by Hamed Amiri on the morning story. It’s a very touching and powerful true story of an Afghani family and their flight from the Taliban to this country. But the principal figure is the eldest son who has a heart condition and throughout his trials manages to stay positive and inspire others with his inner strength and by sharing the kindness of his ‘other’ heart. We both cycled down to the Co-op for some bread and things and then had a much longer ride after lunch. It got very muggy and flies were bouncing off us left right and centre as we raced along. Phil has made a lamp from some copper piping and other bits, it’s very contemporary. Finally a clear sky, but it was almost dark when I looked out to see Mrs Deer gently grazing whilst the bats whizzed back and forth.

Thursday 2 July I’m losing track of the days again, but it’s another wet start with a gloomy prospect. Even Mrs Deer is wet out in the field with a pheasant croaking. These virus cases seem to be all over the place with a spike here and a spike there. Leicester is in local lockdown following a dramatic rise, I wonder if there will be any more. York Press features businesses daily that sadly will not reopen. I wish I had tons of money to catch the small firms and help them to keep going. It was a case of stay in all day or go out, so we went out. As far as Bridlington in fact where it was cool but it wasn’t raining. Our favourite chippy was open so we dined alfresco in a nearby shelter. There were a few people about and the atmosphere was holidaymakers on a dull day in an English summer, but it was good to be out in the fresh air. Penny starts her final bout of treatment on Monday, that’s 10 sessions of cranial radiation and she's already had Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy. Good luck Penny, let’s hope this is the last of it. You are such a plucky lady. I’m taking advantage of the Mint Velvet sale and ordered two jumpers.

Friday 3 July

I’m on Saturday! Another damp start, but it wasn’t raining when we did the supermarket trip. Lovely to hear from Susanna in America, she seems to be doing ok. Ann says they met Richard and his family in Filey for Megan’s birthday. It must have been lovely seeing their grandchildren in the flesh and not on screen for a change. They have a Hedgehog called Roger. Apparently Hedgehogs have 44 teeth! I wonder who got up close enough to count them? I noticed the lights on in The Hopgrove as we passed; obviously getting ready for opening tomorrow. Daphne is baking again; she says it’s for her son’s birthday but I wonder how much will be left by Monday. Over 300 Elephants have been found dead in Botswana and so far there is no explanation, except it is not poachers as the tusks are still intact. A beautiful Stoat bounded across the road in front of us on our bike ride today. Boris made a statement in which he implied that Newts are responsible for holding up building projects. Tut tut, what monsters. The Great Crested Newt is in decline because their habitat is being built on so they deserve some consideration. We used to go Newt spotting at the brick pond after school when we were little but sadly nowadays most children will never see a live one.

Saturday 4 July Vicki’s birthday, happy birthday sweetheart. I thought it was yesterday until I realised that I was a day ahead of myself. It’s a mild, cloudy day. I said good morning to Mrs Deer who was gently grazing on the field when I opened the curtains. I waited until her head went down before I opened the window as I didn’t want to startle her. Today is the day when pubs, hairdressers and lots of other places can open, but not Swimming Pools! Why not! It’s not a contact sport and we swim in chlorinated water. We can go in our costumes and shower at home afterwards thereby reducing contact in changing areas and I’m desperate to swim. Paul’s trapped nerve in his back is causing him a great deal of pain, but Chiropractors are all still closed of course. Went to Malton via the back roads as the A64 was groaning under the weight of traffic. Bumper to bumper, cars, motor homes and caravans all heading off to the coast. It was worse than a Bank Holiday. Malton was fairly busy too and a few more shops open, but no queue at the hairdresser. Rod kindly brought us some fresh veg from the allotment, looking forward to eating it. Our bike ride was cut short by the rain that had been threatening all day, and as soon as we got home it stopped. Fred is ok, been down to Worthing and come home weather beaten. Lovely long on-line family chat tonight. Sunday 5 July The wet and windy night gave way to a dry but very windy day. Opened the window and was enjoying the fresh air until the wind whipped the window wide open. Scared me, I thought I wouldn’t get it closed again. Got my washing out, it should dry quickly. Ian is going to go Freelance. He’s wanted to do it for a while and there’s no time like the present. He’s a very good Producer and should do ok. Phil is urging him on, he loves working for himself and is getting lots of jobs in. The important thing is they both have determination and brilliant organising skills. Such a long day and too windy to ride, in fact the washing was the highlight of the day. All ironed and put away. Paul is envious of our neighbour who seems to have managed to get his hair cut. Phil says his barber has hiked his prices from £9 to £15 pro tem so he’s waiting until the fuss dies down. Made a curry for tea. Football on prime time TV, so boring. Monday 6 July I’ve done it again! The other night I managed to sprain my knee in my sleep and last night it was my hand. Paul’s back is still very tender, we’re a right couple of crocks. It’s still windy but not half as bad as yesterday. Paul went to see if he could get a haircut whilst I cycled up to Vanguard Park (hate that name) for some bits and bobs. It was surprisingly busy for a Monday. The wind blew me home which was nice. When Paul got to the hairdresser they had changed the system, so now you have to book. His appointment is on Thursday. We mowed the lawns and had lunch al fresco. It’s hot when the sun comes out, but that bank of clouds is ever present. I carried on and did a bit more gardening until some heavy spots of rain drove me indoors, but it was over almost as soon as it had begun. Very happy with my jumpers from Mint Velvet. Found a long lost tape from Uncle Ham (Hammad) and I'm going to have a listen. Gorgeous sunset tonight and Mrs Deer grazing peacefully in the field. Watched the moon rising, it was big and deep yellow and an awe inspiring sight.

Tuesday 7 July Denise’s birthday, happy birthday my love. Quite a nice morning, although the clouds look a bit threatening. Hope it comes to nothing as I want to cycle to Denise’s house. Not only did Jo get her hair done, but she was featured on News at Ten having it done! Cycled over to Denise’s house with some strawberries and some Asti to celebrate her birthday. Moira was there with her dog and it was lovely to see them both after such a long time. Mark joined us and we had a very pleasant lunch. We’ve decided to have our own Art class on a Monday as we have no idea when we will be able to get back to it. Heavy rain forecast so I cycled back whilst it was spitting, but it never really came to anything. Paul had his own bike ride today. Rang Paula but the plumber was there so we’ll speak later. Uncle Ham’s tape is a bit complicated so I’ve decided to type it up. Swallows! I wondered where they had got to? I imagine them with little sou'westers on and scarves against the wind and rain. Another lovely sunset, the Barn Owl and the Bats are out hunting, but too much cloud to see the moon tonight. Wednesday 8 July Woke feeling quite gloomy, but then a message from Helen C and would we like to go for a cuppa next week and suddenly I realised that I’m busy every day. That cheered me up no end. Paul noticed that the Castle Snooker hall has re-opened, so I signed him up and passed the information on to Colin to do the same. Still no news about swimming pools opening. I think that non-swimmers don't understand what it means to a swimmer to feel refreshed, revitalised by being in the water and swimming. They think they’ve found Bubonic Plague in China? That’s all we need, talk about Armageddon! Chatted to Paula, the plumber has fixed the leak and all is well. It was raining in Sheffield. Sitting on the bench after our ride we looked up to see a light aircraft flying over in one direction and a Buzzard in the other. It was one of those tricks of perspective but the Buzzard looked huge by comparison. It was warmer than it looked and the washing was dry in next to no time. Fell asleep reading about Thomas Cromwell. No Barry on Eggheads this week, great. I hate to see him rolling his eyes and banging his head if someone gets a question wrong and he knows the answer. Nobody does it when he gets something wrong. Doesn’t he know how rude it is?

Thursday 9 July Rain, rain, rain most of the night. Money, money, money is the main discussion on the Today programme. Rishi Sunak is releasing tons of money to help stabilise the economy. Well, as a nation aren’t we worth it? Yes, I think so. Two deer on the field and for once I could see them from the kitchen as I ate my breakfast. Such a calming effect. Ellie has been given a bonus for all her hard work; well done Ellie, it’s good to know you are appreciated. Found some good exercises on the NHS website for Paul’s back, let’s hope they are effective. Paul has had his hair cut and I recognise him now. Phil says he had got used to him looking like Professor Wheeto! With grey skies above us we raced down the cycle track, and by the time we were heading for home there was a thin drizzle coming down. Finished transcribing Uncle Ham’s tape. Phew, that was a marathon. His English was quite good and it was worth the hard work because I learnt so much about my family. Daphne sent a text message; we can go swimming from 25 July. Yippee! I’m ready now. The barn owl seemed to be having a successful hunting spree tonight.

Friday 10 July Sunshine and a wee bit of blue sky. Paul’s back seems to be even worse today, but I’ve discovered that Chiropractors are open. He’s going to give the exercises a chance before trying for an appointment. Supermarket was busy, but the shopping was soon over and done with. Bought a packet of masks to leave in the car, you never know when you might need one. Gracie has gone on her hols to her doggy chums whilst Ian and Maria enjoy a nice weekend break. Quick bike ride before lunch and one after meant that we managed to dodge the rain. The drive was wet, but the path was dry! Mrs Deer and fawn on the field. It's the first time I've seen it for weeks but it's still leaping around with all the joys. The deer don't seem to wander across the field so much in the summer months so it is always a treat to see them. Daphne’s got the Better app on her phone now, with Yearsley as a favourite pool so we’re all set. Just say the word and we’re booking our swims. Every Kinda People by Robert Palmer has been chosen as the anthem for North Yorkshire. I remember him at Art School where he went by his middle name of Alan. He was always good for a laugh. One day in the Life class he drew a perfect pose of the model Doreen, then added a fishing rod in her hand. Fortunately the lecturer Malcolm (Daddy) Burns saw the funny side. Saturday 11 July Sunshine, hooray. Lido’s can open today, wish I were in Helmsley, their pool in the open countryside is gorgeous, especially on a day like today with the swallows flying overhead. (Although sadly, it will not open this year because of the virus). Paul's back is still very painful, but he is stoically doing the NHS exercises. On the way to Malton we go over the A64 and look at the huge traffic jam with folks on their way to the coast. It was 12.30 then so some of them will be lucky if they are in time for a fish and chip tea. Malton was noticeably busier, almost like a normal Saturday. We did our bit of shopping and made our way home for lunch. I’m ashamed to say I dozed off, but then sleep eluded me last night so it’s not surprising. Got a bemused video of Grace looking at a pet rabbit. You could almost hear her thinking, “What the devil’s that thing?” Rob posted some great Kayaking photos on Instagram.

Sunday 12 July Sunshine, and a jolly good day for a bike ride. Down to Muncastergate and on to Yearsley Bridge, on the cycle track as far as the Hospital, through Bootham Park and down to the river. It was cool to start with but then the sun broke through and I started discarding clothing. The Sculls were out in force on the river, but then I don’t suppose you can do a rowing eight with sd (social distancing). We rode over Clifton bridge and down the other side, through the city centre, past Rowntree Park and on to the Millennium bridge. Stopped for a drink, a banana and to watch the river traffic then hopped on our bikes and we were off again. Up to the Barracks, across Walmgate Stray and through the University and pointed our noses for home. I still can’t get over how peaceful the University campus is without the constancy of students. We sat in the summerhouse for lunch and listened to the silence with the odd bird call. Such peace. Dad said his breathing is bad again, but he sounded quite perky to me.

Ian and Maria returned home from Rye refreshed and restored.

Monday 13 July

Andy’s birthday, happy birthday sweetheart, have a great day.  It was warm enough to have the windows open last night and our morning call was the Blackbird.  It was an easy cycle ride to Denise’s house where Denise, Moira and I professed to do some art, but really we talked more than anything, which was just as nice.  Mark made us egg sandwiches for lunch.  Looking forward to next Monday when I will try to paint more and talk less.  Cool day though, and I had to wait for the rain to stop before cycling home.  Paul has left a message for the Chiropractor; hope he can get an appointment soon.  My leggings and jumper have arrived from Peruvian Connection, lovely stuff and even better at sale price.  A Bearded Vulture has been spotted in the Peak District, how exciting. It's not native to this country and the bird spotters must have loved it. Wouldn't mind seeing it myself. Can’t help but notice the absence of spam e-mails since the C-virus became pandemic.  Every cloud has a silver lining.

Tuesday 14 July I was up early, exercised, showered, breakfasted and on my bike down to the Hairdresser. As it was a perm I took Wilding by Isabella Tree to read, a very good choice as it turned out. Paul has an appointment with the Chiropractor next Tuesday and I’m sure it can’t come soon enough. The Harbour Bar on Sandside in Scarborough is celebrating 75 years. Lovely news. It’s probably one of the best known and best loved café/ice cream parlours for many miles and one where I’ve happily spent time and money. I remember Giuliann Alonze at college and it’s good to see him still doing well in the family business. We had the usual bike ride after lunch; heard lots of lovely birdsong and saw a huge dragon fly. The farmer seems to have cut two of his fields for hay, wish he would do the one at the back in the not too distant future.

Wednesday 15 July Paula’s birthday and I’m up early to catch the train to Sheffield; face mask and gloves at the ready. Very little traffic so it only took me fifteen minutes to cycle to the station where you had to show your tickets before you went in. Of course there was a Wi-Fi blackspot and my e-ticket wouldn’t show, but I was allowed through. I had been cross that I couldn’t book a seat, but it actually didn’t matter as there was at least a couple of hundred to choose from. Paula was really pleased to see me and she liked her present and sunflowers. Georg had rung at 9am from America. He said it was hopeless over there with no social distancing or regard for the consequences but all about having the right to do what they wanted. Corin had bought her a lovely wall clock which she loved. We had a good natter; a spot of lunch and I gave her a facial before walking back down the hill and catching the bus back to the station. Everything was bang on time! Paul had tea all ready. After I had gone he had had a good soak in a hot bath and a couple of Ibuprofen and that gave him some relief for most of the day. Not sure what to say about St Swithun’s’s day. It didn’t exactly rain, but it wasn’t exactly dry either so let’s see what the next 40 days brings. Thursday 16 July Bonnie morning and lot’s to do. Washing out and more in the tub. Out with the cleaning gear. Got my refund from LNER, hooray, at last. Paul strimmed the edges of the lawns ready for a cut then we went to Helen and Paul’s after lunch. Lovely visit, gorgeous chocolate cake, thank you Helen. The statue of Jen Reid, which was erected on the plinth following the removal of Edward Colston’s statue has also been removed, this time by Bristol City Council as no one had asked for permission for it to be there. I’d like to know that someone was fighting for today’s victims of slavery and abuse and not just shouting about what is past. Life is about living honestly and well and making a better future for everyone. Good news, Ellie is to be promoted for all of her hard work. It is so nice to know that she is finally in a job where she is appreciated. Friday 17 July Well it’s been Friday for the last two days for me. Beautiful sunny morning and nice and fresh. Supermarket shopping was easy, but I thought I’d get used to wearing a face mask. I had a disposable one and it was awful, not half as comfortable as my home made mask. I whipped it off as soon as I got out into the fresh air. But I will be good and wear one in all the right places, it just makes sense. We cut the lawns before lunch as the afternoon was reserved for ironing.  Captain Tom Moore has been knighted.  Now here is a man who deserves a statue, he certainly has my admiration and respect.  He fought for his country in World War II and at the age of 99 he raised millions for the NHS.  I was close to tears listening to him speak about the honour he has received and meeting the Queen.  It became quite muggy in the evening, so I got the talcum powder out to pamper my skin and make it easier to sleep.

Saturday 18 July

Tony and Sue’s Golden Wedding anniversary.  Happy days: not that they can go out and celebrate what with lockdown and Sue on Shield, but the family will be round later.  Hope it stops raining and cheers up a bit.  You could see the traffic built up on the bypass almost back to Hull Road, so we went to Malton round the back.  It was warm and wet, but there were plenty of folks about.  We were listening to a play after lunch when the phone rang, and it was the library to collect our books.  It was also nice to return the others.  Bee brought a fledgling Thrush in for Phil and Ellie, but she hadn’t hurt it.  It sat on Phil’s shoulder as if he was its dad.  They put it out but she brought it back in again so they rang a wildlife sanctuary to see if they could take it.  Rubbish on TV, it’s all repeats, deadbeat celebrities, football and gambling adverts.

Sunday 19 July

Happy Birthday Judy, have a lovely day.  The sun has come out just for you and it’s a gorgeous day.  We got out early and had a lovely bike ride.  The traffic was already building up as we went over the A64 at 10.00am and by the time we had ridden round by Warthill, Badger Hall and Murton we could see the tail back up to Hull Road.  I know where I would rather be and it’s not a hot car in a traffic jam.  Phil rang, he thinks he needs a new car battery and they’re very expensive but with lockdown he is not doing the mileage and the battery is not charging.  Paul suggested a battery charger in the first instance.  Nearly at the end of The Mirror and The Light and I’m feeling quite sad.  Thomas Cromwell has always been seen as the bad guy, but Hilary Mantel shows him as a person and a man of his time and with the history around his downfall you get a different perspective.  The farmer has cut the grass in the field, that’s better and even better still when it gets baled up.  We will be able to see the wildlife properly.

Monday 20 July 

It’s warm but the clouds prevent it from being a scorcher.  The traffic on the by-pass is still at Bank Holiday level, but I suppose it is officially school holiday time.  Off to join Denise and Moira for our little art session which we’re all enjoying.  It’s a lovely way to start the week. Stopped at M&S to get some gluten free goodies for lunch and I was impressed at their range. Some people are protesting about having to wear face masks.  I’m speechless.  Red Kites are thriving in this country and there are now over 1000 breeding pairs.  Excellent.  I love to see Kites and Buzzards circling overhead, such a magnificent sight. Stabbings and knife crime are on the rise again.  I wish somebody could explain to me the need to carry a knife, the desire to stab someone and the hate that must be behind it.  Yearsley Pool may not open for another month.  I despair.  The only consolation is that it will reopen as officialdom has been trying to close it for years but it’s the peoples’ pool, not theirs!

Tuesday 21 July

Microsoft has upgraded and I hate it.  It’s so slow and uncontrollable and it wasn’t broke, so I have no idea why they saw the need to fix it.  Went into town, an experience not to be repeated in a hurry.  It was busy and there were lots of gloomy faces. I put my face mask on when I went in the shops which restricted both my vision and my breathing.  Boots didn’t have a thing I wanted, and I couldn’t even get a quick spray of perfume in Browns.  I ended up in Sainsburys, a place I haven’t been in for months, but I got what I wanted.  I cycled home feeling quite tetchy and glad to come home to my peaceful, sunny back garden. Paul had his appointment at the Chiropractor.  She could see the problem, gave him a good massage and some manipulation.  It felt immediately better, then worse as he got going but that’s always the way.  He has another appointment next Tuesday and I really hope it works for him. Had a lovely family on-line chat after tea.

Wednesday 22 July

And so it drags on, what a weary world.  It is hard to stay positive what with the virus restrictions and the political arguments and people spewing hate about events that happened hundreds of years ago.  Into each life a little joy please.  Hope the farmer bales the grass soon, the deer won’t come back until they can smell the sweet tender shoots of new grass.  Saw the fox last night going up to his lair.  Another creature hidden for so long by the tall grass.  Hopefully we will see some fox cubs playing again this year.  Had an e-mail from Better, I can start to book at my local centre which they have named as Energise!  It would be easier for me to get to the Malton Pool to swim than Energise, I would never go there.  I’m trying to be patient, but I’m still not convinced that Yearsley will reopen.  Read Alice’s lovely blog, she always renews my enthusiasm for my garden.  We were going to take a picnic to Scarborough, but Paul’s back is even worse today, so I got the polish and hoover out and the Living room got a shock.  By the time it rained my washing was ready to iron, so that’s my day.  Repair workshop had me in tears as usual.  It always makes me think that it would be nice to see a move away from University education and a return to apprenticeships for people to learn real skills.

Thursday 23 July

The farmer baled up last night and I was treated to a wonderful sight because of it.  As dusk fell, I looked out to see three fox cubs chasing round the bales, leaping and play fighting.  I felt privileged to see them.  Wish they had been a bit closer and not on the other side of the field.  Cool morning with a promise of rain, which it did as soon as we got in the car to go to Joyce and Rod’s.  They did a lovely lunch of burgers, homemade coleslaw and home-grown salad and Joyce had made a gorgeous Lemon Posset.  We had a really good catch up and left with full tummies a plant for the garden and a tub of gooseberries from Rod’s allotment.  E-mail from Fi, Yearsley pool may open on 8 August.  Hmm, we’ll see. Interesting that Better is going to charge us for a facility we can't use for a month.  The latest Microsoft update is pants. Paul started off badly, but a cold compress seems to have helped a bit. No Fox cubs tonight, but it's all about timing.

Friday 24 July

Nice morning.  Lots of Sparrows around and I sure some of them are fledglings.  Jenni Murray is leaving Woman’s Hour.  Well I don’t mind; I would like to see more opportunities for younger people and drop these ridiculous salaries to a sensible level.  Supermarket shop was easy, even with my face mask.  It was quiet because of the school holidays; they are all in their cars on the A64 which was queued back even at 10am this morning.  Ian has got a second interview and is just waiting for a date.  Phil is cracking on with a big rewiring job, it sounds as if he is enjoying himself.  Tried to order his birthday present from Manomano today, what a nightmare, I nearly gave up.  They weren’t very helpful either.  Had a good bike ride but unfortunately it seemed to make Paul’s back worse and he felt every bump and jolt in the road.  Made a Gooseberry Fool with Rod’s lovely red Gooseberries.  Three Fox cubs  chasing round the hay bales tonight, it was wonderful to watch they were having so much fun.

Saturday 25 July

A bit of a warm, muggy day.  I’m finding it hard to shake off the voices of hate in the media.  Maybe it’s time to switch off; but then you hear about things like in looking for a 2 year old child, police in Mexico came across a Child Slavery ring where children and toddlers as young as two were kidnapped and forced to sell trinkets in the streets and markets. The money they earnt paid for food and somewhere to sleep.   Sheffield Cathedral has sacked its choristers because it wants to ‘make its music department and Choir ready for the exciting future of the mixed urban community in which we live and work.’  Really?  It smacks of a knee jerk reaction and racism. The choristers are devastated, they've been made into political tools..  It’s all so depressing. Paul’s back is much worse today, so we only ventured as far as Pocklington Canal.  It is so peaceful there.  We watched a Moorhen and her chicks swimming downstream and one got left behind so there was a lot of cheep, cheep, cheeping.  It was very quiet on the roads, let’s hope that everyone has got to their holiday destination and will have a great time.   

Sunday 26 July

Beautiful day with plenty of sunshine, although it soon clouded over and got breezy.  Ellie and Phil are on holiday in the Wye Valley.  Wish I was on the beach in Sitges, going for a lovely swim in the sea.  Thrilled to learn that Alice has managed to get a little plot on which to grow vegetables. It needs a lot of work to clear the ground, but I bet she does really well. Put a freeze on my Better membership for a month as I don’t trust the company to reopen Yearsley Swimming Pool and I am NOT going to Energise.  Cleaned the oven out and did some washing, really exciting.  Only exercise was a ride down to the Co-op for a loaf of bread.  Listened to two plays on the radio as I worked and had to switch off, they were both so miserable.  People returning from Spain have to self-isolate and are kicking up a fuss.  It’s not the Government’s fault, surely they realised the risk involved before they set off.  What is it about seeing creatures in the wild playing that is so uplifting?  Tonight I was treated to a wonderful display of chase the fox cub as they streaked across the field, in and out of the hay bales, jumping and barking and tumbling over each other.  It was quite magical.

Monday 27 July

The rain is raining all around, It falls on land and tree, It falls on umbrellas here, And all the ships at sea (Robert Louis Stephenson).  The pandemic seems to be getting worse globally and there seems to be little joy around.  Today is a sad world. Fi says that Better are making some alterations to Yearsley before opening. Yeah, yeah whatever!  Saw a photo of Katie Price with her lips pumped up, now that did make me laugh.   Left Paul in a nice hot Radox bath when I went to Denise’s for our Art session and had to go in the car as it was raining so hard. Mark made us some lovely chips again and we had a good munch and natter before the paints came out. Moira and I had a go with acrylics. Had another go at changing the delivery address for my Manomano order. What a useless firm and website. I eventually rang and spoke to a young lady who tried very hard bless her. I hope she can sort it out. I am horrified to hear that some people think the C- virus is a conspiracy to kill Blacks. Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who have lost their loved ones. Where does this all come from? Who is stirring up all this hate and fear? We are all condemned by the colour of our skin.

Tuesday 28 July

Bright blustery day, but at least it’s dry. No luck with Manomano who, I discover are an agent for vidaXL who also seem incapable of recognising their mistake and won’t change the delivery address. I wish I’d never heard of them. Paul went to the Chiropractor whilst I popped off to the shop for some veg for tea. It was a really windy ride but nice to be out. When I got home Paul was back and said he was feeling much better for today's session. We had lunch and then another longer bike ride together, the wind was even stronger, but it was great when it was behind us. Rang Salah for some information on Old Cairo, it was lovely to hear his voice after such a long time and he sounded really well. They recently had a visit from all the family, and it was obvious how much he had enjoyed seeing his grandchildren again.  They had missed him and Hayam too. Having dreadful problems with Microsoft Office, wish I'd never given them feedback now.  

Wednesday 29 July

Why is it that some days I can touch my toes with little effort, yet on others I struggle?  Today was a good day.  Not a bad day weatherwise.  We went up to Thirsk.  It was as busy as ever in the Market Place but nice and peaceful by the river where we had a picnic.  I got my washing out later and it was dry in an hour.  The package from vidaXL was on the back doorstep when we got home, so no chance of refusing delivery.  This is a firm that is happy to take your order, but not remotely interested in customer care or after sales.   Never again.  Came across a 1933 Crown coin that Auntie Margaret left me, wonder what it’s worth?  There was also a couple of silver sixpences and a silver threepenny bit in the bag.  Looked out at 9.30pm to see the last of the hay bales being trailered out of the field.  Just one fox was brave enough to venture out for a rootle around amongst the molehills.

Thursday 30 July

One day fine, next day rain.  It’s a typical British summer, just with added depression because of the virus.  A real annushorriblis!  Ian has an interview this afternoon, all fingers are crossed.  Daphne and I have been looking at gyms with pools, but decided to hang fire just in case Yearsley does reopen. The sun came out at lunchtime, so with the ironing done we jumped on our bikes and had a good pedal round.  Paul C is in hospital following a heart attack.  That must have been a horrible shock.  He’s in the best place for now and we hope he will be home soon and getting better with Helen’s love and care.  Sadly, the Humber Car collection has been sold.  We went to see it with Julia and Col, it was a private museum which was part of a Potato Warehouse in Hull.  A memorable day out. Friday 31 July Oh what a beautiful morning.  The sun is shining, the sky is blue, the air is warm and it is so peaceful.   Paul C had a better night, the medication is kicking in and he is not in pain, just waiting to go the Cardiac ward and to have an Angiogram.  The family are doing a wonderful job of supporting Helen.  Traffic on the bypass was stacking up at 10am, the early birds trying to beat the rush!  Shopping was easy and there are more tills open now.  Cut the grass back and front.  Tried to get a photo of a butterfly on the Buddleia but they were always just out of my reach.  Sounds like Ian gave a good interview, all fingers crossed son.  Phil back from camping holiday and has had his hair cut.  So hot that even when we caught a breeze on the bikes it didn’t cool us down.  Brief thunder storm around 8pm with some cracking lightning shots but it soon melted over towards the Wolds.  Hot night, 18 degrees!

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