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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

C – virus. A mad, sad summer. August 2020

Saturday 1 August Yorkshire Day and a nice sunny one too. A bit fresher after the thunder last night and nicer for walking about. A house in Haxby went up in flames after it was struck by lightning. Paul’s back seems to have stiffened up again. We had a ride to Selby for a change and managed to get a coffee and bacon butty al fresco for lunch. Long time since we’ve done that. I’ve stopped listening to the news, I’m tired of this blanket accusation that we are all racist, sexist, ageist you name it. I’m me and I am happy for other people to be themselves. In fact, it’s their own internal anger that alienates people and fuels prejudice. I'm with Laurence Fox. Face masks are very much in evidence now. A lot of holiday traffic about but as usual, we were going in the other direction. A lot of talk about Obesity but it’s hardly surprising with movement being so restricted. I’m lucky, somewhere between cycling and exercising I’m still the same weight I was in March. Fred has been swimming and he enjoyed it! I’m very envious and I still have no idea if Yearsley will reopen, so I’ve been investigating other pools. The best is the University, but it doesn’t open until 1 September! Bee is happy to have Phil back home from holiday so that she can enjoy her creature comforts. Sunday 2 August I’ve had so many wonderful messages following my last blog, I was nearly in tears. Thank you all. Had a message from one of the Badminton players also missing their sessions and the camaraderie; I’ll see if she would like to meet for a socially distanced coffee one day. Maria and Alice are at the new allotment today. They’ve got their work cut out clearing the land, but I wish I was helping them. They came across two Cinnabar moth caterpillars whilst they were working. Paul seems to take two steps forwards, one back, then two back and one forward. I wish I could do something to help ease the pain. Paul C on the other hand is doing ok; just bored in hospital and Helen can’t visit because of the virus. We had a short ride today, the bumps jolt Paul’s back and York’s roads are really just a network of potholes, so we came up by the chickens and through Tang Hall. Gorgeous full moon tonight, big and fat and yellow. Monday 3 August Beautiful day, can’t wait to get on my bike. August and there’s nothing to see on the field, even the birds are quiet feeding their broods. Paul C to have an Angiogram today, hope all goes well. Paul’s back just does not improve but he manages to stay cheerful. He went off for a good cycle ride whilst I rode over to Denise’s house for our little art group. It’s always nice to see Denise, Mark, Moira and her little dog Daisy. Went to M&S first for some odds and sods and my freebie jute bag. Got a text from Daphne, Yearsley is to reopen on 10 August. Now why couldn’t they just say so instead of causing all that angst. As soon as I got home I logged on to unfreeze my membership so I can book a session. Anita says Bryan has ruptured his Achilles tendon, ouch, and has to wear a boot which isn’t going down too well. Not surprising as Bryan is like Paul and doesn’t do idle too well. My flowers for Helen C did not arrive, Paul C did not get his Angiogram and Daphne could not unfreeze her membership in order to book a swim! In other news, I did, and I am so excited. Next Monday at 3.00 o’clock I shall be in that pool swimming happily up and down. Wonderful. Ian should hear by the end of the week if his interview was successful.

Tuesday 4 August It's raining. It’s chilly and it’s raining, and I’ve got warm clothes on. What the poor swallows do when it’s like this I don’t know, but all the birds seem to be in hiding and I haven’t seen Mrs Deer or the Foxes for days. The Hydrangea, Montbretia, Crocosima and Sunflowers are nice and cheery out in the garden however, so I’ll settle for that. Rod brought us a little harvest festival of veg from his allotment. All organic and so tasty. Paul C finally had his Angiogram which revealed an Aneurysm. That will mean treatment in Hull, but it’s a good hospital and he will get excellent treatment. It was quite late when I rode down the bike track to Home Bargains, it’s amazing how many people use it to cycle to and from work. Paul’s back is worse than ever. I breathed a sigh of relief when he returned from the Chiropractor to hear that she has written a note to our doctor requesting a scan. A ten year old boy managed to stay afloat in the sea at Scarborough for an hour before he was rescued. He had followed advice from a programme he had seen about the RNLI. Clever boy, he’ll go far. Wednesday 5 August It's difficult getting out of bed these days but I make myself do my exercises and get going. I shall try to be more positive, after all, I’ve my swim to look forward to. The surgery rang this morning and Paul has an appointment at 5pm. The Chiropractor’s note did the trick. Shocking photos of Beirut which has been hit by a terrible explosion. The source is a warehouse containing badly stored Ammonium nitrate which is used as a fertiliser in agriculture and as an explosive. It was a disaster waiting to happen and my heart goes out to the people who live there. We both set off on our bikes to get a loaf of bread and had to work hard against the wind which was really strong and warm. Half way down Stockton Lane I realised I’d forgotten my face mask, so we carried on the bike track and made it into a morning ride, then did it again after lunch. Rang Paula who was enjoying a mouthful of onion bhaji that Corin had just brought her. Daphne has got her swim booked at last, thank goodness. It sounds as if she’ll be coming out as I’m going in. Paul has to self-refer for a scan and go for a blood test. Thursday 6 August Overcast and warm. The field is greening up, but no sign of any wildlife just yet. The queue on the bypass is horrendous as usual. Ian rang just before we set off for the Nuffield. He got the job! Not only, but also it’s better paid than his last job and a more senior position. We’re very proud, very relieved for him and very happy. Paul had his blood test and then we came home to complete the on-line self referral form. What a faff. We both set off for a bike ride after lunch, but Paul was still feeling a bit sore so he peeled off at the chickens and I went on for a much longer bike ride, up James Street, on to Hull Road as far as B&Q, then back through Osbaldwick. It was very warm and little flies shot up my nose and in my mouth and I felt quite grubby by the time I got home. Made some lovely chips with Rod’s new potatoes. Phil and Ellie have decided to go ahead with their wedding but have the reception on their first anniversary next year. Sounds like a really good idea. You can’t have fun with a whole load of fear and restrictions in place.

Friday 7 August Paul woke with sharp twinges in his back. Hope the blood tests show it’s an infection that can be quickly solved with anti-biotics. The by-pass was chocca before 9.30am! It will be standing room only at the coast this weekend. A quiet day otherwise, even the supermarket was half empty I’m please to say. We both read a lot and I had a bike ride but I stayed on the main roads, I didn’t want the closeness of the bike track or any insects in my mouth. I cut through by the chickens, got a bit of shopping and came back up Stockton Lane with a bit of a breeze behind me. There were a few spots of rain, it was quite odd, as if a little cloud was just too heavy. The windows are open to keep things cool, but the house stinks of someone’s rammy barbecue. Yuk. I managed to catch sight of the annual Perseid meteor shower with its silvery streaks against the night sky. Saturday 8 August Paul was in agony last night and the only comfort he could get was sleeping in a chair in the living room. We need to find out what this is very quickly and get it sorted. Another hot morning and all the coastal resorts will be crammed. Filey was so busy yesterday that Helen H and Dahlia didn’t venture out until late. I shot to the post office to post a birthday card, just missed the post, bought some bread that I didn’t need and forgot the milk that I did need! It’s so peaceful in the back garden, it’s a shame everyone can’t have one. Paul was feeling a bit better but needed to rest, whilst I needed the exercise so I jumped back on my bike after lunch for another ride. This time I went up to New Lane to try and work out where the cycle track goes to now that they have built the cinema etc. at Vanguard Park (hate that name). I also remembered to slip in to M&S for the milk. Things are shifting for Paul C and he should be transferred to Hull this weekend. Rang Fred, he went swimming three times last week! It’s still very hot and I’m going to have to do a mammoth watering session in the garden tonight. Even the bird bath keeps drying up. Paul had a much better day in the end. I think resting was key. Sunday 9 August I saw Mrs Deer late last night, her golden tan coat fading into the background so that I could only be sure it was her when she turned sideways on. Lovely. No sun this morning, but it’s warm enough. Paul is ok for now, let’s hope he can get through the day without too much pain. Paul C is in good spirits and on his way to Castle Hill Hospital in Hull at last. We had a cycle ride after lunch, down Stockton Lane and on to the cycle track at Heworth Green. Paul carried on to the end and home, whilst I peeled off up Tang Hall Lane, onto Hull Road and did a circuit passed Osbaldwick, into Murton then Holtby Lane and back down Stockton Lane. The sun came out and by the time I reached home, I was melting. The good news was that Paul seems to be ok. His back hasn’t troubled him much today and he’s certainly looking brighter. Whatever’s going on, we’re both thankful for the respite.

Monday 10 August Judi’s birthday, happy birthday sweetheart, hope you will be feeling better soon (it’s not the virus) and we can have that coffee. Ferdie Fox was taking a stroll across the field last night, I love his sense of freedom and nature and life. Beautiful morning. The sun is shining, Paul is feeling heaps better and Paul C is all ready for his scan. I shall be off to join Denise and Moira in some Art and talking and then I’m off for a swim. Yippee! First one for months and I can’t wait. A black MP is railing against her car being stopped by the Police. If you give out hate, you get it back twofold and alienate all those you want to convert in the process. Lovely ride over to Denise’s where Mark made us some grandad chips and egg sandwiches. He does spoil us and I always enjoy our get togethers. Cycled down to Yearsley after and had the most wonderful swim. It was just heavenly being back in the water. I saw Daphne, Carol, Helen, Wendy and several other familiar faces. It was just good to be back. Couldn’t do as many lengths as usual; as Wendy said, the pool’s got longer since we were last in it. Arrived home to find a beautiful belated birthday present from Hayam. Salah has given me some answers to questions for my family history. What a lovely day and it’s not over yet; Mrs Deer is definitely back on the field.

Tuesday 11 August Phil’s birthday. Happy birthday gorgeous. It’s Ben’s birthday too. Hope you both have a good day. Another beautiful morning. Paul is still feeling ok and I had an excellent night’s sleep. Must have been all that swimming. We had a good cycle ride down through Heworth, along James Street and round the streets to Melbourne Street, then down to the river at Blue Bridge Lane where the Blue Bridge is still undergoing an upgrade. It was nice pedaling by the side of the river in the shade, but we stopped on the Millennium bridge for a while to watch the river traffic. Back down the other side and round to the Memorial garden for a sit in the shade again, then back home via the Minster. It was so hot, and there were plenty of visitors about. Ian, Maria and Gracie are coming up for a couple of days next week, hooray. We cut the lawns after lunch and had a much appreciated shower. Blood test results came back clear, so we are still struggling to understand why Paul was in so much pain, and why it has suddenly eased. Lovely family on-line chat in the evening. Hot muggy night. Wednesday 12 August Misty start which soon lifted. Paul is improving daily, but he was still glad to go through the Physio phone appointment, then he jumped on his bike and went for a paper. I went to post Josh’s birthday card after I had put the washing out. Saw Carrie at the Post Office and told her about Yearsley reopening; I think she was going straight home to book a swim. The farmer is harvesting a couple of fields away so there will be no sightings of deer for a few days. A Major Incident has been called following a horrific train derailment at Stonehaven early this morning. What a terrible thing to happen. The humidity levels are really high and I can’t see us getting any rain to clear the air, but they’ve had a sea fret on the coast. Paul had two bike rides today. That’s progress.

Thursday 13 August No sun today and there’s a northerly breeze, but it’s still warm. Paul turned over in bed and got another twinge, so it’s not completely gone. Paul C is going home today, apparently the medical staff feel they can treat him without a surgical procedure which is great news and Helen is understandably excited. Paul got on his motorbike and had a lovely ride. Got Audrey’s swim card so that I can re-activate it for her when I go to the pool today. Defrosted the fridge/freezer; what a job! Dad is so organized he does his once a month. Cycled to the pool and only three of us went in at 2.00pm. It was brilliant having a lane to myself for a few lengths, then Daphne arrived and one or two others. I’ve seen Glyn, Michael, Nicola and Dr Burgess today, and I’ve heard rather than seen Rick. I think he’s hoping to retire. Paul had a bike ride whilst I was swimming. Cut back some very long briars at the back. It’s wonderful having all that field and the Long Tailed Tits need somewhere to nest in spring but I do wish there wasn’t so much briar in our hedge. It seems that the train derailment was caused by a landslide following heavy rain near Aberdeen. Sadly three people died and many were injured. Dad had a funny turn today and ended up in A&E; they think he’s got a chest infection and the heat won’t have helped. Sasha has got her wedding outfit and Howard has just completed an 8 day bike ride of Staffordshire. Friday 14 August There’s a lot of cloud about. I’m meeting the girls for a coffee, and Paul is going to the supermarket without me. Double treat. The wind was against me cycling down Stockton Lane, so Ann, Anita and Gill were already at Dean’s by the time I arrived. It was great to see them all and we talked for a long time having a really good catch up. It got very hot after midday, but Paul and I had a bike ride after lunch, down Stockton Lane and Muncastergate and on to the bike track. It was nice riding in and out of the shade and catching the breeze. I pulled an easy chair into the garden, sat in the shade and carried on reading a book that Denise had lent me, ‘Where The Crawdads Sing’ by Delia Owens. What a brilliant story. Got the hose out and gave the garden a nice drink. Life has been really tough for Penny this year, coping with cancer treatment as well as lock-down. It makes me realise how lucky I am to have good health and can get out on my bike and go swimming. Paul C is home at last. Happy weekend Paul and Helen. Saturday 15 August Dull, cloudy day and a lot cooler. It would have been nice if we could have had several days of equable climate instead of blazing hot one day then cool the next. Mrs Deer was lying down in the middle of the field and a moggy was prowling around for meeces. Finished ‘Where The Crawdads Sing’, what a read, I found myself crying at the end. Now I’ve got to find a book to follow! Took a picnic and cycled up to The Homestead to meet Colin and Jo. It was lovely to see them after so long and we had a good catch up. (Lovely cake Jo, thanks). But in the end it was too chilly just sitting so we parted company and jumped back on our bikes to get warm. We rode down by the river, walked through the Museum Gardens and cycled round by the Minster and home. One thing is certain, as we pushed our way through the crowds you could see that York was definitely not short of visitors. Sunday 16 August Slept really soundly. We had a gentle rain last night, which was really needed. It was easier to clean and wash without all that heat draining my energy. We had separate bike rides today. Mine was to the Co-op and Paul’s was for exercise. Not many people about on foot but the roads were busy. Lovely BLT’s for lunch. Struggled to get the washing dry and gave up in the end. Dad sounded good when I rang him, in fact his speech was better than it’s been for a while. He said he was feeling much better after his trip to A&E. Full of praise for the Ambulance crew, Hospital staff and Fred for getting him back home safely. Nice to hear that Sue is getting out and about again. She's done really well. Monday 17 August Woken from a deep sleep by a thunderous downpour of rain. We needed it and it's cleared the air. The field is mainly occupied by Moles, Pigeons and Seagulls these days. Cycled down to get some dog food for Gracie’s visit, warm and loads of flies about. The Starlings are on the roof opposite which usually means it’s going to get warm and sunny but the forecast says no. Paul went off for a nice long bike ride and after a bit of ironing, I jumped on my bike and went for a swim. Lovely. Saw Daphne which was great because she follows me down the pool for a length and it makes me go faster. Came out to a hot, sunny afternoon; the Starlings were right after all. So glad that Paul and Paul C are better, it’s such a worry. Dad’s neighbour Debz got her flowers. Fred and I wanted to say thank you for being so kind to Dad. She’s been busy making face masks, even left one each for Fred and Dad. Her daughter Hope has got A* for her A levels, but it’s hardly surprising she’s very talented. Her exams were in the Arts, so she completed everything at home and her work

was properly marked. Congratulations Hope.

Tuesday 18 August

Slept badly but then I realised I was cold, so put on another layer. It was a damp start so we decided to go to Scarborough. All looked well traffic wise until we got to the roundabout and by that time it was too late to switch lanes, we were committed to going through the funnel of slow traffic. We did well and found a good parking spot and walked round to the Open Air Theatre where we got a drink, then the rain started, Paul hadn’t got a coat and suddenly remembered he hadn’t displayed the parking disc. By the time I’d walked back, displayed the disc, got his coat, twenty minutes later and the rain had stopped. We went round to the South Bay and had fish and chips and an ice cream from the Harbour Bar. Lovely. But it was teeming with people. No chance of social distancing whatsoever. It made a lovely change just getting out somewhere different. My Nematodes for treating Vine Weevil have arrived from Ladybird Plant Care so I got them watered in straight away.

Wednesday 19 August

Met Ann from Badminton at the Theatre Royal for a coffee, but it wasn’t open despite what their web-page says. Still, we went round the corner and found somewhere very nice instead. I wish I knew what the Railway Institute is playing at. The Government says they can open the badminton courts, but they remain closed even though all the sporting bodies have issued guidelines for Sports facilities and their members. Another popular sports venue that powerful people are trying to close. Town was very busy with tourists and there was quite a queue for admission to the Minster. Got some bits and bobs from Sainsbury’s then a quick lunch before jumping back on my bike to go swimming. Glad to see the man who enjoys telling everyone off was not at the desk. Got home before it rained seriously. Got a card to say that my shoes that I ordered months ago have sold out. Eh? I think they’ve overlooked the order; rotters.

Thursday 20 August The rain of last night has given way to a beautiful blue sky and sunny day, although it’s really windy. It was strange shopping on a Thursday, but much quieter and I needed food for our visitors. I was seeing to some washing when I heard a lot of twittering and I looked up to see a flight of Swallows overhead, swooping and skimming and having a lovely time. I can’t remember the last time I saw so many in one group. Maria and Ian have set off but Maria has forgotten her charger for her MacBook Pro and has to do some work tomorrow. Andrew next door has a Mac, but this wasn’t the same so I rang Graham at Byteguys, but as it’s the latest Mac he couldn’t help either. I’ve got a USB-A but this had to be a USB-C! Paul went to pick Maria, Ian and Gracie up from the station and suddenly there they all were in the kitchen. Gracie did several laps of the garden and had a good roll on the grass before coming to say hello. Discovered that you can use a USB charging cable for the Mac and Joanne, our other neighbour spotted one in Boots and sent us a photo. Ian can get one in the morning. Friday 21 August It’s a gale force wind out there and we’re getting a real battering. I slept badly and was up late and by the time I had eaten my breakfast Ian was back from Monks Cross. That must have been quite a bit of effort on a bike. At first it looked as if the charging cable wasn’t going to work, but then Ian and Maria went into town and when they got back the MacBook had charged sufficiently for Maria to continue. Paul and I took Gracie for a walk, but it was too unpleasant to stay out for long. I’ve read for most of the day. Maria and Ian walked Gracie down to the pub after tea, where they sat in the Beer Garden and Gracie scampered round the children’s outdoor toys. The wind slowly died down and we were left with a beautiful balmy evening.

Saturday 22 August A calmer day with a hint of rain. After all that inactivity yesterday, I slept soundly and was up and showered before anybody else. I let myself off my exercises for once, but not my breathing exercises. I have had far fewer asthma attacks since I’ve been doing them. Scotland still want Independence so they can rejoin Europe, but I seem to remember that Europe would not accept them on those terms. If Scotland goes in then there is a case for Catalonia and a whole host of others and it’s not viable. Phil and Ellie arrived about 11.00 and we all sat and chatted for a while, then Paul, Phil and Ian took Gracie off to Malton for a walk, whilst Ellie, Maria and I went up to John Lewis for a wedding outfit for me. There was a good selection and I found a really nice dress, the bonus being that a 20% mark down. Maria tried a dress on that looked gorgeous, but she will have another look on line before buying. We nipped over to Dean’s Garden Centre for a Crab Salad (the girls’ treat), truly delicious. Maria bought the dress later. Paul walked further than he has for a long time. Ian ordered a Chinese from Sun Lee on Clarence Street for our meal; there was so much food on the table we hardly had room for our plates! Delicious as always. Sunday 23 August It's finally stopped raining but it’s a bit cooler this morning. Everybody is up early as they have to get back. Phil has taken his model cars and his birthday present (at last). Gracie had a mad half hour racing round the garden before Ian and Maria left for their train, that means she will sleep on the journey. I set to and washed, ironed and hoovered. Suddenly the house is quieter and bigger but we do so love having them all here. Even nicer that they get on so well. Paul had a go at the new exercises the Physio gave him and he thinks they are going to help. He had a good long chat to Phil about back problems which helped a lot. Dad is fed up, he’s nearly 93 and lonely and so far away that there is little I can do to help. Thank goodness he can depend on Fred who goes twice a week and takes care of his needs. A woman in Beirut spent 20 years reassembling a stained glass window which was almost destroyed in the troubles, only to have it shattered in the recent bomb blast. She’s going to start again, now that's dedication, good luck this time sweetheart. Monday 24 August Nice sunny morning. Paul is washing the car for the first time in months! It’s great that he’s up to it. Audrey rang to ask for the name of our plumber, she’s having one of those periods where everything is going wrong. TV, mobile phone, shower….. She has also stopped listening to the news, it is so gloomy. Art and swimming today, my two favourites. They were cutting trees down next to Denise’s house and the extra light was incredible. Mark made us excellent Grandad chips and Moira brought a pizza from M&S so we had our usual munch and catch up whilst we painted. We saw photos of Denise and Mark’s family holiday in Scotland and I showed the wee video of Gracie racing round and round our garden. I cycled down to Yearsley and again, it was lovely to see people I hadn’t seen for months. Kerry was on reception and Wendy and Rachel were in the pool. I managed to get back to my normal amount of lengths too. It was red hot when I left the pool to cycle home; I shed my jumper and was glad I didn’t take a coat. Paul had been into town and pottered about doing a few jobs whilst I was gone. Mrs Deer quietly grazing on the field tonight.

Tuesday 25 August Wet and windy, as promised. Paul had a hair appointment at 9.30 so we went down in the car and I parked and waited in Daphne’s drive, bless her. Thank you Daphne. Instead of going straight home, we whizzed off to Malton to get more supplies for another wedding cake. The rain eased up a bit and it was good to get out and do something positive. Lots of traffic coming back from the coast. One deer dead on the side of the road going, and one on the way back. The problem is the woods on both sides and the deer needing to cross a main, busy road. Rule Britannia will only be played at Last Night of The Proms, not sung. Can't help but think our heritage is in danger. Chiropractor in the afternoon and at last Paul thinks he can feel some benefit. Rain and yet more rain. What is happening to people? As the lock-down has gone on there seems to be more incidents of rudeness, intolerance and in some cases, bloody mindedness. Behavioral psychologists must be having a field day for both young and old. Teenagers in Scotland back at school are discovering that being with their friends is far better than on-line friendships.

Wednesday 26 August Tomasz Schafernaker said this was going to be the best day of the week; maybe, if you like rain that is. Three deer on the field this morning, something must have scared them as they dashed along following two pigeons who also took off in fright. I washed, hoovered and set off for the pool for a lovely swim. Daphne was already in when I got there. Saw Rick in person! Wow, he looks so well, furlough has really suited him. I told him to make sure he’s looking after Rachel as she will have worked none stop throughout. It did dry up later and I did get my washing dry, but the sunshine was quite fleeting. Paul C is feeling a lot better and wanting to do things but he has to take it steady for now at least. A pigeon flew into the window with a crash, made me jump out of my skin. It flew off again, but I bet it's got a nasty headache. Really enjoyed reading Alice’s latest blog. She’s been to Birmingham, a place I love and Berlin, a place I’ve never been to but would like to, and enjoyed every moment from the sound of things. Thursday 27 August It started off well enough. Bit cloudy and cool, then the sun had a burst through. Three deer and one on the field. I wonder if it’s a social thing like with horses when they shun an errant animal until it is ready to accept the rules of the herd? Beautiful, shy creatures. Paul had a follow-up call from the Physio to see how he is doing. We went up to M&S for a suit for Paul for the wedding and found something he liked almost immediately. Nice fit on the jacket but we had to order the trousers. The suit was on discount and so is my Sparks card, so Paul was very happy with the price. We cycled down to the Co-op for some bread and milk after lunch. There had been a shower and it was overcast so Paul headed home but I had a ride and ended up in town which was very busy. It started to rain again just as I came out of Boyes store and stopped just as I got home, but the air was muggy and unpleasant and it was no surprise when we got heavy rain and a rumble of thunder a bit later. TV is basically rubbish at the moment with repeat after dreary repeat, but we saw the last of Mandy last night. Diane Morgan is so original and funny, now I could watch her work again.

Friday 28 August A damp start and it really didn’t get any better. We got off to the supermarket early and just got back before it threw it down. I caught the last glimpse of a deer scut from the kitchen window, I think it was a deer going into the copse to escape the rain. I weighed up the fruit for the wedding cake and left it to soak up some brandy overnight. Didn’t go for a swim until 3pm today and it was just as nice. What was even nicer was the news that morning swims commence 14 September. Lovely Kerry was on reception, she certainly deserves the award she got for customer service as you can always rely on her to sort out a problem. Left a note with Audrey for her daughter to sort out Audrey’s membership as she is raring to get back in the pool. My shoes arrived; beautiful but they don’t fit. I might just stick with the ones I’ve got.

Saturday 29 August Happy birthday to Hayam. There is a definite change in the weather and although it’s not raining it looks as if it wants to. We decided to go to Castleford for a ride out. It was slightly better there, dry anyway and very busy. We had lunch in one of the market cafes and there was so much food I think we may not need tea. The volume of traffic going to the coast amazed me, I hope they’ve all taken their woolly jumpers. Fed up of sticking the elastic back on to Face-masks, they are very shoddily made. I shall take Maria up on her offer of handmade ones. We stopped off at M&S to collect Paul’s suit trousers which sadly don’t fit, so it’s back to the store tomorrow to start again. I’ve looked on-line and we should be ok, as long as they have what we want! I tried to buy train tickets for next Saturday, but the East Coast Mainline will be closed for essential maintenance so I had to get creative. York to Leeds to Sheffield to Derby and just as bad on the way back. But I want to go to Ellie’s Hen/Craft do and where there’s a will there’s a way. Nice chat with Fred, always good to catch up and know he’s ok.

Sunday 30 August The Bank Holiday already and the year is slipping away. It’s dark at 8.30 pm. Three deer on the field, one of them a fawn. They are like children who seem to grow very fast when you haven’t seen them for a while. The windscreen wipers on the car have stopped working, so Paul is trying to work out why and how to fix them. To M&S to exchange the suit. This time we got a better fit and Paul looks smart and handsome. I finally got cracking with the wedding cake and the fruit was nicely marinated in the brandy. I’ve been looking at breathing exercises because apparently we don’t really fill our lungs properly so I’m pretty pleased with myself for doing them. They help reduce stress and all sorts of niggling health issues. Sat on the bench and read in the last of the sun before it slipped round the side of the house. The only sound was a Buzzards cry as it flew over. Perfect peace. The moon was bright and almost full and made ghostly figures of the deer out on the field.

Monday 31 August A newspaper headlined ‘Colder Than Christmas’, they must go somewhere hot for theirs because Bank Holiday Monday was gorgeous! Three deer on the field. I opened the window wide to let in the fresh air and chucked a wasp out five minutes later. We cycled up to M&S to take back the surplus trousers then took a long route back round by Monkton Avenue and into Muncastergate where I got lost, I’d never been that way before and it was lovely. We ended up on the bike track where all the signs of autumn are appearing. Loads of Rose Hips, Hawthorn covered in red berries, Sloes, Damsons, Elderberries and brambles. Some good additions to Gin there. Geoff has lost his outlet for his woodcarvings and he makes such beautiful things. (I can put you in touch if anyone is interested for Christmas gifts). We cut the lawns back and front and enjoyed the sun and the peace and quiet. The moon is almost full, it is big and a buttery yellow shining on three ghostly shapes gently grazing on the field.

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