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Writer's pictureHedy Parkin

April 2021 – The Countdown to Freedom begins

Thursday 1 April

Happy Birthday Brennan, 18, where did the years go? Wishing you a happy and successful life sweetheart. All Fool’s day and there were some good jokes around, including the weather! I think we had five minutes of sunshine at 1pm but the rest was really cold. My knees felt ok so we went for a bike ride; first to the Co-op for some milk, then down by the chickens on to the Bike track. The wind was behind us to start with and we zipped along. The blossom is really beautiful now as Camellias and Magnolias join the display. I am so sad for my dear friend James whose beloved dog Daisy has died. RIP little one. I love the beautiful photos posted by im_finethank_you and creature_fear90 on Instagram. My sister-in-law Anne and my nephew Rob also post some amazing shots. Rob's are usually views from his kayak; gorgeous, but the sea always looks very cold. Phil and Ellie have finished the garden; what a magnificent job and huge thanks to Sooz and Tom for their helping hands. Friday 2 April Good Friday, not meaning Good that Christ was crucified but Good as in the old English meaning of Holy. So Holy Friday really. A gambling boss has earned £469 million pounds in one year. Just think of it, earning £469 million pounds on the back of ruined lives and misery. The sun came out despite the weather forecast, which added a bit of warmth, but it’s still a cool breeze. The supermarkets were chocca, I wondered if everyone was stocking up for a minimal garden party or just out to have a good time. Restrictions have been lifted for all people who have been self-isolating for the last year. I can’t begin to imagine how they must feel as it must be pretty scary to suddenly leave the protection of your home after so long in confinement. Our bike ride today took us down the cycle track and into Lidl for some delicious Pastéis de nata (Portuguese custard tarts), yum, yum. Then on to Dodsworth and back through Muncastergate, Straylands, down Stockton Lane and home. Well, you have to earn your treats. Macron has replaced Boris as the buffoon of Europe. Take the blinkers off man. Millions of French people are suffering because of your obstinacy.

Saturday 3 April

The field which has worn its winter coat for so long is now trimmed with white as the Blackthorn comes into blossom. Spring is making its mark. Molly, James, Finn and Freda had a garden meet-up with Phil and Ellie and Finn helped to plant some seeds. It doesn’t get any warmer. There has been a vote of support for the UK and Boris from the Prime Minister of Montenegro, he sounds like a very level-headed man. I’ve just finished reading Hamnet by Maggie O’Farrell and it’s a book I can recommend. The characters are alive, they have purpose and bring depth to a story that just flows. Excellent read. The Venetians have banned cruise ships from entering the lagoons in Venice to preserve the city; it should have been done a long time ago. We had a ride through to Malton today, the first time for months. It seemed strange seeing all the shops shut, but most of them have a sign in the window announcing that they would reopen on 12 April. Yippee. It was fairly quiet, but nice in the sunshine. We got a bit bored with the usual ride down the cycle track, so we did it the other way round for a change. Thank you Hayam for telling me about the spectacular parade of 22 Royal Mummies which took place in Cairo. They were driven in special caskets three miles through streets lined with excited Egyptians, from the Egyptian Museum to the new National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat.

Sunday 4 April

Easter Sunday in the Christian calendar. The sun is shining down from a blue sky which belies the cold wind, but with another layer on who cares? I wish somebody would explain to me what this woke lark is about? Why can’t people call a spade a spade instead of bastardising normal everyday speech? Sharon Stone says that ‘People have gone berserk with what is offensive’. I couldn’t agree more. I read that Tony Blair hated being Prime Minister! That made me laugh out loud. Paul went for a good bike ride, but it was too windy for me, so I went for a walk instead. He said it was very busy in town with people enjoying the sunshine and looking round for a take-away drink. There were loads of boats out on the river too. We sat on the bench in the garden for our lunch, and stayed reading for a while, but got driven in by the strong wind in the end. The Oxford/Cambridge boat race was held on the Great Ouse in Cambridgeshire this year for safety reasons. Cambridge won both the Ladies' and Men's races.

Monday 5 April Easter Monday. The sky is blue, the sun is high and the wind cuts through you like a knife. Ian said they had snow in London. We didn’t here, but it was certainly cold enough. Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland are beginning to question their status within the EU brought about by the fiasco with Covid and the treatment meted out to the UK because of Brexit. We went down to Newton’s to see what it said about reopening and booking hair appointments for Paul, so now he knows he can ring tomorrow. The sooner he gets there the better. We cut the lawns, front and back, but it was far too cold to stay out for long and as the backroom was warm as toast in the sunshine, we sat and read. Maria’s parents in Colombia have been vaccinated at last. They spent Easter in the country and it looked gorgeous. Wish I was there!

Tuesday 6 April Bright blue sky but a freezing early morning cycle into town for my eye test. My appointment was for 9am, but I wasn't taken in until 9.15 for the first stage and had to wait ten more minutes for my test. It’s a good job I wasn’t on a parking meter. Ian alerted us to the awful news that Paul Ritter has died of a brain tumour. What a fabulous actor he was, and he gave us so much to laugh about as Martin in Friday Night Dinner. RIP Paul, you will be greatly missed. They were queuing at B&Q but we moved quickly and soon got what we needed. I wanted to be outside but it was just too cold and unpleasant, then at lunchtime a few little flakes of snow fluttered down and passed away peacefully on the grass. Phil Wang was in York today for some of the filming in the series that Ian set up. Unfortunately, he can’t join them because of Covid, but all is going well so far. I’ve just booked my first swim at Yearsley on Monday morning, yippee! See you there Daphne. Another flurry of snow at 4.00pm.

Wednesday 7 April

Suddenly time is flying by, it could be because we are able to do a bit more now. It sounds as if Denise is on the mend after her operation; take it steady sweetheart. Another bright, cold day. Paul went to collect his new glasses, what a price! A Seal has been rescued with a plastic ring round its neck that had to be cut away and a Red Kite was photographed with a takeaway beaker in its talons. It highlights our litter problem which seems to have got worse just of late. There are scenes where people have left so much rubbish after a picnic you would think they'd brought it from home; who are these people? It’s funny, you never see them dropping litter, but it’s there. Then there are the wonderful people who go round with bags and litter pickers trying to clear up. If I were a mouse I could be interested in a sweet smelling juice bottle, climb in, then get trapped and not get out. It all makes me really angry.

Thursday 8 April

It doesn’t get any warmer. Joyce and Rod woke to find Mrs Duck swimming around in their little garden pond this morning. What a lovely surprise. Germany are negotiating with Russia for their supply of Covid vaccines, does that mean they will get on with vaccinating the population? Northern Ireland have had another night of violence; it’s sad when people spend so much time fighting. What a waste of energy that just leads to pointless destruction. I understand that they are going to ban singing in all the Province’s schools after the Easter holidays. No joy there either. Friday tomorrow and I’m holding my breath; I’ve not had a flare-up for just over two weeks.

Friday 9 April

Happy Birthday Joyce. Have a super day sweetheart. A better day than the weather forecast but not for the Queen sadly, as HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh has died. He was 99. RIP. Better news for Kate Garraway as her husband is finally allowed home from hospital after a horrible year long battle with Covid. He’s still not better but being at home may improve his chances enormously. We nipped off to the supermarket early and it was nice and quiet. There is a little clump of Celandines at the side of the drive that I should have weeded a long time ago; except they are so beautiful, especially when the sun shines and they hold their heads up, they look as if they are smiling. Daphne has had her drive done which means the new car has to stay in the street for a couple of days. Bad timing there Daphne. We scattered some fertiliser on the grass and watered it in, hopefully it will do it some good. Had a nice bike ride out along the bike track, round by Dodsworth Avenue and straight into a headwind down Stockton Lane. Still, it’s good exercise.

Saturday 10 April

Happy Birthday Paula, I hope you enjoy this lovely bright, sunny spring day. There is to be an eight day period of national mourning for Prince Philip, but no state funeral as he had already made it known that he wished for a quiet event in St Georges Chapel, Windsor. There were 21 gun salutes for HRH at various venues in the country, and flags are flying at half mast for the seven day official period of mourning. The media have gone to town and had programmes about Prince Philip on all four main channels. Normal viewing was cancelled as they concentrated on his life and times. My hand is getting better at last, hooray, and my knees still feel ok. Fingers crossed. By the time we reached Helmsley the sky had clouded over and it was quite cool without the sun, but there were plenty of people about and it was easy to get a drink and a sandwich. We had a good walk and when we got back to the car we felt the first signs of rain. A flock of sheep had just started to stray across the road when we got to the bottom of Sutton Bank and although I tried to ring the Police I gave up in the end. It was all, dial this, tap that, hang on. I did try. Anyway, a few miles down the road we were passed by a high speed sporty job. A Police car seemed to be waiting in a side road, but he didn’t come out to start with then he tucked in behind us. Later we saw a Policeman at the side of the road with a stinger, so something was up. Rachael Blackmore is the first woman jockey to win the Grand National. Sunday 11 April

A bright sunny start followed a wintry night and a frost. Mrs Deer was almost under my window when I looked out. Unbelievable, some moron has sprayed his Tag on the South Transept door, and on the door to the south west of York Minster in lime green paint! That will take some shifting. Spare a thought for the people of the Caribbean Island of St Vincent where the La Soufrière volcano erupted on Friday and has been spewing out lava and ash ever since covering most of the country. We had a bike ride before lunch and I was surprised at how quiet it was, especially on the bike track. Both my hand and knees were ok, and I had fun overtaking Paul for a change. The rats are back, so we will stop feeding the birds sadly. The birds seem to stay away when the rats are around anyway, but Paul has greased the bird feeder pole with mucky oil; the rats don’t like that. Dad was quite gloomy when I rang, but he is in pain a lot from the Arthritis in his back.

Monday 12 April

A day for rejoicing as we reach Stage 2 of the Roadmap. I was up early with the sun, and whilst it melted the frost I went for a swim. Yearsley Pool was as friendly and welcoming as ever and it was wonderful to slip into the water and swim. I’m still feeling cautious, so I didn’t overdo it. I met up with Daphne on the way in to greet Helen and Rick on reception. It was lovely to see Nicola and Mick in the pool, then Hilary arrived and there were lots of smiling faces and a general air of excitement as we were all so glad to get back to it. I was so eager to get in the pool that I forgot to wear my goggles, I paid for it later with sore eyes and a runny nose. The library was open so I was able to collect some books. Press reports say that the town was very busy, and it’s good to know that it was business as usual. Paul noticed the pubs were busy outside as he went past on his bike.

Tuesday 13 April

It’s still very dry and bright, but cold. By the time Ann and Anita arrived for coffee, the sun was shining down on the garden and there was no fear of being cold. It was all so lovely and peaceful with just the birds singing happily in the sunshine. Gill couldn’t join us as she managed to put her back out helping move Ben and Emma into their first home. Take it easy Gill and get better soon. Lovely house Ben and Emm, I hope you will be very happy there. I cycled down to M&S for a few things, and it was so nice just to wander in and shop, even for me as I’m not a shopper really. But I am fed up of peering at the laptop and ordering on-line. I’m engrossed in The Glass House by Eve Chase which is a bit removed from my usual thriller/detective/psychological type, but it’s so well written I can’t put it down. Watched the first in the series of All That Glitters. Not keen on the judges or the way Katherine Ryan presents it, but the contestants are clearly talented and I’m looking forward to seeing how they develop.

Wednesday 14 April

It was lovely at 7.30 as I set off for the pool. The air was soft, the sun was up and the birds were singing, such a peaceful scene. My swimming hat worked and kept my locks dry, but it was an odd sensation wearing one after so many years not bothering because my hair was short. ‘Dodgy Dave’ Cameron has been using his influence to lobby Ministers and has raised a real stink in Parliament. He’s not very different from Tony Blair, a puffed-up windbag with plenty of money and too great a sense of importance. Rachel Riley is expecting her second child, how lovely. She has made such a happy family with Pasha. The Council has resurfaced Fishergate! Lucky beggars. More should be spent on resurfacing instead of patching. We can manage without new recycling bins and vanity schemes, just give us some decent roads. Watched Sewing Bee. We both love it, but we could have done without Top of the Pops being played at 20 decibels and I don’t think Joe Lycett can get any camper.

Thursday 15 April

Gorgeous morning. I am so re-energised by swimming that I’m getting up earlier. Sweden is having a bad time with Covid. Agneta says that the over eighties are just beginning to get vaccinated, whereas 60% of our adult population have been done. As the USA pull out of Afghanistan, the Taliban say they have won the war. I don’t think I could be proud of prolonging so much hate and devastation. I felt as if I had wings on my bike as I rode to East Parade. There has been one deer on the field all week. Yesterday two more appeared, but they did not join up, in fact they chased off the lone male this morning. We were driving through Strensall Common when a deer ran across our path; it gave us quite a turn and luckily it was alone.

Friday 16 April

Another glorious morning. I took Audrey swimming and she was so delighted to be back in the pool. She’s very dodgy on her pins, so I kept a good hold on her. The staff were very kind as well, someone opened a side door for us so that we didn’t have to walk all the way round the building to get to the car. The supermarket wasn’t too busy so we were in and out, then we sat in the sunshine on the bench. The sign on the mail box said ‘No Junk Mail’. It had me laughing out loud as the house was so like a major junk yard, you couldn’t even get through the gate! Two pairs of ears sticking up are the only indication that the deer are on the field. Despite the sun, it was cool in the shade, but we enjoyed a good bike ride and a Snickers as a treat. Woah! Angela Merkel has had her first Astra/Zeneca jab. What has Kathryn Ryan done to herself? Botox and blown-up lips have really spoilt her.

Saturday 17 April

Another sad day for the Queen as she attends the funeral of her dear husband and partner of 73 years. Another sad death today too, the actress Helen McCrory has died from cancer at the age of 52. RIP Helen. But life for us goes on and it is another glorious day. Three deer on the field and the traffic on the A64 going to the coast is getting back to normal. Good old Vaseline, it’s the only thing restoring my hands after the ravages of the anti-bacterial hand gel. There was a minute silence at 3 o’clock for Prince Philip, a 21 gun salute from various places around the country, and a special service in York Minster. Beverley was lovely in the sunshine, and people were happy to be out and about. I Can See Your Voice began tonight. Who dreamt up this load of codswallop, it’s pathetic?

Sunday 18 April

Carole’s birthday. Happy birthday sweetheart, I can’t believe I forgot your card but I hope you had a great day. The month is going quickly and the nights are drawing out. Anne rang this morning whilst she was out walking Rusty, and we had a lovely catch-up. Congratulations to Brennan who has got a job with Tokyo Industries in what was Terry’s café, then Carluccio’s in St Helen’s Square. He will be working as a Commis Pâtissier chef. Three deer on the field when I went for my shower, but just the one sitting down when I came back. A Skylark was singing as we set off for our cycle ride. We rode down Stockton Lane, over to Muncastergate, across the river, circling the city. I’ve seen it busier, but there was a bite to the breeze despite the warm sunshine. It was nice just to sit in the summer house and read for the rest of the day. Dad sounded ok when I made my usual teatime phone call. Call The Midwife is back, great stuff.

Monday 19 April

I had my swim and been to the hospital all before 9.00 am, so I headed off home for breakfast before popping round to see Denise and Mark. D looks really well after her operation, and she says she is feeling much better. Hopefully we can start our Art sessions again after 17 May. The cold front that looked as if it was going to spoil the day, quickly lifted and when the sun came out it was beautiful. We went up to B&Q for another kitchen tap as the last one is leaking, but where the metal hasn’t been moulded properly and not from the joints! I was going to do some cleaning but ended up making carriers for our two picnic chairs as the covers they came with were rubbish. I was just in time to see the fox scurrying down the field on his evening food foraging trip. Paul is happy, MotoGP is back on a Monday night.

Tuesday 20 April

Another bonnie morning and we were both up and about bright and early. Paul fixed the new kitchen tap and this time we will keep a note of its guarantee. I picked Sue A up at 11.00 from Monkgate and we drove up to Meadlands Mews so that she could see the Blackthorn in blossom and also know where to come for the Sloes in the autumn. It’s a long time since she’s been out so far, and the pleasure was obvious. Then we drove up to Askham Bar for her second Covid vaccination before I dropped her at home. Paul was out with Colin so I sat on the bench with my sandwich and a drink before watering the garden. It’s been so dry. There’s a report out that Rowntrees may have benefitted from the Slave Trade. We can’t tear history up, we have to put it in context, learn from it and move on. The deer are losing their dark winter coats already. Minh’s husband has had one Lung removed because of cancer and she is waiting to hear about getting him back home to look after.

Wednesday 21 April

The Queen’s official birthday. Happy birthday ma’am. It’s much cooler this morning. The deer that I could see from the kitchen window gently grazing, had not moved far by the time I got back from my swim. Carol said that Ann could not come swimming because of the on-line booking system. What a pain, I miss seeing her too, she is always so cheerful. It was nice to see Caro D in the pool and have a quick catch-up. She told me about the Fairy Village on the Foss; I must go and investigate sometime. Where has all the Tagliatelle gone? Every time I go into a supermarket, I look on the shelves, but even Pasta is in short supply. Derek Chauvin has been charged with the murder of George Floyd. The man was no saint, but everybody deserves justice, and it was the right verdict.

Thursday 22 April

Stephen Lawrence Day, another one who deserved justice. India is in Covid meltdown with up to 2,000 people dying each day. James Dyson and Boris have cooked up a storm with a tax fiddle. What is it about these multi-billionaires that they don’t want to pay taxes like the rest of us? They are not just greedy, but also very needy. Bridlington was glorious in the sunshine, and we just managed to get a parking space by the harbour. Rod and Joyce were at the north end and walked down the Esplanade to meet us. Much to our delight we also bumped in to Helen and Paul as we walked along the Prom. Fish and chips were the order of the day and we managed to eat ours without losing any to the Seagulls who swiped a sausage off one lady. Her little daughter was really cross, and gave chase; she wanted it back! We didn’t escape either as one bird left a deposit on Paul’s jacket.

Friday 23 April

St George’s Day, patron saint of England although there is no evidence that he ever came to England or slew a dragon. It was a beautiful morning and I listened to a Skylark soaring as I set off to collect Audrey and take her swimming. They finished Daphne’s driveway today and it looked very smart. Another job ticked off the list. I went for a walk along the River Foss to see the Fairy Houses and wasn’t disappointed, they are so sweet. Oh India, my heart goes out to your people. Why do those with the least always get the worst of it. Yippee, the Sub- Post Masters have finally been exonerated in their battle against the Post Office for Fraud. Now let’s see the people who managed this appalling injustice brought to book. The female Mallard in Rod’s garden laid an egg on the path and then cleared off; so he had it for breakfast.

Saturday 24 April

Mrs Deer is still out on the field, on her own, gently grazing. She looks so peaceful. Israel have recorded no further deaths from Covid which is a real vindication of their vaccination scheme. I’m with James Martin who is unhappy at the way Vegan's are trying to make us feel guilty about what we eat. My diet is healthy enough, I want to enjoy my food and I’m an omnivore not a rabbit. The queue to have our second vaccine was really long, but as before it was well organised. We had a ride through to Malton to buy a couple of bits and bobs. It was quiet, but then it was late and despite the sunshine the wind was really keen. Fred went to collect Dad from the hairdresser, but Minh’s chair has been moved to a new room. As each of them walked through the Salon to find Minh they inadvertently came across a half-naked lady lying face down having a tattoo. I'd loved to have seen Dad's face. Watched the last episode of Deutschland ‘89. Excellent ending and such a good series set at the time when the Berlin Wall came down and Germany was unified.

Sunday 25 April

Still no rain, but I’m not complaining, honest. No side effects from the second Covid jab except a dribbly nose. Woohoo! The back lawn is covered in Dandelions and this year I am leaving them so that the Chaffinches can have the seed heads. The garden is blue with Bluebells, Forget-Me-Nots and Vinca Major. The Cherry Tree is in full bloom, the pink vying with the deeper pink of the Apple Blossom and out in the fields the yellow of Oil Seed Rape stretches for miles. Paul’s back is bad again and we are back to daily massage. Sue M has fallen whilst out with the dog and broken her wrist in two places. Ouch. You have my sympathy, Sue. Hanging the washing out seemed to have coincided with bath time as bird after bird flew down and had a splash. It tickled me, especially as I was completely ignored.

Monday 26 April

What a nice swim. I was back home, hair dried, washing in, breakfast done and back out cycling into town by 10 o’clock. It’s amazing how many people were out and about, even on a Monday, sitting having coffee in the sunshine. By the time I’d cut the back lawn I was ready for lunch and a sit down. Ian’s film was really good and Phil Wang was a great choice as a presenter. Gill and John have got as far as Bude on their resumption of the South West Coastal Walk. There were two deer on the field first thing, then I saw the Fox, and later two pairs of ears sticking up where Mrs Deer and friend had sat down. I’ve just discovered Yarn Bombing, what a wonderful idea and so cheerful. These are photos of Post Boxes from Malton and Filey.

Tuesday 27 April

A cooler morning, but still no rain. Daphne came for coffee and brought some delicious treats, but I was disappointed for her that the deer were nowhere to be seen, just a lonely pheasant on the field. My knees were swollen yesterday as I had overdone it, so I took it easy for the rest of the day. Paul went to meet Colin. They had a bit of a bike ride and a sandwich in Rowntree Park, and he just got home before it rained. Rain, much needed and short lived, but not before Andrew rang to let us know that one or our fall pipes was leaking, so Paul had to get wet having a look. A job for tomorrow I think. More comes out every day about the Post Office scandal, but they need a public enquiry and a few heads to roll for the shameful, bullying tactics used on the innocent Sub-Postmasters.

Wednesday 28 April

Sleep was slow to come last night, but I still managed to get up for my swim ok. It was lovely to see Kerry at the pool today, especially as she has moved to a new coordinator’s role and sadly won’t be around much anymore. The wind has turned again and without the sun it feels really cold. Helen and Paul came after lunch and we had a pleasant afternoon catch-up, they are such good fun. Sasha has been Wild Water swimming, it looked rather chilly to me; brrrr, she needed more than a hat. Corin said she also was swimming in the river, watched by deer on the embankment. That’s special. There wasn’t even a pheasant on the field today, I hope it’s nothing to do with the fox! What a load of hot air about refurbishing the flat at No 10. It's a public building. The Mansion House in York had millions spent on it, but nobody expected the incumbent Lord Mayor to pay.

Thursday 29 April

Sharley’s birthday, although it’s yesterday now in Australia. Happy birthday gorgeous. The weather has gone backwards, but at least we’ve had some rain. The row with the EU and Brexit is still rumbling on but has anyone noticed the reports that the EU is facing bankruptcy as so many firms are unable to work because of the various States’ lockdowns. I’ve been listening to The Great Post Office Trial on BBC Radio 4, it’s a chilling tale. We drove up to Dunelm to look at Mattress Toppers. Paul still can’t make his mind up if he should try one to help with his back. Beningbrough looked sad in the wet, but the blossom on the trees down the avenue to the gates of the hall didn’t disappoint.

Friday 30 April

Marcia was in the pool today, first time I’ve seen her to speak to for over a year and I wasn’t the only one pleased to see her. Saw Irene too; she’s had another grandchild and I’m really quite envious. Vegan butchers? What’s that all about? A bronze statue of Captain Sir Tom Moore is being created in York, due to be finished on the anniversary of his birthday. There are areas of the country where there have been no Covid deaths recorded. Somebody is trying to stir up trouble for Boris, which isn't hard to do and now it’s the scandal of easy access to his mobile phone. I’m sorry Boris, but really, just how daft is that? What a dreadful shock in Israel with all those poor people crushed to death following a Lag B'omer religious festival. I can't believe it's May tomorrow.

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7 comentarios

12 may 2021

Finally finished your April days (can’t access when walking the SWCP)! Good to relax to with a coffee and be reminded of the other things that have happened in the World, as well as your daily ‘doings’! Thanks for keeping me grounded, Hedy.

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Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
12 may 2021
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Thank you Gill, you deserve a rest after all that walking. I love reading about your exploits too. I hope the sun keeps shining for you both. Take care

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01 may 2021

Another busy month Hedy, you make the most of everyday. Update on the Mallard, she is nesting next door ! Rod

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Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
01 may 2021
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Thanks for the update Rod. Mrs Duck obviously thinks you can't be trusted with her offspring 🤦.

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01 may 2021

Always a pleasure to read Hedy, it’s amazing how you manage to capture every small detail..& we are totally hooked on these day to day journey’s. Thank you.

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Hedy Parkin
Hedy Parkin
12 may 2021
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How lovely, thank you Daphne. I occasionally take a look back and surprise myself at how life has changed since lockdown started. Take care

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